Chapter Eight-Benjamin

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She was so much in my head that I had to draw those eyes of hers. Those beautiful exquisite eyes that she tried to hide behind those ugly glasses. They did no justice for her beautiful face. The weekend seemed to fly by without a hitch. I was actually glad for the first time in my teenage life that it was Monday. 

Seeing her was going to be the highlight of my day. When she walked into Mr. Liberty's classroom, I couldn't help but stare at her. She wore the baggy overalls again but that didn't matter because I had a pretty good idea what was underneath those overalls when she wore the jeans and t-shirt the other day. 

"Creep much." Everett teased.

"Oh get a life Everett." I said back. 

"When you get one first."

I promised myself that I would try to make conversation with her as much as possible throughout the day and maybe possibly get up the nerve to ask her out. But as if she had been reading my mind, she said to me during Mrs. Jacobson's class, "You want to go out sometime?"

"Go out where?" I asked dumbly. 

"You know like on a date?"

"You'''re asking me out?"


"Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"I mean if you don't want to go out..."

"No I wasn't saying that of course I would love to go out with you but I'm just saying I should have been the one to ask."

"Benjamin its the 21st century."

"I know but I'm kind of old school."

"Well I hate to break it to you but you're kind of ancient with the pace you were going at."

"Its only been a week since you've been here." I pointed out.

"True, but where I'm from we move rather quickly."

"So you've been on a lot of dates?" I asked, realizing she probably had a lot of experience where I had absolutely positively none. 

"No you would be the first. I just mean my friends back at home move quickly." This shocked me. She seemed like the type of girl that would have guys lining up at her doorstep. I mean look at Matthew and how fast he wanted to ask her to the prom. 

"Okay then how about I take you to the Quirk after school. It's a small diner not too far from here. Unless you're a bus rider and can't walk to your home."

"That sounds perfect. I don't live too far from school." She smiled. 

"Great it's a date then."

I could feel myself wanting to do backflips and jumping jacks. I was filled with excitement going out with the hottest girl in school. I couldn't wait for three-thirty to come. 

Lunch was a blur as was all my other classes. I told Everett not to wait up for me at my locker as I was going to take Sera out on a date to which he hollered, "Finally!" 

When the final bell finally ringed, I walked to her locker and wished I had something to give her like a rose or something. 

"Ready to go?" I asked her.


As we walked towards the Quirk, I found myself once again not knowing what to say. She seemed to fill the silence in as she said, "Where do you plan on going to school?"

"UC Berkeley. What about you?"

"Washington State. Why UC Berkeley?"

"Because it's near my mom. It wasn't my first choice but I figured it would have to do with the circumstances."

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