Chapter Eight : All Your Tears

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Megumi is well rested but the downfall is he feels like a complete joke. Sukuna hasn't teased him for being such a crybaby but it doesn't take away his own humiliation.

"Hey, uh, I kinda showed some embarrassing sides of myself. Crying and just looking like a mess. Let's just forget about it, pretend it never happened." Megumi scratches the back of his neck, avoiding Sukuna's eyes.

"I want to see all of Megumi." Sukuna's eyebrow twitches, confused as to why Megumi would feel uncomfortable when he hasn't done anything wrong. He pulls the shorter closer, nuzzling against Megumi's soft cheek. Megumi's tension eases as he breathes in Sukuna's scent which has become so familiar.

These kind of emotions are dangerous. Plus, there are more important things to be worrying about. "Come on big guy, we're almost to my sister." Megumi pulls away, getting into the driver's seat. Sukuna almost looks disappointed but it's gone from his face just as quickly as it comes.

    Sukuna is much more attentive this time as Megumi drives, watching his every move. The CD music plays loud enough to hear but not too much where it's a clear signal conversation isn't permitted.

     Megumi is lost in his thoughts about how his sudden crybaby behavior reminds him of an incident at the orphanage. His sister still speaks of it with frustration, profanities pouring out of her as she speaks of the people involved.

     Tears pool in Megumi's eyes, his bottom lip quivering but the tears don't fall. He tries his best to hold them back, the wound on his knee bleeding and dripping down his leg. One of the other children at the orphanage continuously bullies him and this time around, he shoved Megumi down the stairs.

     "Megumi?!" His sister rushes to him, eyes widened as she takes in the situation. Her jaw clenches, "Tell me the truth, that little brat did this to you didn't he?"

      "No, Miki, you c-can't tell." Megumi pleads, grabbing onto his sister. "The mean ladies will scold me." He cries, the tears finally streaming down his face.

     Tsumiki wraps her arms around her little brother, angry at the world for being so cruel to the one person she cherishes. Megumi doesn't deserve to suffer, he's been nothing but loving so why is it the people who don't deserve it are always the one dragged into the water to suffocate and scream only to not be heard?

     "It's okay, Megumi. I won't tell anyone." She promises, kissing the top of his head.

      "I'm sorry for being a crybaby, Miki." He sniffles, hugging her back. He's comforted by her presence. His wound throbs but the bleeding has finally stopped.

      "Don't apologize, Megumi. If you're upset, you cry if you want to. If something hurts, tell me and I'll make sure you don't hurt anymore." She reassures, sincere and prepared to get in trouble with those mean ladies when she gives that bully a punch to the nose for picking on a kid younger than him.

     Megumi is smaller than most children his age because he's an omega. He's more fragile, meant to be protected and cared for but everyone is so rough with him. The older kids and the ladies that work here, they are truly vile. Tsumiki hopes that karma is just as vicious to them as they have been to her little brother.


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     They pass the dead more and more as they get closer and closer to Tsumiki's apartment complex for the students of her specific college. The nerve-wracking knot in Megumi stomach worsens. It was never going to be easy, he knew that already. Knowing and actually seeing are two different things.

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