Chapter Thirteen-Seraphina

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My mother was ecstatic when she learned that I would finally be with my consort. 

She gave me the dress she made me for the occasion and said, seeming to read my mind, "Don't be nervous my dear. You will be fine."

I couldn't help but be nervous. All these years of preparation, I should have been well overconfident, but this was Benjamin. Someone I had begun to having feelings for. This wasn't going to be easy in any sense of the word. 

I went to Unsere right before I would go to Benjamin. She would surely give me some kind of reassurance that everything would be fine. 

"I don't know if I can do this Unsere," I said to her as I put on the dress my mother gave me. 

"You'll be fine."

"This would have been much more simple if I didn't like him so much."

"Well I hope you know what you must do once it's over with."

"I know what I must do, but that doesn't mean it's going to be easy."

"You'll find the will."

I was off to Benjamin and just as I entered his room, he began to stir awake. When he saw me, his eyes went up in astonishment. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked him. 

"Without a doubt." I said with a gulp.

He was just as nervous as I was, but I couldn't show my nerves. One of us had to be braver than the other. 

"It's okay. You'll be fine." I said with a smile before coming down to kiss him.

Our lips crashed down on one another passionately. It wasn't long before I found my tongue intertwined with his. He ran his fingers through my hair causing me to moan lightly in his ear.

With so much fervor in my body, I slid on top of him and started to undo the buttons on his nightshirt and threw the shirt to the ground once it was off him. I ran my fingers down his chest, which felt so exhilarating. He quickly pulled my dress up over my head and began kissing me again even more intensely than before. He turned me over and started caressing all over my body. I found his hands going up to my breasts, cupping them over the black lacy bra I wore. 

He slowly took off his boxer briefs as I pulled down my panties. He pulled out a condom from his drawer and nervously put one on. He was shaking a bit when trying to put it on. 

So I reassured him with a kiss and he kissed me back before I paused. What if this was something he didn't really want to do. What if my demon lure was making him feel he had to do this? 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked him, looking really concerned.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" He said with a nervous chuckle.

"If I was a normal girl then yes but I'm not a girl." I told him. 

"Yes I'm sure." This time he seemed to say this with more conviction in his voice.

I swiftly moved on top of him at that very moment and began to ride him, realizing it might make things more easier for him, if I was the one on top. It was painful at first and I could feel myself wincing but then I began to moan again as the pain subsided and pleasure took over.

I could feel his essence as I rode him faster and faster. I began to seize some of it but before I could get a good bit of it, he was already at completion. He had a look of horror on his face as he realized he had finished. I could tell he felt ashamed and I quickly tried my hardest to soothe him. 

"It's okay. We have all night," I whispered in his ear ever so sweetly and kissed him once again.  

He was a fast learner and as was I. It didn't take us long to learn each other's bodies throughout the night. With each round, he became a bit more confident and I was able to seize more of his essence. 

After the last round, we stayed in each other's arms. 

"That was..." He started. 

"Magnificent." I finished.  

"I knew sex could be great but I didn't know it could be that great." He said, rubbing his fingers through my hair. 

"Neither did I." I smiled. 

"So what happens now?" He asked me. 

"Well I take back the essence I took from you to my realm and will return every night until it's time for me to leave you."

"Leave me?"

"Yes I must eventually move on to someone else."

"But is that what you truly want?"

"Of course not." I said rather quickly. Of course I didn't want to leave him or be with anyone else for that matter, but I knew that eventually I would have to or be disowned by my family and exiled. 

"Then why not fight it?"

"Because that is forbidden and I will be exiled."

He was silent for a long time. Finally I said to break the silence, "Let's just try to enjoy the now."

"I guess I can do that." 

SeraphinaWhere stories live. Discover now