Chapter Seven-Seraphina

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I noticed that Benjamin was being very standoffish with me the following day and then the next day he wasn't as much. He was giving me a bit of whiplash. I couldn't tell if he was really into me or not, but his dream said otherwise. I had decided the following night to use my demon powers to seduce him in the real world. I kissed him for the first time and it felt magical to kiss him. It felt like we were finally one, but then his stupid alarm clock went off and I quickly had to disappear. 

The next night I would just observe his dream and not disturb him out of it. His dream was the same except this time we were kissing. I wished with all my might that we could be kissing for real. I wished that I could have been a real girl and not a succubus. I didn't want to do this to him. But I could feel my succubus powers growing and wanting to feed on him. It was only a matter of time before they would be too hard to ignore. 

It was a weekend and though I could have spent a night playing the D&D game with them and getting closer to him, I needed him to miss me. Absence makes the heart grow fonder after all. I still had no idea how he truly felt about me. The dreams were saying one thing but reality was saying a whole other thing. He seemed like he didn't like me at all at school. Not that he had to like me in order for this to work. He just had to find me attractive which I knew he obviously did. 

I didn't want to go home to my parents so that they could scold me for not sealing the deal yet. So I went to Unsere instead. Maybe she could tell me why he didn't like me yet. 

"He does obviously like you, he's just terribly shy, I can see that through my visions of you two in how he interacts with you. He likes you a great deal but probably thinks you don't."

"I don't see how he doesn't think I like him when all I am is nice to him."

"Being nice to someone is not the same as showing them that you like them, Seraphina. But why does it matter if he likes you or not. That's not your assignment. Your assignment is to get him to find you alluring so that you can sexually bond."

"He does find me alluring. I've seen that in his dreams but..."

"Oh no don't tell me you're falling for the human."

"No I'm not."

"Seraphina you can't fall for humans. Its forbidden."

"I know it's forbidden and I haven't fallen for him." At least I thought I wasn't falling for him. 

"I don't have to be a Goddess of Sorcery to know that's a lie."

"What should I do?"

"Complete you task as quickly as possible and move on."

"But I can't move on because I'm a student at the school and have to be there for the next few months. It would look suspicious if I just left."

"Better to get it over with and leave suddenly like you went missing than to stay any longer than you have to with these feelings developing."

"Their not developing."

"But you admit it. You have feelings for the human."

"I don't know Unsere."

"Well you better get rid of these feelings because you don't want to be banished from this realm. There's no telling where you will go if you're exiled."

"I know Unsere, I know."

And with that, I went back to the mortal realm to peak in on Benjamin once again, but he wasn't asleep. He was drawing something at his desk. I quickly vanished before he spotted me behind him. Later that night, when he was fast asleep, I looked to see what he had been drawing and it was my eyes. 

He did like me. 

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