Chapter Six-Benjamin

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Seeing Sera was going to be awkward for me. I had dreamed about her and held her hand. Why hadn't I dreamed about Trish like I normally do? She seemed to be in my head all the time now and I had just met her. It was strange. How could I be infatuated with someone so fast?

When she walked into Mr. Liberty's class, she didn't wear overalls today. Instead it was jeans and green t-shirt. Her hair was still pulled in a tight ponytail and she still wore her glasses, but that didn't take away from how gorgeous she looked. I realized that she looked more stunning than Trish and that was saying a lot. 

"Hey man, you okay?" Everett said as I tried to turn my attention back to him. I forgot he had been saying something to me before she walked in. 

"Yeah, the game is going to be great this Saturday." I answered. He had asked me about D&D this Saturday. 

He looked to where I had been looking and smirked. "She's really getting to you man."

"No she's not."

"Okay." He rolled his eyes. "You're whipped."

"No I'm not."

"I never thought I'd see the day where a girl would surpass Trish fucking Thompson."

Neither did I. 

I was extra quiet the rest of the day. I knew Sera thought I was be standoffish and I was because I didn't know how to take the dream. She tried to talk to me during lunch but I would give one or two worded answers. 

Everett was looking at me like I was being weird and I guess I was being weird. 

That night, I dreamt of her again and we held hands again only this time I kissed her hand. I woke up to see that the same dark figure was over my bed again. I couldn't move. I felt a weight on my chest and the figure came closer to me until it was near my face. It was the most beautiful face I had ever seen and her eyes were a deep grey much like Sera. She suddenly put her lips to mines and kissed me slowly, but before the kiss could deepen, my alarm went off and my eyes shifted towards my alarm clock. The dark figure's lips as well as whole self went away instantly just as my body stopped being paralyzed. 

I coughed not knowing what had just happened to me. I had heard of sleep paralysis and how it felt like a pressure was weighted on your chest just like mine had been and often saw a dark figures while under sleep paralysis but I had never heard of instances of being kissed during sleep paralysis. 

The next morning, before I was off to school, I asked her since she was a nurse, "Mom, you've heard of sleep paralysis right?"

"Yes honey. As a nurse, I hear it's quite common among people who suffer from Narcolepsy."

"Well I don't seem to have Narcolepsy but I keep having sleep paralysis and I was wondering have there been cases where you've heard of someone being kissed while under the paralysis?" I touched my lips having felt it was almost real. 

"Well it could happen as a hallucination. Why honey did you have that last night?"

"I think so."

"If you want we can get you checked out by a specialist."

I definitely didn't want to see a specialist. Whatever this was I was sure would go away soon. 

"No I think I'm fine."

"Have you not been sleeping well?" She touched my forehead. 

"No I sleep pretty fine most nights. It was just last night and the other night."

"Well if you keep having them, then I will suggest you going to a somnologist."

"I'll let you know if I keep having them." I lied. 

When I arrived at school, I was glad today was Friday but at the same time I wasn't because that meant I wouldn't see Sera again until Monday. There I go again. Thinking I actually had a shot with someone like her. A guy could dream. 

"So what do you guys usually do on weekends?" Sera asked as we sat down at our usual table during lunch. 

"D&D!" We both said at the same time. 

"What is D&D?"

"Dungeons and Dragons. You've never heard of it?" I asked. 


"Well Dungeons & Dragons is a collaborative roleplaying game for players of all ages. You can gather your friends to vanquish mighty monsters, embark on epic quests, and tell legendary stories filled with fantasy and fun." Everett explained. 

"In D&D, each player creates a heroic character to represent them in the game; this might be a skilled fighter, a devout cleric, a deadly rogue, a spellcasting wizard, or something else entirely! Together, the Dungeon Master or DM and players create an exciting story where their bold adventurers confront deadly perils. Even if the group doesn't complete the adventure successfully, the good time and memories make everyone a winner," I continued to explain to her.

"Sounds fun."

"Would you want to play with us?" Everett asked. 

"I would if I didn't have plans with my mother. I promised her I would spend the weekend getting the house spruced up since we just moved in."

Of course she wouldn't want to play that with us. It was probably too nerdy for her, but then again maybe she was telling the truth about her mother. 

"Maybe another time then." Everett said.

"Yeah for sure." She said. 

I knew my mother would be working late that night so I did what I normally would do with Trish in my head, but thought of Sera instead as I began to rub myself down there. It was embarrassing to think about knowing she would never think of me like this but I couldn't get her out of my head. It was like I felt this connection to her. I thought of her long black hair and how I wanted to unravel it with my hands and then those grey eyes of hers. I imagined kissing her pink plump lips, down to her long neck and then down to her breasts to her navel and down to her nether regions. Her calling out my name, "Oh Benjamin!" 

Before I knew it, I was exploding with pleasure. It didn't take long for me to reach completion thinking of her. It was much faster than it had ever been with Trish I noted. 

That night when I dreamt of Sera, this time I kissed her not only on her hand, but on her lips. It felt really real. I could have sworn the next morning that I had actually kissed those plump lips. 

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