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"nice to meet you" asia says. "you're so beautiful mami honestly fanum chose the right girl". asia smiles and her phone rings. she grabs her phone and steps outside. "duke?" she says. "i put your key under the doormat. i'm heading home i know i fucked up but i still wanna be friends fr"

"we can be friends just not right now. i wanna be with fanum. i'm in love with him. and i know you like me more than a friend. sorry duke" she hangs up.

she goes back inside and sits with fanum. "it was just duke" asia says. "you staying here tonight asia?" fanums mom asks and asia shakes her head "i've got my brothers at home".

"where you live at?" "queens" asia responds and his mom smiles. she goes upstairs and asias turns to fanum. "i'm still mad. but this is the last time mark my words roberto" he holds her hand. "cause you really got me fucked up". he pecks her lips "i'll never lie to you again." he says.

"so can i ask you something... do you still love her?" asia asks and fanum sighs "it's not that i still love her. i've still got all the memories of being with her and she was my first love" asia plays with her hands "so you love her"

"no baby. i did love her once. and when i saw her it was like we still had a connection". asia just doesn't say anything.

"if you're not over her i need you to be honest with me" she spins to face him. "im over her. it was just a lot of memories" fanum says and asia nods "k".

"what's wrong mamas?" he says and asia shakes her head. "i'm just thinking... also you can't act like duke is some rebound. me and him do really get along. stop making out like i'm tryna run to him everytime shit goes left"

"but you do tho baby. when i kissed lucia i walked in the room and you were making out with duke. and you invited duke to new york. and when we argued about lucia messaging me you just went straight to him"

"that's what friends are for fanum" "yeah and he was my friend once but he's all over you now" asia rolls her eyes.

"with you kissing duke there's no evidence of it cause the live glitched but i was there. i saw it. and everytime i see you with him it's all i think about. i just want you baby i don't wanna think about it anymore. that's why i'm so insecure about him being around."

"i understand. but that's not true. you were insecure about him since we first went to the gym. then after that i can understand cause he did kiss me" asia responds and gets up. "i just don't want him to think you want him" fanum says.

"so what do you want me to do?" asia asks. "choose. me or duke." fanum says and asia shakes her head. "that's fucked up to make me choose"

"shouldn't be that hard considering how much you say you love me" fanum responds. asia grabs her bag and goes towards the door. "i would choose you anyway. but just so you know i just told duke how i didn't wanna be friends with him cause i love you but you just jump to conclusions. so fuck you" she leaves the house and calls a cab.

fanum comes outside and grabs her hand. "i had no clue you did that for me. i'm sorry i blew up at you" he says and hugs her. she hugs him back and kisses him. he kisses back and picks her up.

"can we just stop fighting" asia says. "of course mami. let's go get food". they get in the cab and fanum tells it where to go. they get to a food joint and get out the cab. they go inside and sit at a table.

"i bet you couldn't take another round with me later on" fanum challenges "i bet you're wrong" asia responds. "lemme find out" fanum says. they read the menu and then order.

"trust me when we get home we doing 3 rounds" asia says and fanum bites his lip. "you couldn't even handle 1 round forget 3" he responds. "let's eat so i can show you" asia says and goes on her phone.

- skip the food-

they head back to asias house in queens and go inside. they go up to asias room and fanum lays on the bed. "get comfy im gonna go freshen up". she goes into the bathroom and freshens up.

she puts on a lingerie set and sprays herself in perfume. she takes a few pictures of herself and then looks in the mirror. she takes a video "this nigga is about to tear me tf up" she laughs before ending the video.

- details next chapter -

to be continued

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