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he drives to the mall and parks outside. they both go inside and start walking around. "come w me to get some shoes" he says before walking into footlocker. asia follows and he looks around at the shoes. he tries on a pair and stands up.

"those are fire" asia says and she takes a picture of him. "imma get these" he says and puts them back in the box. he puts his shoes back on and goes to the counter to pay. asia waits outside the store and sees fanum and kai.

kai sees her and comes over and fanum follows. "you good?" kai says "yeah i'm just waiting for someone" asia says "what y'all doing?" "just booked the club for fanums birthday. we boutta go this weekend" asia nods and adot comes out.

fanum looks at him and his face looks mad. "you good bruh?" adot says as he shakes kai's hand and then looks at fanum. "come get food with us" kai says.

"i don't feel like food right now" asia says and looks at fanum. "it's okay we'll shop with you then" fanum says and they start walking around.

asia goes into sephora and the boys follow. she picks up a few things and then takes them over to the counter. the boys follow. they bag the things up and but the card reader on.

fanum pulls out his card and pays and Asia rolls her eyes. she takes the bag and thanks them before leaving the store. "no thank you?" fanum says.

"you rlly tryna play w me aint you?" asia says, sighing. "i want you back baby" fanum says and asia shakes her head. "i'm going home"

she walks home and sits on her bed. she puts her face in her hands and starts to cry. "he's pissing me the fuck off right now ugh" she gets up and walks to the AMP house.

she goes to the door and knocks. agent opens the door "oh hey. you good?" he says and hugs her. "i'm finee imma just wait here to talk to fanum when he gets back. plus there's nothing to do at mine." agent goes upstairs to dukes room and asia follows.

"heyy chat" she says, looking at the screen. she sits in the chair next to duke and goes on her phone. "you okay asia?" duke says and turns to her. she just sighs and looks at him "you wanna talk about it?" he says and pauses the stream.

agent goes downstairs and asia faces duke. "i didn't expect him to give me a diamond ring and then embarrass me in front of his friends it's sooo disrespectful cause obviously it didn't mean shit" she says.

"thing about fanum is he's such a simp i woudlnt expect it from him. and i know he's beating his self up right now" duke puts his hand on her arm.

"you're perfect and i'm sure he sees it too but you feel like he didn't appreciate you and you just need time i get it" asia smiles and hugs him. he hugs her back and she keeps hugging him.

she sits back in the seat and duke continued with the stream. the room door opens and asia turns around seeing fanum. she rolls her eyes and turns back to the screen

"asia can we not just be civil" he says and sits in the chair. "nah i don't want anything to do with you" she says and gets up. "don't go" duke says and grabs her hand "just chill here".

"imma go smoke" she says. "you don't even smoke" fanum says. "well nigga you stressing me out so now i do". she goes and finds kai and they sit outside to smoke. "so imma ask liberty to be my girlfriend" kai says.

"omggg kai. that's all she wants" asia says as she hits the blunt, blowing the smoke through her nose.

"i been wanting to do it but i don't trust people too easy" he says and asia nods. "yeah i trust too quickly so it's good to be cautious".

after they finish smoking they go up to kai's room and chris and agent sit with them. they end up talking and stuff and asia soon falls asleep in kai's bed

- later -

she wakes up at like 7pm and looks around. she sees kai sleeping and she gets up and goes downstairs. she goes into the kitchen and sees duke. "oh heyy. i thought you went home" duke says and asia smiles.

"i fell asleep in kai's room" she says and sits on the counter. he stands in front of her. "fanum is fr beating his self up he's so mad at his self" "i don't even care no more bro" she responds and holds her head.

"imma go home to sleep anyway". "come with me" duke says and asia looks up at him. "why?" she says. "everybody else on stream and i'm bored".

they both go up to dukes room and he goes live on insta. "y'all i gave fanum $500 for his birthday and then we finna take him out to the club tomorrow night" duke says.

she lays on his bed and he lays next to her. duke reads out comments "is asia still with fanum?" he looks at asia. "it's complicated yall but you know i love him always".

he keeps reading comments and they respond. "is asia still dating fanum?" she reads. "guys i'm not dating anybody. i don't do this social media shit but me and fanum aint together right now".

duke stands the phone up on the bed side table and they just talk about things. "yo damn nails boutta poke me in the eye" duke says "stop playin w me" asia pokes his cheek and kisses her teeth.

"you want beef lil girl?". she gets up and holds up her fists "come on den" he gets up and she punches him. he picks her up and puts her over his shoulder.

he bodyslams her to the bed and she wraps her arms around him. he looks up at her and kisses her. she kisses him back and as they make out they hear the door open. they both pull away and look at the door.

they see fanum standing in the doorway just staring at them. "what the fuck" he says and he comes over to duke. he punches him and duke gets up.

"it's meant to be my fucking birthday nigga" they start fighting and the boys come in. "chill the fuck out fanum" asia pulls his arm. "bitch stfu you a thot get out my fucking house"

fanum goes downstairs and asia follows him. "you really gotta chill out fanum you can't even be mad when you cheated on me first bro" asia says and he turns to face her.

"did i kiss your friend tho? no. i fucking knew you and duke had feelings but i ignored it because i trusted you and there's no going back from this asia"

"i don't even think of duke in that why i was caught in the moment and also upset about what happened with you and honestly i'm so sorry" asia holds his hand.

"i'm not even mad at you as much as i am at duke. he knows how much i love you and he knows this is a rough patch he's taking advantage of you asia".

the boys come downstairs and dukes comes into the kitchen. "i'm sorry bro. it ain't even like that we was just messing around" he says and fanum looks at him.

"i hope you know you were live this whole time so somebody woulda screen recorded that shit" fanum says and he looks at asia. "i wanna be with you again but it's not a good time for us right now. so i'm not gonna control what you do... or who"

"same to you" asia says "i loved being with you but we gotta move on.. happy birthday fanum"

to be continued

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