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"i got food come down" duke says and they all go downstairs. they all get food and sit on the couch. fanum sits and talks with kai and asia sits with duke. she turns to face him. "everything good with you and fanum?" duke asks and asia nods. "i think so. i just want lucia out of my life" she says and sighs. "it's alright. you know he don't love her so don't worry about it" duke says. they finish up eating and clean up then asia ans duke go to his room.

"you streaming now?" she asks and duke nods as he sets up. he starts the stream and sits down. asia sits with him and puts her legs up. she messages fanum

wifey 🖤

wya babyy

i'm just getting ready imma meet some friends. wbu wya

i'm in dukes room. come gimme a kiss before you go

she puts her phone down and they talk to the stream. "when my niece or nephew come out imma be their favourite" duke says. "as long as you ain't turning my son or daughter into a player then we good" she says and laughs. fanum comes in the room and comes over to the screen. he leans down "wassup gang" he says and asia puts her hand on the side of his jaw.

he pecks her lips and gets back up. "hello!? what was that?" she says. he pulls her chair out of the frame and she gets up. he picks her up and kisses her and she kisses him back, wrapping her arms around him. they keep kissing for a little before asia pulls away. "okay put me down daddy" he puts her down and laughs. she sits back with duke as fanum leaves. "oo i have a craving" asia says. "i want strawberries and cream". "we don't have none of that" duke says. "hello? you have a car" she says and he rolls his eyes.

"don't make me hit you. let's goooo nigga" she says and they both go to his car and get in. he starts driving to a store and she just goes on her phone. when they get there they get out the car and go inside. they go to the fruit section and pick up strawberries and then to the dairy to get cream. "duke!" they hear and turn around. he sees a younger girl who comes up to him. "can i get a picture?" she asks. "you too asia". they stand with her and her mom takes a picture.

they walk around a little more and asia looks at the baby stuff. duke comes over and she holds a baby bottle and pouts. "look how cute" she says and looks at duke. "awww" he says. "imma get emotional lemme go" she says and they fo to the register. duke pays and they get back in the car. "let's gooo" asia says and duke drives home. they go back to his room and he starts streaming again. asia sits on his bed and starts eating.

kai comes in the room and sits with duke. "what you eating?" he asks asia. "strawberries and cream" she says. "you're not getting any". she finishes up then goes downstairs. her phone pings and she goes on insta. she sees a pic of her and duke on an instagram shade account.

caption: asia and duke looking at baby stuff? have asia and fanum broken up again?


user: and does nobody find it suspicious how the live paused with asia and duke and then when it came back him and fanum were fighting
—> user2: let's talk about it!!!

asia goes upstairs and to dukes room. she shows him the post and he rolls his eyes. "asia and fanum are still together. and me and fanum had our own problems but we good now let's move on" he says and they read comments. asias phone rings and she sees "daddy 🤪" pop up on the screen. she answers "hey fanum" she says. "you seen insta?" he asks. "yeah people are sooo nosey" she says. "it's ight imma set the record straight. i'm coming home soon anyway." he says before hanging up.

asia goes to her room. she facetimes lib and she answers. "heyyy" she says. "heyy you seen insta?" asia asks. "yeah it's weird... you and fanum are cool tho right?" "yeah we're all good people are too nosey" asia says. they talk for a while and the bedroom door opens. fanum comes in with his friend and asia smiles. "this is asia of course, asia this is walton" he says. "nice to meet you" she smiles.

fanum comes over and pecks her lips. "imma stream soon but don't worry about insta it happens all the time. remember you've got followers now and you're with me you're gonna hear your name everywhere" he says and she smiles. "you hungry?" he asks and she shakes her head. "nah duke got me strawberries that's all i wanted" she says and he nods. they sit by the computer and fanum starts his stream.

she goes downstairs and the door knocks. she opens up and sees liberty. "heyy mami" she says and comes in. they sit on the couch. "what you doing here?" asia asks. "i came to see youu tf" she says and they laugh. "where fanum at?" "upstairs with his friend" asia respond. "how's my niece or nephew" liberty says and puts her hand on asias tummy. "gooddd beating my ass with the sickness in the mornings tho" asia says and smiles.

"you spoken to kai yet?" she asks and liberty shakes her head. "he don't wanna talk and i get it. we just gotta move on" she says and asia nods. "i got in a fight w my mom what imma do for christmas?" asia says. "you can come with my parents if you want. or i'm sure fanum will take you with his" liberty responds and asia nods. "i hope so" she says.

to be continued

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