Chapter Two-Benjamin

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I noted that there was a full moon tonight, as I walked down the alleyway towards my apartment building. I knew my mother was going to be worried sick that I was coming home so late, but the D&D game ran behind tonight. Being a human fighter wasn't easy, being the least distinguishable character of the game, but I managed fine tonight. If my father was still alive, he would be proud of my maneuvers tonight. I managed to pulverize a dragon with my sword. 

Walking into the building, I could smell many spices and herbs coming from my neighbor's apartment. They were Hispanic so it was often different aromatic smells coming from their apartment. As I entered ours which in contrast smelled of blandness, I saw that my mother was watching Gilligan's Island or rather it was watching her as she was asleep in the armchair, probably having waited up for me.

I felt really bad. My father died one night with her waiting up for him. It was a hit and a run. How I would have given anything to catch the bastard that ran him over. Of course, being only ten years old, there was not much I could have done then and I doubt being eightteen now there would have been still much I could have done. 

I put down my bookbag and lightly touched my mother's shoulder. She stirred and looked up happily at me for a moment and then her face quickly changed into a grimace. 

"Where have you been? It's almost midnight." My mom almost shouted. 

"I'm sorry mom. The game ran a little behind. I tried my best to hurry it along as best as I could but with seven other players with different things going on between us, it's hard to do such a thing." I tried to assuage. 

"I'm just glad you are alright. You know I worry for you. It's going to be so much worse when you go off to college."

Her green eyes, which were an emerald color like mines, were a bit red and watery. She had been crying again. The anniversary of my father's death was coming up and I knew that made her more tense. I should have been more considerate. 

"I won't be far mom. I'm only going to be an hour away."

"Even so, that hour is going to fill like a million miles away from you."

"I know but I promise I'll try to visit as much as I can."

"You better. Now you need to get ready for bed. You have school in the morning."

I almost forgot about my hell hole I had to visit every Monday through Friday. The game had been my relief from thinking about the hell dimension called high school. 

"Indeed I do. Goodnight, mom." I kissed her square on the forehead and walked swiftly into my bedroom filled with D&D posters on my wall. There was also a Star Wars poster of Padmé Amidala. Oh how Natalie Portman was the girl of my dreams well her and Trish Thompson. 

But I knew neither were reality. No girl would want a scrawny nerdy guy like me. Unlike my father, who had managed to hit the jackpot in school by marrying the most popular girl in school, my mother, I wasn't going to be so lucky. Trish, being the most popular girl in school, was with the most popular guy in school, Hugh Blakemore.

I did my nightly routine by brushing my teeth, taking a shower, and taking off my glasses. I had contemplated getting contacts but that still wouldn't change the fact that I was a scrawny kid with hardly in definition of muscles. Perhaps if I bulked up like Hugh, I would have somewhat of a chance with Trish, but I was too much of a klutz to even go near weights. I don't even know how I managed to pass gym the two years it was required in high school. It was a bearable pass with a C+, but hey it was a pass at least. 

I was halfway done with the school year. I had a college picked out and only needed to be concerned with the senior exams which I was sure to pass with flying colors. I was the typical nerd that got all As except when it came to gym. The only thing I was concerned about was still being a virgin at eightteen with no prospects for a date to the senior prom which was two months away. 

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