Chapter Twelve-Benjamin

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Nervous was the understatement of the century of how I felt as I lied down in my bed, waiting for sleep to come. The boy in me was excited to be rid of my virginity and to someone I cared about, but the sensible part of me knew that this was going to be a tricky thing. 

What did it mean to give up one's essence? Would I become less of myself? Would I still be the same Benjamin Whitlock the following day? And more importantly, what did this exchange mean to Seraphina? Was I just some prey to obtain to her or was I something more to her?

Although she had stated that she cared for me earlier, she was a demon. Demons could lie. But so could humans. And she didn't seem like she was lying nor that she was in any way shape or form evil. 

I had never thought in a million years I would ever be with someone let alone a succubus. It dawned on me that I could never tell a soul of what was about to transpire. They would never believe me and probably lock me up in a mental institution. Everett might, but I wasn't going to do that to Seraphina. Not that I knew whether it would be consequences if any other human found out about her. Hell I didn't even know if there would be repercussions for me knowing. 

Sleep finally came and my dreams were filled with Seraphina. I was kissing her urgently on the lips, as if it were going to be my last time seeing her. 

When I slowly came out of the dream, there she stood, in the most enticing dress I had ever seen. It was tight, but long with a split down the side that showed off her sexy calf. It hugged every curve she had been hiding in the overalls and I could see that she had the body of a Goddess. Her supple breasts which weren't too big or too small hung nearly out of the dress. Her beauty was beyond compare. Her ivory skin glowed in the moonlight. Her hair was long and wavy and looked even more luxurious than ever before. I was foolish to ever think I could compare her to Trish Thompson or even Natalie Portman. She was beyond that. She came to my bedside and sat down slowly. 

I tried not to let my nerves get the better of me but they were sort of winning out as I gazed upon her. A week ago, I probably would have been much worse than this.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She spoke so softly. Her voice was so intoxicating.

"Without a doubt." I said with a gulp. 

"It's okay. You'll be fine." She said with a smile before coming down to kiss me. 

Our lips crashed down on one another passionately. It wasn't long before I found my tongue intertwined with hers. I ran my fingers through her sumptuously silky smooth dark hair which smelled of lavender. Her skin as I moved my lips down to her neck smelled of lilac. 

She moaned lightly in my ear, causing me to almost go into a frenzy with desire. She slid on top of me and started to undo the buttons on my nightshirt and threw the shirt to the ground once it was off me. She ran her fingers down my chest, her touch was exhilarating. I quickly pulled her dress up over head and began kissing her again even more intensely than before. I turned her over and started caressing all over her body. I found my hands going up to her breasts, cupping it over the black lacy bra she wore. Her soft purrs and moans made my body ache for her even more than what it already was. I couldn't take too much more of this. I had to have her. 

I slowly took off my boxer briefs as she pulled down her panties. I didn't think I would ever need to use them but I had them just in case anything ever did happen, so I pulled out a condom from my drawer and nervously put one on. I was surprised I was able to get it on with the way I was shaking. 

She kissed me for reassurance and I kissed her back before she paused. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked me, looking really concerned. 

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I said with a nervous chuckle. 

"If I was a normal girl then yes but I'm not a girl."

"Yes I'm sure." This time I said this with more confidence in my voice. 

One thing I was sure of was her. 

She swiftly moved on top of me at that very moment and began to ride me. I guess realizing it would be easier for her to be on top than I since I was a nervous wreck. I could tell she was in pain at first, for she winced a bit, but then she began to moan again and found her groove. 

The overwhelming feeling of passion overtook me. I could feel my body convulsing before I knew it and it was over with before I knew it. I felt so ashamed as she looked down at me realizing that I was already at completion before we really got started. 

"It's okay. We have all night," she whispered in my ear ever so sweetly and kissed me once again.  

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