Chapter 58

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After an eternity, Marshall and I finally made it to the address. The amount of traffic that was on the highway was intolerable. It probably would've been faster if we walked there.

Marshall put the car in park, and sighed. I can't imagine the stress he's in after driving for that long.

I put my hand on his shoulder, and gave it a small squeeze. He had a small side smirk.

"Alright let's go," he said, unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car.

I did the same, slinging my purse over my shoulder. He walked over to my side, and linked his fingers in mine. As we walked, I saw Lelieda and Chelsea waiting impatiently at the front door.

"You couldn't drive any slower?" Lelieda fired, but I could hear her playful side.

"Traffic," Marshall shrugged.

He had some goofy smile on his face, and it instantly made me smile with him.

"Marshall, that's Chelsea. Chelsea, my fiancé Marshall," I introduced them.

He politely reached out and they shook hands.

"Hi. Big fan," she greeted. Her voice sounded nerve racking, which made me nervous.

If there's one thing I know about Chelsea, she is a huge fan of Marshall (or Eminem i should say). One of the reasons why I didn't want to come with Marshall. Another would be there are other people I'm sure he's going to meet, and Marshall isn't the type of person to want to go out and meet a bunch of people. Which is reasonable, considering his situation.

"Come on in. You haven't missed much," Chelsea grabbed Marshall's arm and began pulling him towards the front door.

I gave Lelieda a look, which ment 'You get her off my man before I turn her head backwards'. She understood, and went for Chelsea's arm.

"Um, I think they know where to go. You don't need to show them," Lelieda said sternly, pulling her away from Marshall.

"Oh, right. Sorry," she then walked into the house.

I squinted my eyes a little, shaking my head. There isn't something that annoys me more than someone going for the guy I love.

"Jealous?" Marshall joked, pulling me closer by the waist.

I gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. We both laughed quietly, and together we walked into the house. There weren't THAT many people in the house. About maybe fifteen, and I recognized most of them. Everyone was sitting around and talking. Lelieda saw we walked in, and came right for us.

"I'm sorry about Chelsea, Marshall. She just got a little carried away," she said as she stood in front of us.

"Not a problem," he said.

I looked around, and noticed some people were recognizing Marshall. I began getting a bit more nervous, because I wanted to have a good tine with Marshall here without someone interrupting it.

"Oh, don't worry I let people know you two were coming," she informed.

"Thanks," I said sarcastically, although I'm kind of greatful for it.

In my opinion, it's better if people know we're coming then to be taken off guard. Somehow, people just react differently. Probably because they can mentally prepare themselves to not freak out that a celebrity is coming with his girlfriend, whom you know very well.

I looked over at Marshall. He still seemed playful, and not as serious as he would usually be in a room with people he didn't know. It's always like he has a stick up his ass in public, but now he seems more chill and laid back. I guess that's a good thing. As long as he enjoys himself.

~(An Hour Or So Later)~

For what felt like the 50th time in the past hour, I began laughing hysterically. So did the rest of the room, including Marshall, who was sitting right next to me. His arm wasn't around me, and our hands weren't linked. It was a rare sight.

Our friend, Jesse, has not stopped cracking us up. The party chilled down and instead of dancing around drinking, we decided to sit down on Chelsea's new couches and just bullshit around. So far, Jesse was the one making us roar of laughter.

None of this was as bad as I thought it was going to be. I thought everyone was going to treat Marshall different, but the truth is they didn't treat him any differently than the next person. It was awkward at first, but once everyone heard him laugh, and got to know him he fit right in.

I could tell he was having a good time. His face was beaming, and his smile never seemed to diminish from his face. It was a rare another sight, and I was going to enjoy it.

Everyone wiped their teary eyes, all from laughing so hard.

"Having a good time?" I muttered to Marshall, who was staring up at something on the ceiling.

He looked down at me, and his goofy smile reappeared.

"Yea, I'm having a great time," he said quietly back to me.

He planted a kiss on my forehead, and I heard a few 'awes' from the group of people sitting around us.

"Shut up!" I jeered, but laughed at the end.

Marshall snickered next to me, and few others did as well.

"So, I hear you two are getting married?" asked a good friend of mine, Rachel.

"Mhmm" I answered, lifting up my right hand where the ring was and displayed it to them.

"Ooh!" said a few people who examined the ring.

I gave a self-loathing smile, and Marshall just sat smirking to himself.

"So, are you guys gonna have any kids, or are you going to hold it off?" someone asked, but I couldn't figure out who yet.

My face went dim. I thought about the miscarriage again, which I was hoping to forget, but let's be honest. No one can forget something as depressing as that.

I looked over at Marshall, who was looking down at the floor. We were both quite, and it sparked curiosity throughout the rest of the people.

"I'm sorry did I say something?" said Lenny, the guy who first asked the question.

I nodded my head up and down. I wanted to answer, but my tongue was tied in knots. Instead, Lelieda did that for me.

"Not to long ago, Daya found out she had a miscarriage," she said, her voice sounded sympathetic.

A few people looked up at Marshall and me, sorrow filling the air. Why couldn't we go back to laughing?

"Oh, shit, I'm so sorry I shouldn't have said anything," Lenny apologized, probably regretting opening his mouth.

"It's cool man. It's sad, but what are you going to do?" Marshall responded, shrugging.

I hated having to bring this up again, more so now that we had just gotten over it.

"You told Richard, right?" Lelieda piped in.

I stared up at her, with wide eyes. She didn't just bring up Richard, did she?

"What?" I replied.

My eyes were filling with horror and anger, hoping she'll get the hint that Marshall doesn't know.

"Richard should have a right to know Daya. Why are you getting so mad?" she said, questioning eyes staring at my frustrated ones.

"Woah, who's Richard?" asked Marshall, looking at me.

His eyes were concerned. Lelieda shouldn't have opened her mouth, now I'm in this awkward position. Lelieda stared from me to Marshall.

"She didn't tell you?" she asked, her voice now sounding annoyed.

"Tell me what! Daya, what are you keeping from me?" he sounded mad now. No, he sounded infuriated.

I looked down at the floor, and at my thumbs. I could feel Marshall's eyes burning through me. He gave an angry sigh, and got up from the couch. I saw his footsteps move towards the back of the house, where a vacant room was that had yet to be furnished. This is why I don't keep secrets.

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