Chapter Eleven-Seraphina

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Going to school the next day was a little more than awkward now that he knew the whole truth about me. My parents wouldn't be too stoked about him knowing that I'm an actual succubus, but I felt I had no choice but to tell him. We are too involved now.  

I still decided to wear the glasses, my hair pulled back into a ponytail, and the baggy overalls. There was no need to cause more attention to myself than absolutely necessary especially since Benjamin and I were now sort of an item. But the males kept coming anyways. 

"Hi Sera is it?" A boy I knew to be Branigan from AP Government/Economics asked me as I was at my locker. I could see Benjamin looking at us as he walked pass and he looked to be full of jealousy or at least I hoped. 


"Do you have a date to the prom?"

"I'm not going to prom," I told him. 


Another guy asked later on that day on my way to Public Speaking. I was walking with Benjamin and he asked me, "Hi Sera, I was wondering if you maybe had a date to the prom?" He eyed Benjamin who looked straight ahead. I wanted to sigh, but I knew it wasn't his fault. It was the glamour that was hard to disguise even in the hideous getup I wore. 

"No I don't because I'm not going to prom."

"Well why not?"

"I'm not into school dances." I said simply. 

"Oh." Is all he said as well before walking away.

"You really don't like school dances?" Benjamin asked me suddenly. It was the first thing he had said to me all day besides hi. At lunch he had been rather quiet. Everett filled up most of the conversation probably wondering what was going on between the two of us because to his knowledge we were now dating and should have been acting as such but instead we were both very reserved with each other. 

"Being what I am, we've never really had one of those where I'm from." Which was sort of true. There were coronations but it wasn't the same as a school dance. 

"Where is that exactly?"

I looked around to see that we were too close to other people to explain this properly now.

"It's better if I explain after school at your home."

So when we arrived at his home, it was empty as usual.

"Your mom works the evening shift?"

"Most evenings yeah. So where are you from?"

"The 13th realm of hell."

"And how is hell exactly?"

"Well its certainly not fire and brimstone like you read in the beloved Bible. There's several realms of hell or dimensions. The 13th realm would be where incubuses and succubuses lie but I am in the last one left besides my parents."

"Why are you the last one?"

"Many demons get promoted to higher levels and go on to be more. When many of the incubuses and succubuses got the chance, they evolved or just were banished for disobeying the rules."

"Banished why?"

"I'm not quite sure, perhaps for taking more than they should from a consort. That's one of the rules. You're not allowed to take but a little bit of their essence. Taking too much can not only overwhelm them but take away who they are as a person."

"And what about if a succubus were to fall for a human?"

"That's also against the rules."

"So why tell me the truth about you?"

"Because I have done the one thing that is against what our kind is supposed to do."

"And that is?"

With a kiss, "I've fallen for a human."

"So you do feel the same way?"

"I do."

"What does this mean for us?"

"I don't know."

"Will you come back tonight?"

"Does that mean you're ready?"


"Then I will."

I kissed him again, this time more fervently and then went on my way. To say I was nervous, was the understatement of the century. I had never done this before and even though I knew without a doubt there was no one I would rather do this with, it still didn't ease the fact that I was going to be using my demon powers for the first time to the full extent. 

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