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she opens up and fanums standing there holding bags. he comes inside and asia shows him where to put them. "don't open them until tomorrow" fanum says and asia nods and pecks his lips. "you really didn't have to. but thank you". her cousins and mom come in the room. "hello fanum" her mom says as she pulls him in for a hug. "i just bought along some things for everyone. i didn't know there'd be..." he looks at asias cousins.

"oh nah don't worry about it" malachi says and fanum nods. "come outside" asia says and walks out. fanum follows behind her and wraps his arms around her. "one day it's gonna be me, you and our son celebrating christmas together in our own place" fanum says. "our son? nah she's a girl" asia days. "agree to disagree mama" he says and kisses her. she kisses him back and he picks her up. she giggles and runs her hands down his hair.

"i gotta go but while you're still comfortable having sex you can come over on boxing day and imma pick you up just like this and fuck you" fanum says and asias jaw drops. "you want that?" he asks and she nods. "use your words baby" he says and she groans "ugh fanum why do you do this to me". "i have a way with words" he says and puts her down. "see you later mami" he slaps her ass and goes towards the car.

he gets in and beeps before driving away. asia goes inside and sits with her cousins. "why your cheeks so red?" malachi asks and asia laughs. "howwww" "aw you're so in love with this dude" jalaia says. "you know... i shouldn't be telling you this but my girlfriend cheated on kai and kais looking for a girl rn. you still moving to florida?" asia asks. "yeah in january" jalaia says. "hmmm" asia says.

- later -

they help with preparing the food and then asia and her cousins go for a walk. her cousins start smoking and she goes on her phone. "i wish i could smoke right now it's been too long. i only really was smoking when fanum was stressing me tf out" asia says. "what happened?" malachi asks. "he cheated on me and even before that i was just getting stressed out tbh. i love himmm it's a curse" asia says and laughs. they sit at the park and just talk about things.

"i wish you could get high asia. the baby wouldn't mind" malachi says and they laugh. "you're too much" asia says and smiles. her phone rings and she looks at it. she sees dukes name on facetime and answers. "hey duke" she says, smiling. "hey can you do me a favour?" he asks. "sure. what?" "i got gifts coming to your house ones for you ones for fanum then there's one each for your oil brothers. when it comes can you make sure it gets to fanum tomorrow?". "yeah i gotchu" asia says

"merry christmas tho i'll see you when you come back" duke says. "merry christmas dennis". "duke follow me back on instagram i want you" jalaia says and asia laughs before ending it. asias phone rings again from duke and she answers. "cmon now asia put me on" duke says and asia laughs and looks at jalaia. "it's jalaia.brown2 on insta" jalaia says. "wait. how old you is?" duke asks. "21" jalaia says and duke ends the phone.

they all burst out laughing. "that's crazyyy" jalaia says. "too young for him i guess" asia says and gets up. they walk back home and then asia goes to the game room to sit with her brothers. "duke and fanum got y'all some gifts so i put them under the tree" asia says. "he coming for christmas?" jhamari asks. "nah i'll go to his place on boxing day tho" asia says. "when's your gender reveal?" lamar asks and asia shrugs.

"what you want for your birthday?" asia asks. "it's not for another week but i want beats tbh" lamar says and asia nods. "don't worry i'll get you sum nice" asia says. she goes on her phone and sees which places are open. "i gotta go buy something for fanum and his mom i totally forgot" asia says and gets up. she gets an uber to the nearest shopping centre.

- later -

asia ends up buying a bracelet and necklace for his mom and then gets fanum sneakers and a hoodie. she takes everything to her room and starts wrapping. after she's done she leaves them by her room door and sits on the bed. she messages fanum.

daddy 🤪

wyd bae?

just chilling why?

who you with?


remember this? i need some of this again

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remember this? i need some of this again

boxing day we gon get a hotel i promise you mama

she smiles and puts her phone down

- christmas day -

they all get up and go downstairs. "good morning family" asia says as she sits on the couch. "okay everybody let's do breakfast then we can do gifts" her mom says, bringing everyone's plate. they sit at the table and start eating breakfast. after they eat they start opening gifts. "these are from me" mom says as she passes the gifts around. asia opens her box and sees some clothes she's been wanting. "awww mom it's perfect" she says and smiles. she hugs her mom before she sits back down

- skip -

"these are from duke" asia says and passed them around. her little brothers open them. "sickkk i got jordans" lamar says "me too" jhamari says. "aw this is lovely" her mom says holding up a necklace. asia gets a sephora gift card from duke "now these are from fanum" she passes them around to everyone and they open their gifts. "no way. holy crap" jhamari says and gets up. "what you get?" malachi asks. "we got a ps5" lamar says. "holy shit" asia says as they pull it out the box.

"fanum got us vodka" marcus says and hun and jordan hold it up. "open your gift from your man asia" malachi says. "i'm scared cause fanum loves spending on me" she says and laughs. she opens the box and sees a small velvet dust bag. she picks it up and opens it. she screams and drops it. "HOLY SHIT!".

to be continued

sorry 😙

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