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"yeah?" asia says. he muted the stream. "i would like to put some money down for you... cause i wanna invest in a shop for you". asias jaw drops "you're kidding" she says. "on my momma. you in?".

she jumps on him and hugs him tightly. "i love you so much" she kisses him and he kisses back. she turns to face the stream and waves. "i love you mamas. it's gon be a new chapter for us" fanum says as he just admires her. she smiles and hugs him again as she tears up.

he looks at her "you crying baby?" "ughh i'm trying not to it's just... nobody's ever done sum like this for me" asia says and leans her head on his chest.

"anddd" he says and she looks at him "i want you to move in". she smiles "imma think about that one okay?" "ight ight take yo time baby" he says and kisses her cheek

"you don't understand how much this means to me roberto" she smiles and pecks his lips. "imma suck your dick lmk when you're off stream" she gets off of his lap and sits on his bed. "this girl love playing w me chat".

asia smiles and goes on her phone to look for properties. she finds a few and contacts agents. about an hour later fanum comes over to her. "all done" he says. she opens her arms and he picks her up. "let's get some food" she says and he goes downstairs holding her.

he goes into the kitchen and a few of the boys are there. "she can't walk?" duke says and him, kai and agent laugh. fanum puts her down.

"i can walk thank you very much" she hits dukes arm and he hits hers back but lightly. "imma get pizza" fanum says.

"nigga stfu lemme cook. cant be eating pizza all the damn time" asia says and starts looking through the fridge.

she starts cooking and ends up making lasagna. she puts it in the oven then goes to chill in the living room. duke and kai are also in there. "you know fanum really want you to live with us" duke says and kai agrees.

"y'all ain't gonna get sick of me?" "nah we like you, cmon now" kai says. "it's his birthday soon so maybe i'll surprise him" asia says. "the party gonna go crazy" kai says and asia goes on her phone. a little while later the food gets done and she takes it out the oven.

the boys all come get food and asia and fanum sit in his room. "you thinking?" fanum asks and asia giggles. "i'm thinking baby. i just need time". they start eating and asia goes on her phone to watch youtube.

"you wanna go away with me for my birthday?" fanum asks and asia nods. "i'm paying tho, where you wanna go?" "hmmm might take you to the DR" he says. "i'm down, let's go" they finish eating and lay on the bed cuddling.

she gets on top of him and he looks up at her. "you look so sexy from here" he says and she smiles. "better with my clothes off tho huh?" she kisses him and he kisses back. she plays in his hair as they make out and he moves his hands to her ass.

he slides them up her back and she moans into the kiss. the door opens and asia pulls away. "my bad" din says as he closes the door.

she looks at fanum and he's just smiling. "what nigga?" she says and smiles. "nun... let's book the holiday wifey" he says and sits up. they find a couples hotel on her phone and they book the hotel.

after that they book the flight. "so we leave in two days" asia says and fanum nods. "roberto..." asia starts. "yesss?" he responds. "can i get a back massage?" "finee turn over"

she takes off her top and lays on her stomach. he takes oil and starts massaging her back. she closes her eyes as he rubs her back. "put some back into it boy". he keeps going and she moans in pleasure.

fanums bedroom door knocks "come in" he says and he keeps massaging her. duke comes in and sits on his chair. "nobody even here i'm bored as hell" duke says and looks at them. "damn can i go next?".

"i'm massaging him next but i'll do you after" asia says. fanum finishes up with the massage and asia puts her top on then they swap places and asia starts massaging him.

she straddles his back and massages him. after she's done she just lays on top of him. "let's go on a walk" she says and they all get up. they leave the house and start walking. "can i get on your back?" she says to fanum and he nods.

he bends down a little and she gets on his back and holds on. they get to a hill and she gets off of his back. "me and you are racing up this hill rn" she says to duke and they both stand at the bottom.

"ready... go!" duke says and they run up the hill. duke gets to the top before asia and he flips on the ground. she trips over him and lays on the ground too

they laughs and then just look at eachother. duke leans in and kisses her and she sits up and gasps. "oh shit" he says "i ain't mean that". "oh shit." asia says.

she looks down the hill and sees fanum just on his phone. she goes down the hill and duke follows. they walk back home and go inside. fanum goes outside for a smoke and asia and duke sit on the couch.

"what do i do now? whyyy would you do that?" asia says. "i got carried away, you can't tell him" duke replied.

"duke." "asia." "i can't hide anything from him." "fine fine. i'll tell him." duke says and goes outside.

to be continued

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