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asia sits with fanum and goes on her phone. "y'all made up yet?" lamar says and asia nods. "i just can't let go of him". asia hears the door knock and she goes downstairs.

she opens the door and sees three teenage boys. "y'all want jhamari?" "yeah he said duke dennis and fanum was here... wait you're fanums girl" "yeah uh... they ain't staying here but i can call jhamari".

she calls her brother and he comes down. "can they come in asia?" he says and asia shrugs. "idk if duke and fanum rlly want ppl knowing they're here tho". duke and fanum come downstairs and to the door.

asia let's them go outside with the boys and closes the door. after a little while they come back inside. "they love us over here huh" duke says and asia nods.

"can we talk?" he says and asia nods. they both stand in the front yard. "what's up?" she says and duke turns to her. "i just want you to know i was never tryna take you from fanum type shi... i just wanna make that clear"

"yeah it's fine duke. me and you are friends and i like it like this. and i took fanum back". he nods "i felt something when we kissed but i'm fine with jus being friends".

she hugs him and they go back inside. fanum is sitting in the living room and asia sits on his lap. "you okay papi?" she asks and looks at him. "i love you, you know that right? and i can't get that image of you and duke out my head."

"i'm so sorry fanum. i was just hurt. i still have no feelings towards duke". fanum kisses her and she kisses back. "will you accept the ring again?" fanum asks and looks her in the eyes. asia shakes her head "i don't think you should make any promises yet until you're 100% sure.

"i'm sure baby..." "i can't accept it from you until i know that you're not gonna embarrass me like that again" asia says and leans her head on him. duke comes to sit with them and asks puts on the TV.

"let's order some food" fanum says and goes on his phone. they all decide on pizza and fanum orders it. fanum and asia go up to her room and she locks the door. "ugh i want you so bad" asia says and fanum licks his lips.

"thought you was tryna take it slow" "yeah you can just fuck me slowly, then faster, and faster" she straddles him and he puts his hands on her hips.

"but not until we get back to atlanta. i wanna make you wait" asia says and smiles. "so this is my punishment?" fanum asks and asia nods. "you deserve it".

asia lays her head on his chest. "come on babyy lemme fuck" he says "nopee" she says and looks at him. "you know you want to" "of course i do. but i wanna make you wait daddy" he licks his lips and kisses her.

she kisses back and they lay there making out. her bedroom door knocks and she gets up.

she opens the door and sees her mom. "i gotta go stay with your grandma for a few days she's not well. look after your brothers make sure they get to school" she says and asia nods. asia hugs her then she leaves.

"we'll have some time when my brothers go to school tomorrow. then i'll see how i feel" asia says before the doorbell rings.

she goes to the door and brings the pizza in "come on y'all" she says and goes into the kitchen. they all come into the kitchen and everyone starts to eat. "how long y'all staying?" jhamari says.

"imma leave on tuesday but.." duke says and looks at asia. "i'll be here the whole week" she looks at fanum. "me too" he says and asia smiles. "nah fanum we gotta be in atlanta in like three days kai has that whole thing set up" duke says.

"what whole thing?" fanum responds as he looks at duke. "new youtube video" duke says. "ohhh shit yea i forgot. imma leave tuesday too then" fanum says.

they finish eating and then asia, duke and fanum go sit in the backyard. "i like your brothers" duke says. "i'm glad" asia responds. "hello?" she hears from inside the house.

she gets up and goes inside and sees her two older brothers. she hugs them "heyyy where you been?" she says. "living life asia" jordan says and she laughs.

duke and fanum come inside and asias brothers look at her. "you gonna introduce us?" marcus says.

"this is duke and this is fanum" asia says. "and these are my brothers Jordan and Marcus". they shake each others hands. "i seen y'all on youtube and shit."

jordan says. the boys get to talking and asia goes up to her room. fanum comes to asias room with her and they lay on the bed. "you gon let me fuck?" fanum says.

"just cause you gotta leave early don't mean you get this. when i get back to atlanta you can" asia responds and gets on top of him.

her door opens and marcus comes in. "i wanna talk to fanum 1 on 1" he says and asia leaves the room. she goes downstairs and sits with jordan and duke.

"marcus is talking to fanum rn" "about what?" duke asks and asia shrugs. "probably talking about how fanum cheated on you. i never even knew". jordan says. "he kissed some bitch whatever. but i love him"

"yeah but that's some weird ass shit that's his first and last strike i'll beat his ass on god. where he from?" jordan says and asia rolls her eyes.

Fanum POV

asias brother comes into the room "i wanna talk to fanum 1 on 1" he says and asia leaves. we both sit on the bed. "i'm marcus, the oldest sibling. and i don't respect the way you embarrassed my sister. and i know she forgave you but i just wanna hear your side" he says.

"so we're in the DR right. and there's some girl from the village and we just started dancing. then she turnt around and kissed me and like an idiot i kissed her back and asia saw the whole thing" i respond.

"i know you make her happy but i promise you that's the last time you do any shit like that. i don't play about my sister. she's the only girl out of us and we all protect here with everything we got" marcus says and i nod.

"i respect that. i love her sooo much bro i hate the way i fucked shit up" i say and look at the floor. "you wanna go smoke?" marcus says "of course" i say and we both go downstairs.

end of POV

to be continued

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