Chapter Nine-Seraphina

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I couldn't believe I asked Benjamin on a date. It was such a human thing to do but it felt nice and the date had been really nice. I got to know him a lot better which now would make things even harder. He was such a good kid. Taking his essence would be the hardest thing I would ever have to do. Even though being a succubus, it would be a symbiotic experience, I still couldn't fathom taking something so precious from him as innocent as he was. 

I entered his dream that night and this time the kiss was ever more intense. His hand cupped my face and slowly slid down my neck, down to my breast. I found myself being jealous of the dream me. Wishing I was her. I could be her, a thought came into my head. But I wasn't going to go there again, not when he was pure and innocent. If I was going to do this then I would do it the right way. My parents would be mad but there was no other way I was going to do this. I wasn't going to take his essence unless he invited me in to do so on his own accord. I would tell him the truth about me and hope he wouldn't shun me away once he knew the truth.

The next day at school was pleasant. 

"Can I come over to your house?" I asked him. 


When we made it into his home, I found it to be a quaint little apartment. His room was just as I saw it every night. Posters of what I know guessed to be D&D characters laid on his wall with one exception being of the Star Wars character, Padmé Amidala. He quickly closed a sketchbook that I had saw was a drawing of me the other night. 

"So what do you want to do? I have games we could play or we could work on homework together if that's what you wanted to..." I kissed him fast and hard before he could get another word out. 

It was better than the dream state kiss we shared when he thought he was under sleep paralysis. Our tongues collided instantly against once another and seemed to do a dance. When we finally came up for air, he just looked at me sheepishly. 

"Or that."

He kissed me this time and pulled me unto on the bed. His hand went up and down my arm while the other held my face as our tongues collided once again, I found my hands tousling in his hair and moaning between kisses. This is what Unsere must have been warning me about. I couldn't help what I was feeling at this very moment. All I wanted was him, but I knew what I had to do first. 

I stopped the kiss by pushing him lightly away. 

"There's something I must tell you." 

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait." He said and tried to kiss me again, but I pushed him back once again.

"No, this can't wait. Benjamin, I'm a succubus." 


I took off my glasses and pulled down my hair. 

"Yeah you definitely are a succubus." He said with a laugh and started kissing my neck. 

I pushed him back again. "No, I'm serious." 

"Aren't succubuses supposed to come to you in your dreams then and not at school?"

"I did."

"I knew this was too good to be true. You're crazy."

"You'll see. I'll come to you tonight in my true form."

"Why can't I see you in your true form now if you are this succubus?"

"Because it will overwhelm you. And my real name is Seraphina."

"Okay Seraphina."

"Goodbye Benjamin."

"Goodbye Sera."

That night I came to him while he was sleep and awakened him. He couldn't move. I kissed him softly, and then deepened the kiss. His eyes said it all. He recognized me. I took the paralysis away from him. 

"You really are...a succubus."

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