Chapter Fifteen-Seraphina

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"You are doing rather well with your consort, Seraphina. So well that I think it might be time for you to select a new consort," my mother gleamed.

This was the last thing I wanted to hear. I had gotten so used to Benjamin and now that I realized I loved him, I couldn't just give him up, but at the same time I couldn't disobey my parents and go against the demon laws. 

"Mother, don't you think it's a little too early for me to find a new consort? It's only been a few days."

"It's never too early and you don't want to become attached to your prey. That would be God awful if you did."

Little did she know I was beyond attached to him. 

"Let me at least finish up the school year before we talk of other consorts. I told you that it would look strange if I just up and disappeared."

"Fine but once the school year is over, you will end the connection to this consort." 

I just nodded, smiling deep inside. I would have a few months to share with Benjamin at least.

That night when I told of what my mother said, he seemed to be shaken. 

"You won't really do that will you?"

"I have to."

"What if you were disowned and exiled? Couldn't you come live in the human world?"

"I suppose I could but I would lose my demon powers forever and be probably just human."

"I couldn't allow you to do that though not for me."

"We have right now."

But time was passing by rather quickly. Before long it was almost time for the prom. Everett was going with a girl named Holly and begged for us to come along with them, but I had already told several boys that I didn't do dances. The looks they would probably give to see me there with Benjamin would be outrage. But I wanted him to have a normal human experience. 

So I said one night. "Why don't we go to prom together?"

"But I don't have a tux nor did I buy any tickets."

"I bought the tickets and it shouldn't be too hard for you to find a tux in the next few days."

"With my height, it's going to be a bit difficult."

"You'll find one. I'll help you find one."

"You have a dress?"

"Yes. Emerald."

"Your favorite color."

"You remembered?"

"How could I forget."

I kissed him then and before long we were at it again. 

With my help, it didn't take us long to find him a tux that fit perfect. When we were entering his house, it was surprisingly to a TV on and someone rummaging through the kitchen until they heard us enter. 

"Crap I forgot my mom was going to be home today," Benjamin murmured to me. 

She quickly came into the living room. He looked every bit of his mother down to the emerald eyes except she was tiny. He must have gotten the height from his father. 

"Well who is this?"

"Mom this is my girlfriend, Sera."

"Girlfriend? How long have you two been an item and why haven't I met her sooner? Why no mention of her up until now?"

"Mom breathe. You've been working a lot lately and we barely see each other anymore. It slipped my mind."

"Slipped your mind? She's your girlfriend."

I took out my hand for her to shake.

"Hi Mrs. Whitlock. It's nice to finally meet you and I apologize we haven't met sooner. We've just started dating."

She took my hand and shook it, giving me a smile while flickering him a look of disappointment. 

"It's nice to meet you Sera. My son can be a bit blockheaded sometimes when it comes to things like this."

"Like this? This is the first girl I've brought home, mom."

She looked over at what he was holding over his back. It was the tux in a garment bag. 

"And you bought a tux? You're going to the prom together?"

"Yes we are."

She looked upset for a split second but quickly changed her expression to happiness. 

"Well you must stay for dinner. I just finished making a green bean casserole."

"I would love to." I said with a wide grin. 

When we sat at the dinner table, I noticed his mother kept giving me an awestruck look every now and then as if I couldn't possibly be with someone like her son. 

"So, are you a senior too?"

"Yes I actually just moved here a few months back from Salem, Massachusetts."

"Oh that's different. How do you like it in comparison to here?"

"It's actually quite a nice change. Winters are quite brutal in Salem unlike here."

"How long have you and my Benjamin been friends?"

"Since the first day of school. He helped me get better acquainted with the school since we have all the same classes."

"And you didn't invite her over before now?"

"Well I didn't think about it until now." He lied. Of course he had to lie because she couldn't know that I was in his room every night giving him more than a happy ending. 

"Blockheaded I tell you," she said to me shaking her head. "So you two have been an item for how long now?"

"Just a couple of days," I lied. It was better she didn't know that we had been together since practically the second week I had been at school. "We just made things official really."

"I was beginning to think he would never find a girlfriend with all that D&D he does and Star Wars stuff he has in his room. The only reason his father landed me was because he was also into sports."

"I actually find it cool he's into stuff like that. I was beginning to think I would never find someone with me being a bookworm. We compliment each other well with my love of books and his love of fantasy and scifi. We're both nerds in our own way."

"And dad loved D&D way more than he loved sports mom." Benjamin noted. 

"Yes he did and I tolerated it because I loved him so." She said with a laugh.

After dinner, I headed towards the door. 

"Well it was nice to meet you, Sera. I hope to see you again soon."

"I hope to see you again soon as well."

She gave me a hug which shocked me. 

"It's nice to know my son finally has someone."

"Goodnight." I said. 

"Goodnight." They both said with a wave. 

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