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"asia... this is my new boyfriend" her mum says and asia scoffs. "dad died not that long ago and you're moving on already?". "i'm jason.... nice to meet you" he says and asia gets up. "i know it's a big change for the family but-" her mom starts. "no. you and dad were seperated bur you weren't divorced and you clearly never even loved him" asia shouts. "asia watch your mouth" her mom says.

"fuck you i love my dad" asia says and her mom slaps her. "you seriously hit your pregnant daughter? yeah don't contact me again" asia says and brings her things down. she leaves the house and finds a bench. she tears up and facetimes fanum. he soon picks up. "what's wrong mami?" he asks. "i got in a fight with my mom... i don't know where to go" she says and starts crying. "who do you know over there?" he says. "just ricky. everyone else has either moved or hates me" asia says and fanum sighs.

"go stay with him but i wanna talk to him. and don't miss your flight" he says. asia walks to ricky's house and knocks. he opens up "what's up?" he asks. "i really need to stay tonight" asia says and he nods. "come in" he says. "ayo ricky" fanum says and ricky looks at the phone. "oh shit. what's good fanum?" "no funny shit bro. i'll beat your ass" fanum says. "of course no funny shit" ricky says and asia laughs. "i love you baby i'll call you back" she hangs up.

"what happened?" ricky asks and asia sighs. "it's my fault. i just miss my dad" she starts crying again and he hugs her. she hugs him back and sighs. "and i hadn't seen my dad since i left for atlanta and i didn't even get to say goodbye properly". they go up to his room and sit on the bed. "you can sleep here i'll sleep on the couch" he says and she nods. "thanks so much for letting me stay. i owe you" she says and hugs him. he hugs her back as she wipes her tears.

"im not even sad about my mom it's just i miss my dad so much" she says and he nods. "trust me. i understand. and your mom moved on fast" he says and asia sighs. "my hormones got the best of my clearly" they laugh together. "you hungry?" he asks. "i could eat. what you got?" she asks. "i'll buy something" he says and goes on uber. they find some food and he orders. "best believe i'm paying yo ass back" asia says. "nahh never" he says and she laughs. they end up just talking as they wait for the food

when the food arrives they go down to eat. they sit on the couch and start eating. "so do you know what your having?" he asks and she shakes her head. "i'll do a reveal at some point" she says. after they finish up they go back up and asia goes in the bathroom to get ready for bed. she finishes up and goes back into the room. she lays on the bed and her phone starts ringing. she sees a facetime call from fanum and she answers it.

"hey babyy" she says. "what y'all doing? you need money?" he asks. "nah we just ate. and i don't need money baby" she says. "ight ight. well i was just calling to let you know we about to get on the jet so i'll be there to pick you up tomorrow" he says and she smiles. "you better be. but i'm getting tired i'll call you when i'm at the airport. love you" she says. "love you" he says and she hangs up.

she puts her phone down and ricky comes in the room. "imma sleep but what time you needa be up?" he asks. "my flights at 12 so get me up at 9" she says and he nods. "goodnight asia" he leaves the room.

- morning -

ricky drives asia to the airport and asia waits for her flight. fanum calls her and she answers. "you at the airport mami?" he asks and asks giggles. "yeah i've been here a little while now" she says. her flight gets called and she looks up. "i gotta go baby i'll see you in a few hours" she says and and hangs up. she walks towards her flight.

- atlanta -

once she's received her bags and everything she leaves the airport and stands outside. she sees fanums car and approaches him. "you my uber?" she says and they laugh. he puts her bags in and she gets in the passenger seat. he gets in too and starts driving. "sorry about your mom baby. but don't worry about it" he says and asia sighs. "what did you even fight about?" he asks. "i don't wanna repeat it i get upset. i was crying to ricky about it so much already" she says and he keeps driving. "so you told him but you can't tell me" fanum says and asks rolla her eyes. "don't be a child" she says.

"i just miss my dad fanum... and my mom doesn't give a shit" she says and fanum holds her hand. asia starts gagging and grabs a bag from the back. the vomits in it and fanum pulls over. she stops and ties the bag. she gets out the car and puts it in a trash bin before she gets back in. fanum drives to the house and parks outside. "so before we go in. the mood with kai is a little weird" fanum says and asia nods. they go inside and into the living room. kai and duke are sitting there and they look up.

"asiaaaaa" kai says and gets up. she hugs him and he hugs her back. "aw kai i'm so sorry" she says. "it's okay it's not ur fault" he says and they sit. "what happened with you tho?" kai asks. "i had a fight with my mom. had to stay with my ex. i didn't enjoy new york at all" she says. "i hate crying to people. or on people. i just feel so vulnerable but we were friends before we dated so it wasn't weird". "there's just something about him" fanum says and asia rolls her eyes.

"we broke up cause he cheated i didn't give him another chance" asia says and plays with her nails. "imma take liberty back" kai says and asia looks at him.

to be continued

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