Chapter Five : All Mine

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They managed to find a car and a gas station wasn't too far away either. Megumi grabbed as many gas cans as he could, making sure to fill the car up before driving. He had to hot-wire but it wasn't too difficult and they did run into some of the dead but it wasn't too much of a struggle to be rid of those ones.

"I... didn't want to upset... Megumi." Sukuna says after the silence becomes too oppressing. Megumi had never raised his voice at him before. He's aware the situation was intense and happening far too fast, it was overwhelmingly stressful and instincts were clashing. He thought he was doing the right thing to keep Megumi safer and Sukuna is incapable of understanding why Megumi would care for that animal.

     Sukuna has never cared for anything. Arguably, he's beginning to consider that Megumi might be the first thing–no, not thing, but the first person that Sukuna has shown signs of caring for. All Sukuna thought about in that moment was Megumi's safety. To get the pretty boy as far away from those moving corpses as possible so that he didn't die and becoming one of the infected.

    "I do not care... for things weaker than me. Useless. Pathetic beings. I... want to destroy what is weak in my eyes." Sukuna explains so that Megumi could understand him better. Megumi still doesn't say anything, contemplating how to respond but Sukuna mistakes it for Megumi purposely ignoring him out of spite. Sukuna swallows thickly, reminded of the isolation in the asylum.

    Only twice was he allowed socialization. Years apart, these two times. The second was when he met another patient, a suicidal boy named Choso who was around the same age as him. Choso is the one who did Sukuna's tattoos and they both were severely punished. Choso had told Sukuna that his brother snuck the kit in so Choso could practice on the silicon skin that his brother also snuck in but Choso was confident he was ready for the real thing.

    That was so long ago, Sukuna had forgotten all about it until right this moment. That's when the isolation became permanent for him. His mother never visited and none of the personnel spoke or acknowledged him when he spoke. As if he didn't exist. Just an unfixable, unwanted child abandoned by its mother who claimed him to be unlovable.

     "I did not want Megumi to... to get hurt." Sukuna struggles, becoming more anxious by the second. Megumi frowns, glancing at Sukuna beside him.

     "I know that–"

      "Don't... don't ignore me. Don't hate me for not... for not understanding you." Sukuna clenches his jaw, furious with himself for lacking so much when it comes to Megumi's needs. Expressing his thoughts is so grueling, at one point he had accepted he wouldn't get a response so he stopped trying.

    Megumi slows the car down on the side of the near empty road. He grabs the front of Sukuna's shirt, pulling the uneasy alpha towards him.

     His lips brush against Sukuna's, deepening the kiss to further make his point. Sukuna grabs Megumi's upper arm, pulling him closer. Bonds are complex and this undefinable relationship is not one Sukuna is willing to surrender. Megumi is his, they are going to survive together and he's not willing to let Megumi go without a fight.

     When they finally part, Megumi has a flush on his cheeks and his lips are slightly swollen. Sukuna's gaze darkens, arousal causing his cock to harden. He wants, wants, wants and there's a voice in the back of his head that is urging him to do things he never thought of before.

     "People fight, it's normal. Sort of. I hope." Megumi grins, and Sukuna cups Megumi's face, kissing him impatiently once more. Megumi whimpers, reciprocating the affection while his hands unbutton his jeans. He only parts from Sukuna briefly to tug his pants off of him.

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