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after a little while they head back to the hotel. "you wanna eat baby?" asia says and looks at fanum. "hmm i could eat" he says and starts walking a different way. "where you going fanum?" she says. "i know a place". she follows him and he holds her hand. they walk for around 10 minutes and she sees a small restaurant.

they both go inside and fanum speaks to the owner. he gestures them over to a table and they both sit. he holds her hand "this my family's place type shit so they just gon bring us some food.

i want you to try some of my food". she nods "i like trying new foods so yeah i'm ready". after a little while loads of food starts coming from the kitchen and asia looks at fanum who's just in his element.

he takes a video of the whole table and then for asia who smiles. "that's pork" she says and points. "you ain't gon try a little bit for me?" "hell nah nigga". he laughs "ight just try everything else".

"nah what else is pork". he points at two more things and she moves it all to his side of the table. asia takes a video of herself then flips it to fanum "y'all he rlly want me to eat pork" fanum laughs and she ends the video.

they starts to eat and asia tries some of the foods. "good?" fanum asks and looks at her. "yesss it's good" she says and smiles. she keeps trying the food and fanum just watches her before he starts eating as well.

he orders them some drinks and they keep eating. the drinks arrive and fanum gives them to asia to try. she chooses the one she likes most and gives him the other one. after they're done eating fanum goes and gives them some money before they walk back to the hotel.

they go to the adults only area and get in the pool. "that outfit suits you so much mama" fanum says as he admires her body. she wraps her arms around him "thank you baby".

he kisses her and she kisses him back. he picks her up and they move in the water. "ugh i just don't want this to end" asia says and fanum smiles. "there'll be much more holidays i promise you that" fanum says and pecks her lips.

"well we have one more day here do you gotta take me to a party" asia says and fanum nods. "i'll see what i can do".

they get out of the pool and go to their room. asia gets in the shower first while fanum goes to the balcony to smoke. after she's done she comes into the room and gets dressed. fanum gets ready for the night and asia sits to do her makeup.

"ight so imma take you to where i grew up there's a party going on down there" fanum says and asia nods. after they're done getting ready fanum calls a cab and they wait in front of the hotel.

after around 10 minutes the cab arrives and they get in. it starts driving and asia takes some pictures of herself on her phone. "when we get there they gon be happy to see me but you'll find some girls there you can talk to" fanum says, kissing asias cheek.

the cab parks outside of a house and asia looks around hearing the music already. fanum pay the driver and they both go inside the house. everyone comes over to greet fanum and asia walks around.

the girls all seem to be bitchy so she just goes to the kitchen and gets a drink. fanum and his boys come in and he introduces her in spanish. she smiles and they greet her. she sips her drinks and goes out the the backyard.

after around an hour a girl comes up to her. "hola, te ves sola" she says. "i don't speak spanish i'm sorry..." asia responds. "you look lonely, you with somebody?" the girl says. asia nods "i came with my boyfriend he used to live around here".

"i'm Valentina but just call me tina" "i'm Asia, nice to meet you". they sit and talk for a while. "let's go dance baby" tina says and they both go inside to dance. tine wraps her hands around asias waist and they move their hips together.

asia spins around and they dance together. she looks around the room and locks eyes on fanum. she stops dancing as she watches him. some girl is dancing on him and he's dancing with her.

she then turns around and kisses him. his hand moves to her jaw as he kisses her back and then suddenly makes eye contact with asia. "wait who did you say you came with?" tina asks and asia leaves. tina follows behind her and then fanum.

"you okay mami?" tina asks. "asia wait." fanum says and runs over. asia slaps him across the face "nigga it's over". fanum holds his face "i'm too drunk to even explain myself right now but i swear mami it's nothing" he says.

"roberto? what you doing to my new friend now?" tina says. "i've fucked it all up....". asia starts to walk away and fanum tries to pull her but she pulls away from him and keeps walking.

"where you staying?" tina says as she keeps up with asia. "the ocean hotel" asia says.

"lemme drive you mami that's ages away on foot". they get into tina's car and tina starts driving asia to the hotel. "what happened?" tina says and asia looks at her.

"clearly he's more interested in another girl who was very ugly by the way but it's ight his friends wanna fuck me imma let 'em" asia says. tina stops outside the hotel and they exchange numbers before asia goes to her room.

she packs her things and leaves her bags by the door. she sits on her bed and facetimes kai.

"heyyy trouble" his smile lights up the screen. "oh... you don't look to happy" he says. "fanum uh... bro i'm just so mad right now but he was kissing on some other girl, i'm in a country i don't know shit about and our flight not til the morning so ion know how i'm gonna be able to tolerate him for a night cause imma end up killing yo friend kai i promise".

"wait slow down. he cheated on you?" kai says and asia nods. "ugh he just fucking told me how much he loved me and wanted to marry me and gave me this bullshit ass ring. i'm tired of niggas imma start eating pussy" they laugh together and the door opens.

"fanum i'm like this close to ending your life right now you better find another room" asia says and fanum closes the door behind him. "let's talk baby" he says and asia ends the call.

"do you like embarassing me?" asia says as she takes off the ring. "baby... i don't know what the fuck even happened. it all went so fast and then suddenly i was kissing her" fanum replies and sits next to her.

she hits him in the arm "what so you wanna give up this pussy for some ugly ass hoe" asia says. "i don't wanna break up" fanum says "but i understand why you would".

"nigga we are broken up i don't deal with this fuck shit" asia gets up and puts on her shoes. "imma go have some alone time. be up for 4 cause we got a flight at 7" asian says and leaves the room.

to be continued

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