Chapter Fourteen-Benjamin

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The next day in school was like heaven on earth. I didn't care how bad I messed up in Public Speaking or tripped on my own feet most of the day. It was like my world finally made sense and it was all thanks to Seraphina. 

When Seraphina walked into Mr. Liberty's class, she gave me the most intense look, a look noted by Everett.

"So you guys are official now or what?"

"Yes I suppose we are."

"Wow that was fast. You're a lucky bastard you know that."

"Yeah I know." I smiled as I looked at Seraphina who smiled back at me. I was truly lucky. 

During lunch it was much the same. We kept staring intensely at each other the whole entire time. 

"Are you guys going to give googly eyes at each other the whole entire lunch period or are we going to actually have conversation here?"

"Sorry, Everett. What were you saying?" Seraphina asked him. 

We hadn't noticed that he had been going on about something. I know I hadn't noticed much of anything the whole day thinking of the night to come. When the night finally did come, it was just like the first night, but even more intense. When we finished, we were in each other's arms again. 

"So what is it like to take my essence?"

"You don't really feel it but it's like I'm taking your breath away with every kiss we share while we're in the process of loving making."

"Hence the word succubus. You're literally sucking the life out of me."

"Trust me, you would know if I was taking your life force. I'm just taking a bit of your essence. Remember you're getting just as much from this experience as I am."

"Oh I know it, but explain what exactly is my essence that you are taking?"

"It's your soul basically. But its not enough to say you'll be soulless or be damned."

"I was worried about that fact. I've read about the devil taking your soul and you being damned for all eternity. Is that real?"

"Lucifer hasn't had the need to take a person's soul in millennia. He gets his higher level demons to do that."

"So the devil is real too?"

"Yes but he's not like red with a pitchfork and horns like you humans have painted him out to be. He's an archangel with wings and the most beautiful creature I've ever seen."

"You've seen him?"

"Only once when I was a little girl. I was too young to remember exactly where we were. I believe we were at a coronation but I can't be sure but I remember seeing him."

"You guys have coronations down there?"

"Yes. It's not often but when demons get crowned to a higher level, there is a celebration for their hard work."


"Not nearly as fascinating as you humans."

"How are we fascinating?"

"Like you for instance. Instead of doing the selfish thing and going far off to school, to a really good school might I add, you'd rather choose to stay close to be by your mom. I didn't expect that in a human."

"Well I guess we're full of surprises. But what did you expect? That we were all filled with selfishness and douchebagery like Hugh?"

"Pretty much."

"Well I have news for you. We're not all like that."

"Oh I know that now which made things harder for me to take your essence. I wanted you to know who I was, what I was before doing such a thing to you."

"You said that succubus take their prey willingly but how is that so if you're stalking their bedside and taking them in the night?"

"We usually ask you while you're deep in sleep if you want to accept our invitation and usually you accept. It's rare for a consort not to accept."

"Because of your divine beauty?"

"Yes. It's hard to resist a succubus or incubus in their demon form."

"It was hard for me to resist you in your human form."

"Human disguise really. Unlike upper level demons, we can't fully morph ourselves into human form. So the glamour that you all see and can't seem to resist was still there but tamed down by the glasses, ponytail and baggy overalls."

"That didn't do much to disguise your beauty but when you're like this, it's really hard to resist you."

"It took you a while to see me in your dreams though. I was beginning to think that I was defective. You couldn't seem to get Trish out of your system."

"You saw my dreams?"

"Every night."

I couldn't help but blush a bit. I wondered how much had she seen. Obviously she'd seen a lot if she had been here every night. 

"When did it start to change? From me seeing Trish to seeing you?"

"About the third or fourth night. I can't remember, but all I know is I was ecstatic when I finally saw you dreaming of me. If I could dream, I'm sure it would be of you."

"You can't dream?"

"No and it's probably because we have the power to enter our prey's dreams but perhaps cannot see our own dreams in turn."

A burning question suddenly rose within me. I didn't know how strongly she felt for me but I knew how strongly I felt for her. 

"I want to ask you something." I propped myself up on one arm to see her face more clearly. She did the same. 

"Ask away."

"Do you love me?"

"Demons aren't allowed to love humans."

"That's not what I asked."

"Do you realize what kind of position that would put me in if I were to answer that?"

"Do you love me Seraphina?"

After a long pause, she gasped. 

"Yes, I do."

"Then I love you too."

We kissed and I knew now, whatever would happen she would always be my life. 

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