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she wakes up to her early morning alarm and quickly puts on her running clothes and running shoes. she grabs her water bottle and leaves her apartment. she stops in her tracks seeing fanum standing there in running shoes.

"my god you're amazing" she says as he comes over "i remembered, now let's go ma" they start jogging together but fanum soon slows down. she slows down with him and holds his hand.

"wait here. imma run in a circle and come back". she sets off and after a few minutes she runs up to him. he wraps his arms around her and looks her in her eyes.

as he's about to kiss her he hears "fanum!?" then multiple different voices calling his name. he looks around and sees some kids running up to him

asia laughs as he lets go of her and starts saying hi to all of them. she takes pictures for them and fanum signs stuff for them. "who's this?" one of the guys asks "so you ain't watch my stream yesterday huh?"

"ohh this is asia, she pretty" the boy says and asia smiles. "i'm gonna go home now cause i got a client in an hour okay?" "what number are you?" he asks "54"she kisses fanums cheek and jogs home.

she showers, puts on a bandeau and joggers then sets up for her first client. the door knocks around half an hour later and she opens it "heyyy" "heyy girl come in". she starts doing the girls nails.

around an hour later she hears her door knock. "i'm so sorry, we almost done just put your hands in the lamp" asia gets up and answers the door.

she smiles realising it's fanum "my client in here and i've got two more today" asia says. "and you also ain't eaten so here you go baby" fanum says, handing her a bag.

he comes in and leaves his shoes by the door. she goes into the nail room and he waits in the living room. "that's yo nigga?" the girl asks "nah we just friends".

"just friends and he's bringing you food and calling you baby? girl go put on that dress" asia and the girl laugh together "nah but fr he's sweet to you, i'm engaged to my best friend now so i know what it's like". they finish up with nails and she pays and tips asian and asia sees her out.

she goes and sits with fanum who's on his phone. "what you get me?" "it was a bacon egg and cheese but it's cold now" fanum says. "it's alright i'll head it up later". she sits on his lap, straddling him. "if you sit through my two clients you'll get a surprise later.

would be just over three hours tho" "i'm up for the challenge" he says and puts his hands on her ass. "then what we gon do?" "it's a surprise. asia kissed him and he kisses back, moving his hands up and down her back

- skip to after clients are gone -

asia and fanum go into her room. "wait here okay?" "i ain't going nowhere mama". she smiles and goes into her bathroom. she gets a face mask and a brush to apply it and goes back to fanum.

she straddles him and looks him in the eyes. "imma put a face mask on you and then you get to choose what we do later. okay?" "deal" she puts the face mask on him and then does her own.

they take some pictures together and asia posts them on her story but covers his face. she puts the caption as "🤭". "you hungry? you still ain't eaten all day" "i'll heat up the bacon egg and cheese" "that's nasty, been sitting there all day" fanum gets up and gets his phone.

he orders food for them on uber eats before sitting back down. "you wanna come to mine? just realised i ordered the food there" fanum says "sure, let me change"

she puts on:

and puts a hoodie over the top

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and puts a hoodie over the top. she puts on slides and grabs her keys and her phone. they both leave the apartment and asia locks the door.

they start going down the elevator "you sure the boys aren't tired of seein me?" "trust me they bring girls almost every day too" they leave the elevator and both get in the car. fanum starts driving to the AMP house.

as they finally get there he parks up outside and sees the food driver at the door. asia goes inside while fanum brings the food in. "asiaaaa you live here now?" duke says, pulling her in for a hug.

"hey dukeee, i'm just here to eat" asia and fanum go up to his room and sit on his bed. he gives her food and they both start eating. asia gets up and goes and wets a rag. she comes back and wipes their face masks off.

"the delivery guy must've thought you were crazy" they both burst out laughing

they finish up eating and agent comes into the room "i need your charger for like 10 minutes" "no nigga" "bro." agent says. "use mine it's in my purse" asia says, lifting her head to look at agent.

"appreciate it" he takes her charger and leaves the room "you too nice" fanum says smiling. asia sucks on her bottom lip and leans against the head part of the bed. she takes off her hoodie and ties up her hair.

fanum just watches her as she gets on her knees on the floor. he sits at the edge of the bed and looks down at her "what you doing mami?"

"just picking up my phone off the floor" she picks it up and his jaw drops. she gets up and sits back on the bed "you a fucking tease word to my momma" asia laughs and gets on his lap. "your hair needs braiding go wash it" asia says "imma braid it for you".

"right now?" fanum says "yesss nigga, imma get products from mine and wait downstairs okay?" she leaves the house and gets gel, moisturiser and a comb from home before walking back to the boys house.

she waits for fanum in the living room and chris and duke come in and sit. "what you doing here?" chris says "i'm just about to do his hair it looks a mess" "wordd" the boys have their own conversation while asia goes on her phone. 

fanum comes down with a towel around his neck and sits in the chair. asia starts to detangle and moisturise his hair and then dries it. she starts parting it to braid it. the rest of the boys come in and they all talk to eachother while asia does fanums hair.

she goes around to the front of him and starts doing the middle part. he pulls her to his lap and she giggles, staring into his eyes. she parts his hair "perfect middle part" she says and pecks his lips "imma need more den dat" she kisses him again and he kisses back.

the boys start hitting eachother and jumping around "ight none of that lovey shit in here" kai says as he sits back down. asia gets off of fanums lap and laughs. she finishes his hair and finally puts mousse on top.

she ties it with the durag and pats his head. "all done" she says "lemme pay you" he pulls out his wallet "i ain't taking money from you to do sum so simple".

she sits next to him and goes on here phone "imma go stream for a few hours then i'm all yours" fanum says as he gets up. "it's all good, might go home anyway"

"nooo just come sit w me" "this nigga" duke says and the boys start laughing. fanum rolls his eyes "if you want, come upstairs and sit w me ight mama?" "sure" asia says and smiles. fanum bites his lip and goes upstairs.

asia follows him up and sits on his bed. he comes over to her and lays next to her. "imma go on in 10 minutes" "okay cool" she says and gets on top of him. "you feelin me?" fanum says, moving his hands to her thighs "you stupid? of course i am tf" "you make me feel some type way mami idek how to explain it" "you wanna fuck me?" asia looks into his eyes "you play too damn much i gotta go streammm" kai comes in the room and sits near the computer

fanum sits with him and they start streaming. an hour into the stream fanum turns to asia and pats his lap. she comes over and sits on his lap. he wraps his arms around her.

"this me right here chat" "you wish" asia giggles. he puts his hand in her waist band and she leans against him "chat fanum simping over this girl fr" kai says "i need me a girl bro"

asia just sits and plays in his hair as he streams. the dono comes up "yo what's that on shawty stomach". asia looks at her tummy and notices the hickeys fanum left behind. he laughs and covers them with his hand.

after a few hours asia has fallen asleep on fanums bed and he finally ends the stream. he lays next to her and wraps his arms around her, falling asleep also.

to be continued

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