Chapter One-Seraphina

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It's a full moon tonight. Fitting for the ceremony that my family was having for me. I was to be crowned a new succubus. Something I definitely didn't want to be. Out of all the demon castes in the demon realm, I had to be placed into a family that had once been full of incubuses and succubuses. I would have much rather been like my best friend, Unsere, Goddess of sorcery and fertility. She had wicked powers unlike my powers which was to just seduce the mortal men on earth. How boring. I'd rather be casting spells and reining in witches in the human realm like Unsere. 

"You'll be a great succubus, Phin," Unsere tried to assure me before the ceremony. 

"I have no doubt about being great after years of training for this. It's just I don't want to be tasked with seducing innocent males. It feels wrong." I looked into the mirror and saw that my long black hair had grown even more over the course of the last few months. Ideal for seducing them. They loved long hair on women. I wanted to cut it off, but I knew my parents would have a fit and send me into the dungeons. My eyes weren't a help either as they were a light grey color another thing that attracted them along with my ivory skin. My body seemed to be made to seduce them in every way possible, for I had curves in all the right places, I wasn't very statuesque, but I wasn't short either. I was somewhere in the middle. 

"I fear for every human male you come into contact with Seraphina." My mother said, coming up behind me. "Isn't she divine, Unsere?"

"The most enchanting demon I've ever seen that's for sure." Unsere answered. 

I was every bit the spitting image of my mother except she had blue eyes while I had my father's eyes and her figure was way more developed and statuesque. She was almost like an Amazon woman and I had heard from many demons that the human males went crazy over her before she settled with my father and had me. Once a succubus settled, it would fall into the next one in line to take over and that one was me. 

In my long heavy ruby robes that I wore for the ceremony, I turned slightly to face my mother. 

"Why do I have to do this?"

"We've been over this a thousand times Seraphina, you are our only heir and must continue on the succubus name or else be disowned and exiled. Now come. Everyone is waiting." 

She took my hand and led me into the throne room as Unsere followed closely behind. 

My father waited down the aisle next to the officiant who would crown me as the new succubus of the realm. I was the last of my kind. There were no more incubuses left besides my father. If I were to ever marry, it would have to be with a higher level demon, but there weren't any demons I was too fond of marrying. They were all hellbent (pun intended) on serving Lucifer or trying to take his throne (as if they could ever try). It was too bad Unsere wasn't a male. She would have been perfect. 

"Daughter, it is now your 18th birthday which means you will now be a succubus." My father said proudly as he took my hand. 

"Yes daughter, you may now begin your expedition into a life as a succubus." Her mother said just as proudly.

For mortal parents, this would have been horrific to basically put your daughter into prostitution, but in the demon world, we didn't see it like that. Sex wasn't something to be ashamed of. It was as natural as breathing and I had been trained to believe that with every consort I would have, no harm would come to them, only pleasure. Of course, there was a price to pay for getting pleasure from a succubus, but it was very small in comparison to other demons who absorbed their souls. We just took a little piece of their essence, their energy enough to take back to our realm to help keep it flourishing. 

"We will begin the ceremony," said the officiant. My mother and father sat down in the front row. "Who here gives this succubus away?"

"We do," my mother and father said at once, standing for a brief second before sitting back down.

"With the blood of Lucifer, I anoint you, Seraphina Ralnulde." The officiant took a cup of blood and put it on my forehead. 

"Do you Seraphina Ralnulde swear to the duties of succubus?"

I hesitated and looked back at my parents who nodded for me to complete the ritual. 

"I do." I gulped. 

"With the powers vested in Lucifer, I now pronounce you succubus of the 13th realm. You must now choose your first consort."

We headed over to the river that overlooked the mortal realm. It showed millions of young guys of around 18-21. I looked at the sea of different faces but none seem to appeal to me. 

"Time is of the essence, Seraphina," my mother griped. 

I gave her a look. 

"Your mother is right, Seraphina. You must choose now." My father chimed in. 

With a gasp, I looked harder into the pool of faces and finally I saw him. He was wearing glasses but behind the glasses I could tell he was quite handsome and there was something behind the glasses, in those emerald eyes of his that seemed to speak to me. 

"Him." I pointed at the scrawny looking boy walking down an alley way.

"You will observe him in a human form before you begin your conquest into his dreams as you want to see what he is like in his natural habitat and see if there are any women that may block your path." My father explained. 

"Yes, father, I will do so."

I changed into the most nerdy looking clothes with glasses to disguise my demonic form which was gloriously beautiful to the mortal male's eye. I lastly put my hair back into a ponytail. Now I would look like a normal human girl. 

"Go into the world my dear and may your first conquest be fruitful." My father said, giving me a kiss on the forehead. 

I gave my parents and Unsere one last look before diving into the river between realms. 

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