Jc- 🎉Nephew's B'day🎉

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I woke up to my alarm it was currently 3am I was supposed to drop Jc off to the airport as he was going to his Nephew Easton's bday he thought I wasn't coming but I was Jalyn knew and Omar knew.

I would fly an hour after Jc, my suitcase is in the trunk of my car and Jc normally put's his in my backseat so I was perfect.

Getting out of bed I put some comfy clothes on and grabbed my backpack I walked out of my apartment I lived in the same apartment building as everyone else like Andy, Bobby, Nezza, Franny everyone.

I was at my car and I opened the trunk and chucked my bag in I got in the driver seat and drove to Jc's house I pulled into his driveway in front of his tesla.

Getting out of the Bmw I put the pin code in the front door and walked in, no one was up sad and that's when I realised Jc's not up he better of packed.

Walking into Jc's room the dog's came at me Hi baby's -I whispered I walked to Jc's stream Hey chat -I said and waved.

I climbed on top of Jc Baby wake up you got a flight to catch -I said Mhm hi baby -He said Hello now get up we've got enough time to get starbuck's -I said Perfect -He said slowly arising You better of packed -I said I did -He said Great I'll go put your bag in the car while you get yourself ready you want me to take chat -I said Yeh just take the phone and the tripod -He said.

Alright chat your coming with me Jc just grab anything else to do with stream ok -I said Ok thank you -He said I walked out of his room and out to the car I loaded the car Chat I got a surprise for Jc -I said plugging Jc's phone in my phone holder so he can still stream.

But I'm not telling you cause you can easily tell him -I said Also it has to do with me giving extra car key's to Crawford -I said laughing.

I got out of the car and ran inside and walked into Crawford's room he was awake Here you go Crawf -I said passing him my key's Thank you -He said No problem bye -I said Bye Have fun -He said I will thank you -I said exiting his room.

Sitting in the car waiting for Jc I played some music Sorry Jc's vod but I like music -I said Jc hopped in the car and I backed up and got to driving.

We arrived at the airport I got out of the car and walked to Jc's side he got his bag's and put them down he wrapped his arm's around my waist I wrapped mine around his neck Bye baby have fun I love you -I said I will bub I love you to -He said Leaning down and kissing me I kissed back and pulled away I gave Jc a big hug.

I'm gonna miss you bub -He said I'm gonna miss you to I'll go to your house and cuddle your dog's in your bed -I said You are more then welcome baby -He said Alright I love you safe travel's -I said Love you to bub -He said kissing me once more.

Jc had went inside and I hopped back in my car and moved it to the carpark I sent Crawford a text with what level my car was on I got my luggage and walked inside the airport.

Scanning my passport and ticket I loaded the plane and sat in my seat. Arriving I got off the plane and waited outside the airport and yes Jalyn was picking me up.

I heard a honk I looked up and Jalyn came running to me Ahhh -I said hugging her I missed you girl -She said I missed you to Jay -I said Come on -She said we loaded her car and got driving.

So basically Jc didn't know I was coming either did the rest of the family except Lyndi and Omar so basically on Easton's party day Omar will pick me up and my stuff and we'll drive to the party Jc will hopefully be outside Jalyn will text me if so and Lyndi will give me and Omar blow up dinosaur's costume's without window's for face's so we can be completely hidden then I'll sneak up on Jc.

It was the day of the party Jc was on stream but helping they currently were at the shop's so change of plan's I would be the only one in the suit as Jalyn drove me I was hiding in the garden.

Jc had come back for the final time and got to helping I got an ok text from Jalyn Jc's grandpa blew up the Dinosaur and I was soon inflated.

I walked out and everyone cheered I bowed and they laughed Hey dinosaur -Jc said I waved my claw at him they laughed Alright their getting hot inside so they'll be back soon -Lyndi said.

Walking away behind the garage I got out of the inflatable and quickly changed into my party clothes.

I walked out and put my finger to my mouth I walked behind Jc who was sitting down I put my arm's around his neck and grabbed his cheek's and kissed him on the lip's funnily enough he kissed back we pulled apart he stood up.

What the fuck are you doing -He said grabbing me and pulling me in a hug Surprise I'm here -I said Yes surprise how long you here -He said Till you come home -I said Ooh so I got time with you -He said Of course baby we can stay longer for a bit of holiday -I said Let's do it -He said.

After watching Omar act like a walrus in the pool Omar dared Jc to eat fruit from his grandpa's garden where I was. But it was all a setup the cousin's got me in it We filled up the bucket's with water balloons.

Is that Jc Caylen -Joe said I came up from behind Jc and belted him with water balloons then everyone joined in and soon Jc did I hid behind a big tree where no one can find me.

Soon I felt a bucket of water pour down me AHHHH -I screamed Justin Castillo Caylen run right this instant -I yelled everyone was laughing Sorry baby -Jc said running off I took my sneaker's off an bolted after him.

I slipped and collided with Jc we ended on the floor and me on top of Jc I love this position baby but maybe tonight -He said You idiot -I said Kiss -He said No -I said climbing off him and walking off him like I was mad.

I walked back in after chatting with Jc's mum Jc was sitting down I walked next to him in one swift moment I was on his lap one of his arm's wrapped around my waist.

Jc was in the pool with Easton and I was daydreaming this man looked hot and great with him I was excited to have a child with him.

We were in the airbnb now I was laying in bed Jc came in beside me Bubba can you mute us I want to have a private convo with you -I said Yeh of course baby Chat I'm gonna mute me and turn the camera around as me and Y/n are gonna have a private convo -Jc said chat were fine with it.

What's up bub -He said as we sat and looked at eachother It's something good I want a baby with you, you looked awesome and hot with Easton -I said Haha I think I'm ready to baby -He said Jc unmuted us and turned the camera around.

Chat were back I'm gonna put the sound's on -He said I slid under the cover's Night chat -He said Night chat -I said Jc turned around.

Jc leaned in and kissed me I kissed back and he took my shirt off and climbed on top of me Let's make this baby -He whispered.

The End.

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