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- a few days later -

"come on asia we gotta go" liberty says as asia gets out the shower. "it's fineee they can wait" she says and starts getting dressed. fanum comes in the room "imma go to the house rn but i'm flying out in the morning so i won't see you" fanum says, coming in the room. asia comes over to him and pecks his lips. "i'll see you when you're back" she says. "if you go into labour you need to call me ASAP i can take a PJ" fanum says and asia nods. "i'll be fine baby" she says and they kiss again before he leaves.

the girls get their things in libertys car then liberty starts driving to the spa retreat place. "where is it?" asia asks. "like two hour drive so get comfy" liberty says and asia goes on her phone. they sing to music as liberty drives and after 2 long hours they arrive. liberty parks up and they bring in the bags. they check in and get shown to their rooms.

"damnnn" asia says as she opens the door. they go inside and asia lays on the bed. "ugh can i sleep first?" she asks and liberty rolls her eyes. "one hour nap and then we've got facials" liberty says and asia nods. she gets into just underwear and gets in bed. she dozes off

- 1 hour later -

liberty wakes asia and they put on robes and make their way down to the spa. they lay down for facials and start talking to eachother. "so... y'all thought of a name?" liberty asks. "yeah we're gonna call him carlos" asia responds. as their masks get put ont he facialists leave and they lay there listening to the relaxing music.

"i wanna have a kid sooo bad" liberty says. "you should've said this a long time ago they could've been twins" asia says and they laugh

- later -

after facials and massages they go and sit in the garden. "it's so pretty here" asia says and takes some pictures

daddy 🤪

daddy 🤪

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damnn it's looks so pretty.
what you up to?

nothing just relaxing out here

can i call you?

"who you texting?" liberty asks. "fanum." asia says. "uhn uhn. no men on this retreat i already told kai that" liberty says and asia giggles. "but it's my babydaddyyy" she says and liberty rolls her eyes. "fine. but this is the only time" liberty says. asia sits near the fireplace and calls fanum on facetime. he answers and she smiles.

"hey beautiful" he says and she giggles. "heyy"she says "say hi to carlos" she shows her stomach. "heyy. damn imma get emotional" he says and asia laughs. "aww" she says and fanum chuckles. "not long now. me and liberty packed a hospital bag so we good" she says. she winces in pain and holds her stomach. "what's wrong mama?" he asks. "nah he's just kicking" she says.

"i'm gonna go but i'll talk to you tomorrow okay?" asia says walking over to liberty. "ight. call me if you go into labour" fanum says. "i've still got a couple weeks don't worry baby" asia says and kisses the camera before hanging up. her and liberty go to the dinner area and liberty orders some wine. "sorry asia i need it" she says and asia smiles "it's fine babe". she sits on her wine as they wait for starters.

"so it's a set menu right?" asia asks and liberty nods. "as long as it's no sushi i'm good" asia says. the starters come out and they take pictures before eating. "mmm" asia says and nods. after they finish eating they head back up to their room. they take turns showering before getting ready and getting into bed.

"ugh he's been kicking mad hard today" asia says and liberty puts her hand on the tummy. "oh yeah i feel it. he's tryna come out girl" lib says and they laugh. "i'll see how he is tomorrow maybe it's time to pop ngl" asia says and liberty wraps her arms around her. "imma be the baby's god mom?" she asks and asia nods "of course girl" she responds and smiles.

"you can be the god momma, idk who's gonna be godfather tho i'll let fanum choose that one" she says. "he really loves you. you're so lucky" liberty says and asia smiles. "yeah i guess i am". her eyelids start getting heavy and she soon falls asleep

to be continued

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