Chapter Seventeen-Seraphina

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I knew there wasn't going to be a moment more perfect than this very moment with Benjamin as we danced under the disco ball in the high school gym full of streamers. 

And there wasn't for when we arrived back at his home and his room stood my parents. We had been kissing as we entered the room and at first didn't notice two figures standing near his window until we were on the bed. 

"What the..." Benjamin started. He instantly got up and I followed suit. 

"Mother, father what are you doing here?" I asked, shellshocked. 

"Unsere told us the truth. That you have fallen for this this human and she was right. How could you have fallen for him, Seraphina?"

"Why would she tell you?"

"We had our suspicions and just needed confirmation. Unsere can't lie you know that Seraphina."

"You will come with us now."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"You will come with us or be disowned and banished for all eternity."

"Don't go, Seraphina. Don't let them control your life." Benjamin muttered. 

"What do you human know of a demon's life? You live maybe what a few decades while we live over eons." My mother spewed out. "Now come before we have to do something to this human that you will come to regret."

I knew what they could do to him and I wasn't about to allow that to happen. One thing all demons had the power to do was take a soul if they really wanted to and I would not stand for Benjamin's soul to be taken. 

"I'm sorry Benjamin. I love you."

"Seraphina no!" Benjamin screamed and tried to catch me but I was already next to my parents. 

I vanished with my parents back to the 13th realm. The first place I went once I was done with my parents was Unsere.

"Unsere how could you?"

"Your parents came to me and as Goddess of Sorcery and Fertility, I am sworn to tell the truth at all costs especially when it's concerning you. I did it to protect you. You needed to stop this before it got out of control. And I can see it already has."

"That wasn't your place."

"It was in my place."

"Unsere, I love him." I cried, leaning on her.

"I know." She said, consoling me. 

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