Chapter 10

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Marshall's friend lived in a huge condo. It was beautiful. It had a nicely decorated living room with an indoor pool that was huge. It had large lights multi colored lights. There was a room much bigger than my living room that was almost vacant besides a few tables with kegs and red plastic cups (oh god).

It had taken me more than an hour and a half to get to Marshall's house. I spent more time trying to get Jane ready than I did myself. She was running away from me and wouldn't get ready.

"Jane!" I screamed,"Mommy has to go out tonight! Come on you got to get ready to go to Lelieda's!"

Jane kept dodging my attempts to grab her. "No! I wanna stay here longer! I dont wanna go back yet!"

I felt terrible when I had finally gotten a hold of her. It had taken an hour to calm her down and get her to cooperate with me. She reluctantly got dressed while I grabbed the few stuff she brought with her. We made a deal that she could start living back here with me if she let's me go out tonight. I told her to tell me when she was ready to come home, and even if she hasn't said it I know she wants to come back. I dropped her off at Lelieda's and stayed for a minute to tell her about my plans for the night. Of course she complained about me going to a party when I have a child, but she's just as guilty.

From my sister's house, it took about twenty minutes to get to Marshall's. I was nervous that he had already left for the party, thinking I stood him up. Thankfully, when I got there and knocked on the door, he answered.

"When I said take all the time you need, I didn't mean this much," he said as he opened the door.

"I'm sorry. Jane was being very difficult and wouldn't listen to me at all. Can you please forgive me?" I begged

He smiled and replied,"All is forgiven. Let's start heading out before he thinks we aren't coming and closes the doors,"

He grabbed his cellphone that was conveniently right near the door. We stepped off his porch and began walking on the sidewalk. We walked towards the party, taking our time. We talked about random things like movies and shows. Every now and then while we were walking I looked around to see if anyone was staring. There was nobody really out though. We were just a normal couple walking to a party together.

When we got there, you could hear laughing from outside, where people were smoking cigarettes and making out. When we walked in we were instantly greeted by the host of the party.

"Hey Marshall," the friend greeted Marshall and handed him a drink.

"Who's this?" Daniel, he's the host, motioned towards me while asking

"Oh Dan, this is Dayanara," Marshall introduced me. He didn't say 'My girlfriend, Daya' but I can't always get what I wanted.

"Nice to meet you Dayanara" he shook my hand politely.

I just smiled and nodded back. Dan then had walked away to some girl that was a few feet away from us.

"Come on, you need a drink," said Marshall, as he put his arm around me and walked me to a keg to get a drink.

It was about half way into the party. Marshall, a few people, and I were just sitting down on a couch and talking. I made a few new friends, and so did Marshall. They were Bryan, Necy, Steve, and Alex. Dan was also sitting with us as we sat around, drank and had a good time. We told a bunch of random stories and laughed with each other. The voices of people were louder than the music playing. I shook my cup, realizing that it was all ice.

"Be right back, gonna get another drink," I said loud so they could hear me.

"You sure you'll be okay by yourself?" questioned Marshall sarcastically.

He was the one who got my drinks for most of the night. I don't know why but he did and it was basically very sweet.

"Yes, I'll be okay," I laughed as he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I stood up and began walking over to the kegs. It was my third drink of the night. It takes a little more than three cups of gin to drunk me up. Even when I'm drunk, unlike many people, I'm aware of what's going on and I'm actually responsible. Am I the only one? Suddenly, as my mind was concentrating on something other than where i was walking, I ran into someone who was dancing. He spilled his drink all over me and himself.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? One too many beers!" he screamed being as overly dramatic as possible. Most of his drink spilled on me anyway. Thankfully, my dress was black.

"Hey sorry! I wasn't paying attention," I sneered as I tried to walk around him, but he blocked my path.

"Listen, you can't just run into someone, spill their drink, say sorry, and move on with your life. You're not cool like that. Who the fuck are you anyway," he said.

Many people around us stopped what they were doing and began watching us. I felt my face get hot as suddenly, Marshall came up.

"Aye, Vince," he greeted the guy I just ran into.

"Aye, man who the fuck the is this? You know her?"

I shifted in place as I felt a ton more eyes begin to stare at me and Marshall. I was nervous cause I didn't know if he was gonna come out and say we were dating or say he didn't know who I was.

"Yea, actually I do," he began, as whispers began to spread.

Vince then gave out a laugh."Oh man, I pity you dude," he said

Marshall's face suddenly filled with concern. "Fuck off man, she's cool. What, someone bumps into you and all of a sudden they're nothing but shit to you?" he fired back instantly.

You could hear more people start whispering as Vince shot back,"Look dude I don't know, but I do know one thing. I also pity the guy that has to put up with her bullshit,"

I felt so embarrassed. I felt a tear come to my eyes, but I didn't dare let it fall. In the heat of the moment, Marshall suddenly grabbed the collar of Vince's shirt, punched him right in the face, and down they went fighting.

People starting freaking out and some people Marshall had talked to during the night, including Dan and Bryan, tried to pull them apart. I could hear them both loudly mumbling swear words. Once they were finally pulled apart, Marshall got up with barely a scratch. Vince, on the other hand, looked pretty fucked up. He had a few bruises near his eyes and a bloody nose. He has a scratch near his lip that wasn't very deep.

Marshall had walked over to me and whispered,"Come on, let's get out of here,"

Just as we were about to turn and leave, Vince got up and yelled "Aye Marshall what was that for?"

He turned around and calmly replied,"Teach you to not talk shit about her,"

Vince chuckled and said,"Who is she? You're girlfriend?"

The room got quiet besides the music that everyone forgot was playing. Marshall then gave a smirk, looked at me, and gave me a kiss. It wasn't a long one, but he had kissed me for about four seconds. In those four seconds I could hear small gasps and whispers coming from all around us.

"Does that answer your question, Vince?" he said.

Vince looked dumbfounded, as Marshall grabbed me by the hand, and walked me out of the condo, leaving everyone, including myself, in shock.

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