Chapter 2

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By mid-day, I was completely exhausted. Bills, bills, and more bills. I think there was my paycheck somewhere in there but I didn't pay close attention to anything unless it said "open immediately". My job is being a secretary of a large law firm in Detroit. You would think I would get double, maybe even triple, the amount of money people in this town make. But nope. I get paid $5,000 a year. Now it may seem like a lot, but in the end of the day, my monthly paycheck goes straight towards the bills and food for me and my daughter. Most times it isn't enough. I'm in debt with the bank as well. That doesn't help my situation.

The phone suddenly went off, causing me to wake from a five minute nap I had just managed to enter.

"Hello?" I answered half asleep

"Hey Daya! How are you?" said one of my closes friends, Mary-Anne.

"Oh, hey Anne! I'm hanging in there, how about you?"

"Oh I'm fine. Hey got plans tonight?"

I took a second to ponder this. I wasn't actually trying to remember if I had planned something. I was just trying to decide whether to say yes or make-up a complete lie so I could stay home. Finally, I came out and said, "I think I'm free. Why, what do you have planned?" as i went and grabbed myself a Pepsi out of the fridge.

"Well, you know my good friend, Isaiah? Well his buddy is going over seas for war and apparently he knows Kid Rock by some 'coincidental' meet at a club or some shit like that. Anyway, Kid is throwing a going away party for Isaiah's buddy and Isaiah invited us to go. You in?" Anne said so fast I thought it was a recording.

"But what about Jane?" I said hushed as I watched Jane play with a toy I had managed to buy for her last Christmas.

"Just call Diane," Anne remarked.

Diane is a highly trusted baby-sitter of mine that has watched Jane ever since she was a baby. I hate annoying her, even if she says it's no big deal. Diane loves kids, especially Jane.

"Alright, I guess I'll hang today," I huffed, but to be honest I was pretty excited to go to a party hosted by a celebrity. A FUCKING CELEBRITY. That's something to post on Facebook.

"Yay!!! Okay I'll swing by to pick you up at about 6," half shrieked Anne before hanging up on me.

I hung up that call and called Diane to make sure she was available, and as always she was.

"Hola, Diane! Hey, listen I have plans to go out tonight. Do you mind taking care of Jane for a few hours?"

"Of course, i don't have anything better to do anyway," Diane replied with a small laugh.

"Thank you so much!"

I then hung up the phone and went to my room. My room is the master bedroom, and it's a decent size. I have my queen sized bed set up at the far corner of the room, next to a nice window that views the very dingy block. Since my bed is sticking out, in front of it is my T.V. that is secured on top of a small table. On the other side of the room I have a simple closet for my jeans and shirts and another one for my bras and shit. My lamp sits on top of my bedside table where I keep mostly pictures of Jane, pictures made for me BY Jane, bills, songs, etc. Just things I don't wanna throw out. I think there are some condoms in there too. Hey, you never know when I could catch a man.

I looked into my closet to try and find something to where. What a journey this is gonna be.

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