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- two weeks later -

( go back to the characters episode to remember her brothers)
asia catches a flight to new york to surprise her family. as she gets to new york she gets a cab home and goes inside. "hello!?" she says and she hears her brothers come downstairs.

"asiaaaa. where's fanum?" jhamari says and looks around. "nigga they broke up have you not been on social media" lamar says and they hug her. "where's marcus and Jordan?" asia says "they moved out now" lamar says and they all sit on the couch.

"yeah so me and fanum did break up cause he kissed some other bitch and i kissed duke so it's fair" asia says "that was my biggest regret. dukes my bro and i don't even see him in that way".

"i wanna meet duke soooo bad" jhamari says and asia pulls her phone out. she facetimes duke and he picks up smiling. "heyy where you been?" he says.

"i knoww i haven't seen any of you but it's just too awkward. my brothers wanna say hi tho" she gives them the phone and they talk to him.

they give the phone back and she says bye before ending the call. "he's so cool" jhamari says. "i'm gonna be here for the week. where's mom?"

"she's at the store" lamar says. "i do love fanum i rlly do but we both fucked it up tbh". "i just can't believe you moved to atlanta and ended up being friends with my favourite youtubers" jhamari says and asia smiles.

duke calls asia and she answers and goes into the kitchen. "yo so i just found out the reason nobody sceeen recorded us kissing was cause my wifi cut out on the live".

"oh thank god" asia says. "when you comin back tho?" "next week. why?" "can i come to new york?" he says "whyyy?" asia says. "i wanna see you" he says and asia rolls her eyes.

"we gotta keep it platonic duke" "it is platonic asia" "fine fine. i'll send you my address".

she ends the call and sends him the address. she goes to the backyard and rolls a blunt. she lights it and starts to smoke.

lamar comes out and sits with her. "lemme hit that" he says and she passes it to him. "don't tell ma" she says and goes on her phone. "mamas home" jhamari says and asia takes back the blunt.

she finishes up smoking then goes inside to see her mom. "hey momm". her mom hugs her. "where's your boyfriend" she says and asia looks at her. "we broke up he's stupid".

asia sits on the kitchen counter and her mom puts away the shopping. she helps her mom and then puts her things in her room. she lays on the bed and calls duke.

he answers. "heyy i managed to get a flight for tonight so i'll be there tonight" "okayy that's fine". they sit and talk for a little while and a notification comes up that fanum is live.

she clicks on it and sees him sitting and playing the game. asia comments "guest me monkey". fanum reads the comment and laughs before guesting her. "heyyy" asia says "i'm in new york".

"no wayy i would've come" fanum says and asia smiles. "why ain't you been to the crib?" "it's just awkward idk... i think dukes coming new york tho you should come" fanum goes quiet and asia furrows her eyebrows.

"hello?" she says and he looks at the screen "imma end the live rq i'll talk to y'all later". he ends the live. "damn...". she facetimes fanum and he answers

"i ain't mean to make you upset fanum" she says. "i know i just... it was weird seeing you and duke it's just like... weird" he says. "i love you" asia says "and i want to be with you and we will be together but we need to give eachother space"

"i love you too mamasss so why can't we be together now? or do you want duke?" "come on roberto you know i don't want duke".

"imma book a flight to new york. i'll be there tonight" he ends the call and asia puts her phone down. she goes to the game room and sees her brothers playing.

"duke and fanum are coming y'all better not do too much" she says and they start getting excited "i can't wait to tell everyone at school" jhamari says and asia shakes her head "you can tell them when you go back but i don't want anybody coming here"

"i ain't gonna tell them they're here it's fine" lamar says and asia goes back to her room

- later -

her door knocks and she goes and opens it. she sees duke and fanum with their bags and she shows them to the guest rooms. "these are my older brothers rooms so keep them tidy".

"how you been mama?" fanum says and asia smiles. "fineeee". he hugs her and she hugs him back. asias mom comes in and says hi "hello ma'am" duke says and smiles.

he gets up to hug her. she says hi to fanum and hugs him "so this is my son in law? nice to meet you" asia smiles and sits down.

her mom leaves the room. "where your brothers at?" duke asks and asia points down the hall. duke leaves the room and fanum holds asias hand. "i wanna get back together" he says and she looks at him.

"i do too" asia says and gets on his lap. "i just want you to promise me something okay?" fanum nods.

"every girl wishes to find her soulmate. but it's impossible if you're doing weirdo shit like this. so i need you to put your hand on your heart and promise me im not gonna catch you kissing on or fucking some other girl" she says and he puts his hand on his heart.

"asia, i love you. and i promise im not gonna do anything like that ever again"

she kisses him and he kisses back. she wraps her arms around him as they make out. he pulls away and looks at her. "and i need you to promise ME something" he says and she nods.

"promise me you don't have feelings for duke" she puts her hand on her heart "i promise me and and duke are just friends. i don't have feelings for him".

he pecks her lips then they go to the game room. duke is playing on the game with her brothers. "fanum here too!?" jhamari says and gets up to say hi. fanum shakes his hand and he sits with them to play the game.

to be continued

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