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- two weeks later -

everyone shows up at asias house for the funeral including everyone from AMP, her brothers and his friends. her aunties and uncles, her mom and her friends and liberty.
they get taken to the church in limos and sit at their reserved seats at the front.

- skip -

at the burial they all stand around as the coffin gets lowered. asia starts crying and fanum wraps his arms around her. they throw dirt over the coffin then it gets covered up with more dirt.

- later in the day -

after they get home asia locks herself in her room and sits on the bed. she looks at a picture of her and her dad from her bedside table and starts to break down. her door knocks and she goes and opens it. fanum comes in and closes the door. "how you feeling baby?" he asks. "im just processing everything it feels like shit" she says and he hugs her. "don't bottle it up okay? just let it out." he says.

"you know... while were sitting in the church something told me to go back to atlanta... i just kept getting this feeling i need to go back" she says and looks at fanum. "that's crazy cause there is actually something big waiting for you" he says. "we can go back tomorrow if you want" asia nods "something's just telling me not to hold myself back. i do love my family but they want the best for me they don't want me to stay here for months". "i promise, you won't regret it mamas" he says and asia smiles.

"we fly out tomorrow then" she says and kisses him. he kisses back and she wraps her arms around him. her door knocks and then opens and she sees the rest of the boys. "i'm coming back" she says and kai hugs her. "i'm soo glad. you wont regret it asia". liberty comes in and they all sit around her room. they all talk for a while before the boys head back to their hotel with liberty leaving fanum and asia in the room.

asia hets up and changes into shorts and a tank top. fanum changes too and they lay in bed. she gets on top of him and holds his hands. she lays her head on his chest and ends up falling asleep. she wakes up at 6pm and fanums sitting up on his phone. she sits up too and he looks at her and puts his phone away. "you hungry?" he says and she nods. "havent eaten yet but i'm ready to now" she says and kisses his cheek. "i'll sort something out" he says and pulls her to his lap.

"did the rings arrive?" asia asks and fanum nods. "they're perfect for us" he says and she smiles. they end up getting food for everyone and eating before going back to sleep

- morning -

asia packs up her things and her and the boys head to the airport.

- skip -

they board the plane and asia ends up next to duke. fanum comes over "lemme swap" he says and duke looks over at his seat. "oh shit you got a window seat? bet" duke moves to fanums seat and fanum sits with asia. "when we get off the plane imma put this blindfold on you cause where we're gonna go is closer to the airport than home" he says and asia nods

- skip again -

when they leave the airport fanum puts a blindfold on asia. they get into a cab and fanum shows the driver the address while asia is still blindfolded. the cab starts driving and fanum holds her hand. "i'm scared" she says. "you're gonna love it" he says. the cab drives for about 15 minutes before it stops and they get out. fanum goes up to a door and unlocks it. the boys cars pull up shortly after and asks just waits there.

fanum guides her into the building and the boys follow them, recording with their phones. "okay you can take it off on the count of 3.... 1..... 2..... 3" asia takes off the blindfold and her jaw drops. "no you fucking didn't". she's presented with something like this:

 she's presented with something like this:

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she stands there in shock and looks at fanum

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she stands there in shock and looks at fanum. she just starts crying as she hugs him. "awww" everyone says as fanum picks her up. "fanum you don't even understand i've been feeling so down about my dad and you were doing this the whole time?" fanum nods and she kisses him. "BITCHHH" she says to liberty. "I CANT WAIT GIRL" liberty says. "lemme show you around" fanum says as he puts her down.

they walk around and look at the different parts of the shop. asia doesnt stop crying and fanum pulls her close. "don't cry baby" he laughs. "noo i can't stop. nobody's ever done anything like this for me" she says and kisses him. he kisses back and she wraps her arms around him. "so now what?" she says. he puts the keys in her hand and she puts them in her pocket. "there's another surprise" he says and she sighs. "you've done enough baby" she says and they all go outside.

she locks the shop and they all get in cars. they drive to the AMP house and go inside. "your surprise is upstairs" fanum says and they all go up. he goes up to his room and opens the door. "i don't get it" asia says. he walks up to his closet and opens the door and asia "oh my god" she says "it's so pretty"

"i've put your things away but you can do what you like with the space" he says and asia hugs him

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"i've put your things away but you can do what you like with the space" he says and asia hugs him. he hugs her back. the boys leave the room and she brings fanum over to the bed and gets on top of him. "damnn you tryna fuck?" fanum says. "maybeeee but not now. honestly fanum i'm so glad i met you you've completely just changed my life". he smiles and she holds his hand. "i love you asia that's what i do for people i love" he says and she kisses him. he kisses her back

they shower together and then put on some comfy clothes. asia goes to the kitchen and gets a bottle of water. duke comes in and she smiles. "he's crazy about you asia" he says. "i know... and i love him soo soo much" she says and drinks her water before putting the glass in the sink. duke is about to speak but then the doorbell rings. asia goes to the door and opens it "what the fuck?" she says

to be continued

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