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in the morning asia goes down to the kitchen and calls the landlord. she talks to him about moving out and he gives her a 14 day period to move her things out. she hangs up the phone and goes to kai's room. she peeks her head in and sees liberty on her phone. she whispers to her to come out and she comes.

"you wanna come run with me?" asia says. "of course girl. lemme change". they both get ready for the run



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they both meet at the bottom of the stairs

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they both meet at the bottom of the stairs. "what do you say we go gym instead?" asia says and liberty nods. "i'm down... let's walk there tho" she says and her and asia leave the house.

they start walking to the gym and talk on the way. "i'm moving in with fanum now... i just can't wait" asia says. "i'm so gladd that's all he's been wanting. kais too closed off for that" liberty says. "i needa find a girl for duke otherwise fanum might just never get over it" asia says. "i got a friend he might like" liberty says and shows asia on her phone. asia nods "looks like every man's type" they laugh together and approach the gym.

they go inside and tap in before heading up the stairs. "imma do glutes today join me if you want" asia says. "yeah imma do that" liberty responds and they go into the gym.

they start the workout and halfway through asia sits to drink some water. a guy comes near her to her and grabs a weight. he sits next to her and starts doing bicep curls. asia grabs an even heavier one and starts doing bicep curls too and he looks shocked. "damnn you fucked up my rizz" he says and asia laughs.

"anyway..." he says and puts the weight down. "i'm a personal trainer here my names adonis and you look like you know your way around stuff" he says. "mhmm" asia says "and i was wondering if you wanted to train people together i got my own private gym like 20 minutes away" he says. "i'll think about it" she says "sounds cool tho". "you look familiar have we met?" he asks. "maybe social media or something... you watch AMP?" she says. "OH SHIT. ASIA?" he says "lemme get a picture".

they stand up and she stands next to him. he hands the phone to liberty and liberty takes a picture of them. "imma get back to it now but. i'm here if you wanna take me up on the offer" he says.

- skip -

they leave the gym and start walking back. "he wants you girl" liberty says. "i knoww that's why i can't take him up on his offer.... can you believe he asked for a picture?" asia says and liberty laughs "they love you baby". asias phone pings and she picks it up. she sees she's tagged in a story and clicks on it

 she sees she's tagged in a story and clicks on it

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"met my wife at work" @444asia @elfanum

"ugh fanums gonna take this the wrong way" asia says as they approach the house. liberty and asia go inside and asia goes up to fanums room. he's sitting on the bed on his phone. he looks up and smiles. "good morning sexy... you went to the gym?" he says and she nods. she straddles him and puts her hands on the back of his neck. "i met one of your fans at the gym. he called me his wife on some weird shit but i just didn't know if you seen it yet" she says and fanum shakes his head. "nah i ain't seen it" he says.

she pecks his lips. "i have two weeks to move my things out. so i need somewhere to put my nail stuff" "it's alright i'll sort it out baby" he says and she smiles. "now... imma give you this promise ring. with a 100% promise i'm never gonan break your heart. and imma stick to this promise until i die" he says. "i'll accept it" she responds and he reaches over to his bedside table. he grabs the ring and puts it on her finger.

she gets up and takes off her gym clothes. "come join me in the shower" she says before disappearing into the bathroom. fanum follows her in and they shower together. after they're done they dry off and get dressed before going downstairs. "what you wanna eat?" asia asks "i'm hungry as fuck". "i'll order something in" fanum says and goes on his phone. he orders food for him and asia then they sit on the couch.

liberty comes down and sits with asia. "oh i see it now" fanum says and shows asia the phone. "the guy from the gym" "oh yeah... he's weird i was totally out of the conversation" asia says and liberty nods. "it's true she barely spoke". fanum goes back to looking at his phone. "baby." asia says. "nah it's alright i believe you" he says and she nods "good". a little while later the food comes and asia and fanum go to his room to eat. they sit at his desk and he starts his stream. asia east and goes on her phone. she puts her legs onto his lap while they eat.

"so wassup chat... we just eating rn" he says. she holds her fork to his mouth and he tries it and nods. he does the same to her and she tries it. "give me half i'll give you half" asia says and fanum nods. "get you a girl that like to eat with you". after they're done eating fanum just talk to the stream and asia watches youtube on her phone. "what we doing today?" asia asks. "what you wanna do mama?" "well it's my last day before i got clients" "okay imma take you out then" fanum says.

they talk to the stream for a little while more and then fanum ends it. "ight let's get ready then we can go out" he says and asia nods and gets up. fanum ends the stream and gets up too. she wraps her arms around him and he picks her up. she kisses him and he kisses back. as they make out fanum lays her on the bed. they flip over so she's on top and she pulls away. "where you gonna take me?" she asks. "shopping. you can buy whatever you want"

"awww babyyy. you don't have to" "of course i do. you're my wife i'll do anything" he says and asia bites her bottom lip. "well... i'll get ready" she says and pecks his lips before leaving the house and walking home. she puts on:

she does her makeup before waiting outside her AP for fanum

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she does her makeup before waiting outside her AP for fanum. after 10 minutes he pulls up in front of her and she gets in. he starts driving and puts his hand on her thigh. "you look so good mami" he says and she smiles. "thank you daddy" she giggles. he drives to phipps plaza and finds parking. "i seen you reposting that YSL bag and those dior makeup shit so we can get that and whatever else you want" fanum says. he parks up and they both head inside

to be continued

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