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- 23rd december -

asia wakes up to fanum tapping her and she groans. "what nigga?" she asks "baby it's 2pm" he says and she sits up. "really?" she says and looks at her phone "damn..". they go downstairs and fanum makes her up some breakfast. she sits on the couch and he brings the breakfast in. "so... i was thinking. can i join you for christmas?" asia asks. "i thought you were going to anyway" he says. "oh. good" she says and they eat.

"i gotta go to a check up today. we can either find out the gender or the doctor can give someone else the gender for the reveal" asia says. "we'll bring liberty to the check up then at least she can set it up" fanum says and asia nods. they get ready for the appointment and asia falls liberty while she's getting ready. she agrees to come then they get in fanums car. fanum picks up liberty and drives to the hospital.

they go inside and they wait in the waiting room for the appointment. asia holds fanums hand and squeezes it. "you okay mami?" he asks and she nods. "i'm just nervous... i hope everything's okay" she says and fanum pecks her lips. "you're an amazing mother to this baby already. everything's gonna be fine" he says and she smiles. they get called in and liberty waits outside.

asia lays down and they put the gel on her tummy. they start the scan and she grips fanums hand. "there's your baby" the nurse says and they both look at the screen. asia starts tearing up and fanum kisses her cheek. "would you like to know the gender?" she asks. "we want you to give the gender to my best friend who's waiting outside" asia says and the nurse nods.

she leaves the room and the midwife comes in. "so i'm Stacey your midwife. we have a few things to discuss" she says and asia sits up.

after an hour of the appointment they all leave and head to the AMP house. "so baby we gotta fly out tomorrow. you ready for that?" fanum asks. "yeah should be good... i wish i was with my family tho" she says. "reach out to one of your brothers. i'm sure they'll get through to your mom" fanum says and asia holds his hand. fanum drops liberty home then drives home. they go inside and asia goes upstairs. fanum follows her up and goes in kais room.

asia goes and sits in her room and watches tiktok. fanum comes in "me and kai boutta go cut up you good here?" he says. "you think that's the best idea after getting in an accident?" asia asks and fanum comes over. "i'll be alright, i feel better already" he kisses her and she kisses back then he leaves. after a little while the room door knocks "come in!" asia says and the door opens.

duke comes in. "you hungry?" he asks. "why what you got?" asia asks. "nothing yet" he sits next to her and they look on his phone. "let's go eat somewhere" he says and looks at her and she nods. they get in his car and he starts driving. they reach a place and get out the car. "looks a little busy. you sure?" asia asks. "yeah i'm sure" they go inside and people recognise duke straight away.

they find a table and sit down. they get given menus and start reading. "what you feeling?" asia asks and looks at duke. "imma just get this burger" he says. "i'll get the chicken parm" asia days and the waiter comes over. they order and asia looks around seeing people staring. "this is just awkward" she says and they laugh. they talk while they wait for the food and a kid comes over to the table.

"can i get a picture?" he asks and duke nods and gets up. asia takes a picture of them before the boy walks away. the food arrives and asia posts a picture before she starts eating. a couple minutes later she gets a call from fanum. she answers and puts it to her ear. "yess?" she says. "where you at? the food looks good" fanum asks. "it's called vitos" asia says. "me and kai boutta come join you" he says "okayy" she says and hangs up.

"they're coming to eat" asia says. her and duke keep eating and kai and fanum come in. they sit at the table with them and the waiter takes their orders. "hola mami" he says and kisses asias cheek. she smiles and holds his hand. "so who won?" she asks and fanum kisses his teeth. "I DIDD!!!" kai says and asia laughs. she goes in her phone and after a little while their food arrives. "what we doing when we get home?" asia mumbles.

"we gotta pack our shit then i'm all yours. what you got in mind?" he mumbles back. she bites her bottom lip "nothing much" she responds. "oh is that so?" he says and she giggles. "we'll see" she says and pecks his lips. he puts his hand on her thigh and rubs her thigh with his thumb. she leans her head on his shoulder and he keeps eating his food.

- skip -

once they all get back home asia and fanum start packing. "so i got a lil surprise for my mom. after christmas imma move her into a new house i bought her in jersey" fanum says. "awww that's so sweet. she's definitely so proud of you" asia says and fanum smiles. "i'll surprise her with it just before the new year" he says and sits down. asia sits on his lap "you're always putting other people first" she says and he wraps his arms around her. "what can i say?" he says and leans in.

she kisses him and he kisses back. she wraps her arms around him and turns on his lap to face him. he moves his hands to her back and her phone starts ringing. she pulls away and gets up to answer it. she sees the name pop up on the screen...

to be continued

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