Chapter Ten-Benjamin

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing. She was gloriously beautiful and yet still my Sera from earlier and yet not her at all. She wore a tight red dress that hugged every curve in her body. Her hair was luxurious and long. Her eyes while still grey, looked even more beautiful in the moonlight if that was even possible. 

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked her, amazed but also slightly frightened. 

"Nothing that you don't want to do. Succubus don't take you against your will. You come willingly."

"You're a demon." I realized. 


I fell for a demon. 

I found myself saying it aloud, "I fell for a demon."

"Yes." She said with a nod.

"Why me?"

"I don't know." She shrugged. 

"I mean you could've had any boy you wanted. Hugh Blakemore."

"But I chose Benjamin Whitlock. When I saw your face, I knew it had to be you."


"Again I don't know. You just spoke to me."

"And what if I don't want this. Whatever this is?"

"You will never see me again. And I will be banished for all eternity."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know. But I know it's not a good thing to be banished."

I suddenly felt bad for her. I didn't want her to be banished for all eternity. 

"I don't want you to be in trouble."

"You're worried about me when I just told you I'm a demon."

"Well of course. You're not a monster." At least I hoped she wasn't a monster. 

"If you agree to this, you know what this means right?"

"We have sex?" I asked, remembering from reading about succubus on Wikipedia that they were sexual beings that came at night to have sex with humans. 

"More than having sex. I take a piece of your essence every time we do."

"My essence?"

"It's like fragments of your soul but it's harmless in comparison to what other demons do to their prey."

"I'm your prey?"

"More like consort."

"Can you give me time to think about this?"

"Yes I can." 

The next day, I expected to see Sera or Seraphina, but she didn't show up to any of the classes we had. I was actually bummed to not see her, but then I thought about everything that transpired last night and it might have been better not seeing her here. 

"Wonder where Sera is." Everett said during lunch. 

I just shrugged. 

"Maybe she's sick." 

"Maybe so."

I was hoping a game of Final Fantasy would put my mind at ease but it didn't. All I could think about was her. There was a large part of me that wanted this to happen. Hell any normal guy would have longed for it, but I wasn't a normal guy. I knew she was going to return tonight and she did. 

"Have you made up your mind?"

"I have questions."


"How many guys have you done this to?"

"You would be the first."

"But I wouldn't be the last?"

"Unfortunately no. That's not how succubuses operate. We must bond with more than one male."

"So you're a virgin too?"

"Yes I am."

That made me feel better. Knowing that I would be her first if I agreed to it. 

"Do you care at all for me or is this just about the "getting one's essence"?"

"How could you ask me something like that? Of course I care about you. I wouldn't have revealed myself to you if I didn't care."

"So succubus don't usually reveal themselves? They usually just come in and have sex with their prey?"

"Willingly yes."

After a long pause, I came to my decision. "I want to."

"You do?" She asked in shock. 


She started to come close to me but I put my hand up to stop her. 

"But not tonight."


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