Chapter Sixteen-Benjamin

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I thought my mom meeting Seraphina would have been a disaster but it actually wasn't so bad. 

"She's strikingly gorgeous." 

I knew she wanted to say how the hell did I land her and I honestly couldn't have told her how. It still amazed me that she was in my bed every night. 

"Yes she is."

Her face was contemplating something. 

"Be careful. She seems sweet but there's something about her..."

"Mom, you're just being a bit overprotective as usual. There's nothing about her besides her being a nice girl." I lied. If only she was just a girl. Maybe that's what my mother sensed. That she wasn't quite a girl. 

"Well okay if you say so. I just don't want to see you get hurt."

"You think she would hurt me?"

"Not intentionally. I didn't get that from her but people have the ability to surprise you."

Later on that night, I held Seraphina in my arms. She was rubbing up and down my chest, making me quiver. 

"Your mom seems really nice."

"When will I get to meet your parents?"


"I was only joking. I know the circumstances."

"Yeah they certainly wouldn't be as welcoming if you had to meet them."

"What are your parents like?"

"My mother is a lot like me but way more stern and my father is completely austere. There wouldn't be any kind of flexibility with them."

"So tight bricks, got it."

"I wish they could be lenient and actually let me be with you, but that's never going to happen."

"Why not?" I wondered. They were demons. Weren't demons always breaking rules. What I had known through readings were demons to be whimsical and volatile. Not stern and steadfast. 

"We've already been through this. Demon laws forbid it."

"What if we went to someone higher to allow it? Someone like Lucifer."

Her eyes went up then. 

"You don't want to get mixed up with someone like Lucifer."


"Because he will surely take your soul and your soul is precious to me." 

She put her hand to my heart. She didn't realize just how involved I was now. That was no backing away from this now. I was hers. 

"I don't care about my soul if it means I can't be with you."

"You should care. I won't reduce you to an eternity of suffering for me."

"But it's possible?"

"There are loopholes to any law but I won't allow you to do that."

"How would a human go about doing it if you did allow it?"

"I'm not telling you." She crossed her arms in defiance. 

"I'll just research it and find out for myself."

"Fine. You summon him with blood and say his name. But promise me you won't ever do that!"

"I promise." I lied. 

Prom wasn't something I had been looking forward to. I couldn't dance to save my life, but Seraphina insisted we go for me to have a human high school experience. I just think she wanted to go to have the human high school experience. 

"You look gallant." She said as I came down from my apartment building. I looked at her and was in awe. 

How could someone get more beautiful each and every day, I didn't know but somehow she had managed it. She was in an emerald strapless dress that came down to her feet with a slit down the side. Her hair was down but she still had on the glasses. No one was going to be fooled by those glasses. She was an absolute vision. 

"And you look absolutely stunning. No stunning doesn't even begin to describe your beauty."

"Let's go, we don't want to be late."

When we arrived, it was in full swing. There was looks and stares every which way as we entered. All of the girls looked at Seraphina with insane jealousy while the guys looked at me with envy and anger. The only people that didn't look that way were Everett and Holly. Holly was a sweet girl so I knew she wouldn't look at Seraphina like how all the other girls were looking at her and Everett knew that Seraphina was with me and wouldn't see her that way. 

"You guys look dashing." Everett said.


We found a table and sat down. 

"Are you guys actually going to dance?" Everett said with a smirk. 

"I hope we'll at least do one dance, Benjamin." Seraphina said. 

I gulped. Dancing just wasn't my forte. "Maybe."

"Well we're going to head out on the dance floor, come on Holly." Everett said grabbing Holly who got up and went with him to the dance floor.

"We're not going to sit here all night are we?" Seraphina asked. 

"Hey you wanted to come to the prom and I did my part."

"Oh come on Benjamin, not even a slow number?"


Suddenly Cigarettes After Sex came on and it was a favorite song of both of ours. 

"Oh come on, we have to dance to this one, Benjamin. It's our favorite song."

She stood up and held out her hand. I grimaced before getting up and taking it.

"You'll do fine." 

I found myself swaying back and forth to the music easily with her. It was surprisingly easier than I thought it would be. "See I told you."

"It's only because it's Cigarettes After Sex," I said to her.


"And you." I whispered in her ear. 

She smiled. 

I knew there was never going to be a moment more perfect than this as she laid her head against my shoulder. 

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