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in the morning everybody heads to the airport. once they get there they all check in and the boys' jet. asia gets up and fanum hugs her tightly. "when you coming back?" he asks. "i'm only staying a few days" she kisses him and he kisses back. "i love you okay? stay safe" he says and asia hugs liberty too before they all walk away.

after a little while asias flight gets called and she heads to the terminal

- in new york -

asia gets a cab to her house and goes inside. "hello?" she says and she hears her mom call her from outside. she goes outside and all her brothers are there and her mom. "damn i didn't expect all of you to be here" she hugs all of them. "we didn't expect you either" her mom says. "so... i got some news" she says and they all look at her. she takes off her hoodie revealing her tummy under the tank top and she puts her hand on her tummy.

her mom screams and jumps up to hug her. she hugs her mom back and starts tearing up. "ASIAAA THIS IS BEAUTIFUL NEWS" she says and asia smiles. "i'm 13 weeks along so i'll have scans for y'all soon and imma set a date for my gender reveal" she says as her brothers hug her one by one. "where fanum at?" marcus asks. "they've gone to vegas for kais birthday i just wanted to come here instead" she says. "he treating you good tho i've seen all the shopping bags on insta" jordan says.

asia and her mom sit together and talk about stuff. "so how is everything with roberto?" her mom says and asia nods. "he treats me so well ma i'm in love with him. i moved in with them but we need to move somewhere for the baby" asia says. "honestly i'm so happy for you two" her mom replies and asia hugs her. she goes inside and calls fanum who answers. "heyy i told my family" "that's good baby. cant wait to come see them." he says. "where y'all at rn?" "just checked into the hotel i'm boutta take a nap. i wish you was here tho" he says and asia smiles.

"i would love to as well but i can't drink anyway it won't be as fun" she says and laughs. "i'll be sending yo ass videos tho so you don't miss out" he says. "when can we tell social media?" asia asks. "when we get back to atlanta so we can tell them together... but imma call you later cause i'm boutta nap now" he says. "okayy i love you" she says. "i love you too mamas" he hangs up. asia goes up to her room and puts her bags in the corner. she goes live on instagram and stands the phone up.

comment from liberty: guest me hoe.

asia laughs and guests her

"heyyy hows vegas?" asia asks. "i don't even know i'm tired as fuck" liberty says. "you better be getting yo ass down here".  "i cantttt i'm staying with my family". "you told them the news- oh shit my bad" liberty says and asia puts her finger to her lip. people start commenting asking about the news and asia ends the live and facetimes lib. she answers. "i'm so sorry friend" "nah it's cool ima tell everyone in a few days anyway" asia says. "show me the bump" lib says and asia shows her. "AWWW I SEE IT" she says.

kai comes in the room with liberty. "i'm tryna fuck what you doing?" he says. "i'm on facetime nigga" lib says and kai comes over. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAIIII" asia says. "asia we want you here mannn" he says and she laughs. "i cantttt i'll see y'all back in atlanta". her and liberty talk for a while before asia ends the call and goes downstairs.

she goes in the kitchen and jordan and marcus are there. "lemme get a look at you" marcus says and asia spins around. "yeah you got a lil bump i see it now" he says and asia laughs. "y'all gonna tell social media?" jordan asks and asia nods. "in a few days we will probably on stream". "trust asia to move to atlanta and meet a rich famous guy the first day" marcus says and they laugh.

asia leaves the house to walk around the area. she goes into a store and gets something to drink before going to sit at the park. she spots her high school boyfriend in the distance and calls him. "Ricky!" she shouts and he looks over before coming over to her. "oh shit asia? i ain't seen you in yearsss girl" she gets up and hugs him. he hugs her back and they sit together. "so you with that fanum dude now?" he says. "how you know?" she asks. "everyone knows" he laughs and she smiles.

"you seeing anyone?" she asks. "no ma'am" he says. "not even roni?" asia asks (roni is the girl he cheated on asia with). "nah we didn't work out... you and your nigga look happy tho i'm proud of you" he says "we were best friends i miss us as friends and i know i fucked up." "it's okay it's in the past" asia says. "y'all broke up for a while what even happened?" he asks.

asia gives him the whole run down and tells him the stuff about duke and everything. "damnn a lot happened then" he says. "yeah... we're okay now" she says. they take a picture together and post it on their stories. "they really should have a high school reunion" she says and he agrees. "you wanna come over for a little? nothing to do at home" ricky says. "sure" asia says and they walk up to his house. they go inside and to his room.

she sits on the bed. "this room hasn't changed at all" she says and looks around. "probably looked the same while you were fucking my best friend" she says and they laugh together. he hits her lightly in the hip and she hits him back. "careful" she says. "huh" he questions. "i'm pregnant" she says

to be continued

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