Chapter Five-Seraphina

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Just as Benjamin and I were having a connection, the Matthew boy was going to mess everything up as he asked me did I have a date to the prom. I wanted Benjamin to ask me of course but I couldn't come out and say that. I also didn't want to reject him outwardly for it would look very crass on my part. 

So I just said, "Um, I don't but I'm not going to the prom."

"Oh, why not?" The Matthew boy persisted.

"Because dances aren't my thing." I said, thinking quick on my feet. 

"Oh. Well I just thought I'd ask." He said and turned to leave, looking dejected.

"Dances really aren't your thing?" Everett asked me.


I looked at Benjamin who didn't say anything, but looked crestfallen. 

Before I was to go to Benjamin's that night, I would go to my realm and report to my parents who would want to know how things were going. I honestly didn't think I could do it. He seemed too innocent and unpolluted. Maybe I had picked the wrong boy, but my heart said otherwise. 

My mother sat in her chair sewing up a dress, I was sure to be my dress for my first night with Benjamin. My father was in the other chair, reading a book. 

When she saw me enter, she quickly put down the dress and came up to me with a hug. 

"Hi honey, how's it going?"

"It's going okay, but I don't think I picked the right one."

"You can't back out now. He's been marked. You marked him the moment you entered his dreams the first night you visited him." My mother told me. 

"Your mother is right. It's too late to back out now. I'm sure you are close to sealing the deal. I can feel it." My father said, setting down his book. 

"But he's just so innocent." I told them. Too innocent. I thought about how much he blushed every time he saw me or every time he would trip over his feet when he saw me. 

"The more innocent, the better." My father said. 

"And it's not like he doesn't get something out of the exchange." My mother reminded me. 

"I know mother but it just feels wrong."

"You have been in the human world too long."

"It's only been a few days."

"A few days is too long." My mother murmured. 

"Well because he's in high school and I'm practically a student there, I will have to remain there for the next few months until graduation or otherwise it will look rather suspicious."

"I know but that seems too long." She held me in her arms. 

"It won't be. I promise."

"Seal the deal, honey soon."

"I will."

I hugged them both and went on to Benjamin. I thought about what we had in common. So far it was music. He liked Linkin Park too. It was one of the few things the demon world and the human world had in common was our love for music. Demons would often sneak up to the mortal realm to go to concerts. I've actually been to a few myself. Our master, Lucifer loved it most of all. 

When I reached his room, he was fast asleep. The dream seemed to be the same. In school. I rolled my eyes as I knew I would have to suffer through another dream of Trish. But as he walked up to the girl this time it wasn't Trish who he saw but me. 

Instead of waking up like he usually did with Trish, he actually sat down next to me and started talking to me.

"What are you doing here?" Dream me seemed to ask him.

"I'm came to see you silly." He spoke more confidently. He even looked more confident and I noticed he didn't wear his glasses. I could see those beautiful emerald eyes which was very striking. 

"Well I'm glad." Dream me smiled up at him. He held out his hand for me to take. Dream me took it and I could feel him waking up.

I quickly moved out of his room before he could catch me in his room. Now that he was dreaming of me, that only meant one thing and I didn't know if I was ready for the next step. 

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