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- morning -

asia wakes up and goes to the bathroom. she gets in the shower and washes herself. after she's done she wraps a towel around herself then she goes back to the room and grabs her phone.

she unlocks her phone and sees missed calls come up from kai, duke and liberty. she facetimes kai and holds her head. he answers "y'all are fucking nasty" kai says and laughs. "huh?" asia says and looks at the screen.

"fanums close friends story?" kai says and asia goes to instagram. she looks at his story "holy shit".

there's a video of fanum giving asia backshots, a video of him eating her out and another one of her riding him. All the clips you can't see her parts and mainly her back

she hits fanum and he wakes up "ughh what?" fanum says and sits up. "you posted fucking porn of us on your close friends story fanum" asia says. "wait what!?" he says and opens his phone.

"there's like 6 people on there it's okay". he deletes them. "you cannot handle your alcohol clearly" asia says and laughs. "that's gonna haunt me forever" kai says and they laugh.

asia ends the call and calls liberty. they talk for a while and then asia gets dressed. she does her makeup and puts on some perfume.

"breakfast?" fanum says. "of course" asia responds and pecks his lips. he gets showered and dressed and asias waits for him. he finishes up and comes over to her.

"okay let's go" he kisses her cheek and they head to breakfast. they get to breakfast and fanum takes a morning video for his vlog. asia goes to the buffet and out some food on her plate then sits at a table.

she takes a picture of her food and then fanum comes and sits with her. she puts her lags on his lap and they start to eat. he pecks her lips and they just talk and eat.

"last night was so good but i'm so sore" asia says and he bites his lip. "i was craving you all day" he says and she looks at him. "did you like my family?". "yeah everyone was so sweet" asia smiles and finishes up with her food.

"so today can we go see the waterfall i wanted to see?" asia says and turns to fanum. "of course we can mamas" he says and he finishes up with his food too. they head back to their room and sit on the balcony.

"i miss my morning runs" asia says and fanum laughs "i don't" he responds. she gets on his lap and wraps her arms around him. "i could do with a nap tho" she says.

"okay let's nap for like an hour and then we can get up" fanum says and holds her hand.

they get back into bed and go to sleep. after an hour they get up and get ready for the day. asia puts on a short skirt with a bikini top and then ties her hair up. they start walking to the waterfall thingy and talk on the way.

"so when do you wanna go new york?" fanum asks and holds her hand. "a little while after we get back cause i hate flying too much but i do wanna see my brothers and my mom"

"are they gonna like me?" fanum looks at asia. "my brothers already know you and they like you. so it's just my mom you'll have to convince".

they get to the waterfall and asias eyes light up. "oh my god. it's beautiful" she says and walks around. fanum takes some candid pictures of her as she admires the waterfalls. she stands at the bottom to take some pictures and fanum takes them for her.

she sits at the side and goes through the pictures. "let's take one together". she gives her phone to a stranger who takes pictures of her and fanum standing below the waterfall.

she kisses him in one of the pictures and then they hand her phone back. she sits to look at the pictures.

"baby" fanum says and asia looks up. "i just wanna say like... i'm so glad i met you. from the day i met you i knew i was gonna make you mine. me and you clicked instantly and it was definitely meant to be. we have our ups and downs just like any couple but you always make sure to stay loyal to me, you keep me happy, you're a very smart and gorgeous woman and i'm gonna marry you some day. but i wanna make a promise to you that i will marry you. i'm gonna treat you right just like i've been doing, we're gonna get a place and have kids and run your business. i just wanna spend my life with you. and i promise imma turn this ring to a wedding ring but... do you accept my promise?".

asia gets up and he takes out a small box from his pocket. "baby of course i accept". he opens the box and asias eyes go wide. he puts the ring on her and she smiles.

she kisses him and he kisses back, picking her up. "i love you so much" he says and she smiles. "i love you more baby". they hold hands and walk around the area looking at the waterfalls.

"when did you get this ring?" asia says and they sit down. "i promised myself if i bought a girl to my childhood home that i would give her the ring as a promise. more just to say i'm gonna stay with that person forever.

ever since i bought my ex there i knew i didn't wanna bring anyone else but the one" he says and asia smiles. "i'm so glad i met you. i've never been with anyone like you before" she says and pecks his lips

to be continued

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