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asia wakes up and goes downstairs. she sees duke in the kitchen making breakfast. "aww duke" asia says and comes over to him. "thanks so much"

"of course, anything for you girl" he says and puts the breakfast on plates. asia goes upstairs and calls fanum for breakfast and he doesn't respond. she shakes him and he wakes up. "breakfast fanum" she says and he sits up

they go downstairs and sit with duke to eat. "your brothers already left for school" duke says and asia nods. they eat breakfast and then asia cleans up the plates. "you got plans today?" asia says to duke

"imma go see my cousin. we can do sum tho when i get back". asia nods and her and fanum go to her room. asia opens the window and sits on her bed. fanum sits as well and she gets on his lap.

she kisses him and he kisses back. fanums phone pings and he pulls away and picks up his phone. asia watches as he opens instagram.

"hola papi" the message reads. "who tf-" fanum says as he clicks the profile. asia looks at the pictures and sees the girl fanum kissed. "fuck this" asia says and gets up.

"wait baby wait wait. i don't even know why she messaged me" "whatever fanum i'm pissed off now". she goes downstairs and sits with duke. "you good?" he says and she rolls her eyes "that bitch from the DR just messaged him talking bout some 'hola papi' i will beat her ass on my momma".

fanum comes downstairs "how come when you mad at me you just go to duke" fanum says and asia looks at him.

"i'm not even mad at you nigga i'm just mad in general i can never go back to the DR with you cause i will do damage to her face i swear to god. she's not even prettier than me" asia sits back in the chair "breathe" duke says.

fanum comes over and sits next to asia "you must think i'm tryna treat duke as some rebound at least he listens to me and understands"

"okay go be with him then tf" fanum replies and asia hits him in the arm.

"alright alright no need to get domestic" duke says. fanum gets up and leaves the house. "he gets me so fucking mad. i wasn't even mad at him i was just mad at the situation"

"it's alright i know but it's not like he can take back the past" duke says. asia leaves the house and goes to look for fanum. she sees him sitting on a bench on his phone.

she walks behind him and sees him messaging. she grabs his phone and looks. "so you're messaging her now?" she reads the messages

hola papi

Sólo quiero que sepas que tengo novia y esa noche fue un error.
(I just wanted to let you know I have a girlfriend and that night was a mistake)

no me pareció un error te encantó
(It didn't seem like a mistake. You loved it)

Me divertí. Le dije a mi novia que no te conocía así que no puedes enviarme mensajes.
(I had fun. I told my girlfriend I didn't know you so you can't message me)

asia looks at fanum "translate this shit. now.". "asia just give me my phone" "roberto i promise you if you don't translate this i'll break the phone. so what do you want?". "i just said i have a girlfriend and that night was a mistake then she said it didn't seem like a mistake and i said just don't message me anymore i don't know you" he explains and looks at her.

"diverti means fun and novia means girlfriend. why are you lying to me". asia jogs home and goes inside. she goes on her phone and onto google translate. she copies the message out and reads it.

she scoffs and throws his phone onto the couch. "you good?" duke says and asia looks at him. fanum comes through the door and she turns around.

"fuck you" she says "look. i know what i've done wrong but i can explain everything" she goes upstairs and grabs his things. she throws them down the stairs and goes in her room. she locks the door and sits against it.

after a little while the door knocks "baby open the door. i wanna explain" "explain through the door".

"that's lucia.." he says and asia says nothing. "and when we were dancing i thought you were outside and i didn't expect her to kiss me but..."
"and then you lied and said you didn't know her. hm. funny." asia says

"you can leave anyway we're 100% done. i gave you three strikes you used them up. fuck you have a good life". she hears footsteps down the stairs and then the front door slam.

she leaves the room and goes downstairs. she looks at duke who's sitting on the couch. "he's so dead to me" she sits next to him. "he needs to go be with his ex i don't want him anymore".

"don't stress. you want some food?" duke asks "i'm good... let's go watch a movie i need to think about something else" they go up to asias room and lay on the bed. she puts on a movie and they start watching.

her phone rings and she goes downstairs to get it. she answers and puts it to her ear "what do you want fanum" she says. "i love you asia. but i know i fucked up and i'm gonna give you space. but i'm begging you not to do anything to duke no matter how mad you are at me"

"it's not your problem anymore. we're done" she says and fanum sighs. "anyway im in the bronx so if you wanna see me im here" he hangs up.

she goes back up and lays next to duke. they keep watching the movie and after about an hour they've paused the movie and started talking. "he's staying in the bronx... i feel bad now"

"nah don't feel bad. you already said three chances and he's used them up now." asia sighs. "come here" he hugs her and she hugs him back. she looks up at him "i need to go see him" she says and duke shakes his head.

he kisses her and she gets up. "i can't do this to him. i gotta go i'll leave my key". she gets up and leaves the house. she calls fanum and he answers quickly.

"where are you?" she asks. "i'll send the addy" he replies and sends it over. she gets an uber and gets in. it starts driving to fanums place and asia just looks out the window.

as it parks outside his place she quickly goes up to the door and knocks. he opens it and she hugs him tightly. "woahh. you good?" he asks "you were right. duke just wants to get in my pants. but i don't want him i want you"

he kisses her and she kisses back. he picks her up and carries her into the house. they go up to his room and he locks the door.

- skip -

they lay in bed together and asian lays her head on his chest. "who's place is this?" she asks "it's where i grew up. my mom always leaves a key in this fake rock so i called her and told her i was here and she says she's getting groceries" asia nods and pecks his lips.

"how you know duke wants to get in your pants?" "he acted like he was consoling me and then kissed me. but i just don't like him like that and i thought we were friends".

fanums room door opens "oh god. sorry" the door closes. "that's my mom" fanum laughs and asia gets up. "where can i shower?". fanum gives her a towel and puts one on too and shows her to the bathroom.

they shower together and then get dressed. her and fanum go downstairs and fanums mom comes over to greet asia

to be continued

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