Chapter 56

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The silence was killer. No one could say anything. Everyone was looking foward to the baby. They were all so excited to see the baby, hold it, play with it, etc etc. Now it's gone.

I glanced over at Marshall. He was looking down at the floor. The kids all had different expressions. Hailie looked taken back. Alaina was doing the same thing as Marshall, just staring down at the floor. Jane couldn't fully understand what was going on, and it seems as Whitney knew what happened. She looked bummed out.

"We're going to the car. Let you guys have some alone time," insisted Alaina, breaking all the silence, as she stood up.

I was going to object, but my voice perished as soon as I was going go say it. One by one they walked out of the room, leaving me and Marshall alone.

He looked up at me, his eyes still glassy. It was something terrible to see, especially from him. He usually hides his feelings from the world, being sure no one knows how he is currently feeling. So seeing him being this open with whatever he was feeling, even if it was just glassy eyes, was different.

It was so different, my body shook in place. My eyes became teary like his, and I did everything in my weak power to hold back the tears.

Marshall stood up from his chair, and planted himself next to me. His arm went around my shoulder, and pulled me into tight hug.

"Are you okay?" he asked quietly, brushing away the strands of hair that fell in my eyes.

I looked up at him, swallowing hard. "Yea I'm fine," I laid my head on his shoulder, and listened quietly to his slow breathing.

"But what about you? Are you okay?" I said, not lifting my head from it's spot.

He gave a small shrugg. His face was still staring down, slightly angled away from me. I pulled my self closer to him, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I rubbed in circles near the small of his back, placing my head closer to his neck.

You didn't need to be Eintstein to know he was hiding some pain. I just don't get why he can't just cry, especially in front of me. I'm his future wife, and not once have I seen him actually cry. Him on the other hand, has seen me cry multiple times, on multiple occasions. I guess I can't blame Marshall. This is just the person he is.

Then suddenly, Richard flashed by my mind. I guess that's the only good thing. Now that this baby is gone, I don't need to hurt Marshall by telling him how this baby may not be his. I'm the bad guy, I always will be and there isn't a point in trying to change that. Everything will go back to normal, and anyway I'll forget all this ever happened by next week. Hopefully.

"Come on, we should go," he whispered.

I nodded my head. The doctor already took the needle out of my arm, and I was able to leave whenever I was ready. Marshall slid off the bed, holding my hands as I slid off behind him. He pulled me in closer, foreheads touching. His breath was slightly shaky.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked in a hushed voice.

He shook his head yes, but his face said otherwise. His eyes weren't as full of energy as they usually are during the day. The facial expression he had was gloomy, and I couldn't bear seeing the pain he was in.

"Let's go," I suggested, pulling my head away from his.

He nodded, and together we walked out of the hospital room. We kept our head's down, avoiding contact with anyone else, and rushing through the white halls. Of course people noticed, but as long as no one went up to us, I don't think it mattered.

We walked through the glass door, and I could see paparazzi at one of the front entrances. Marshall and I both know not to go out the front door. They were all staring intently, waiting for Marshall and me to walk out the doors, but we were already at the car.

I jumped in quietly, Marshall followed behind. Alaina, who was sitting in the drivers seat, looked back at me and Marshall. She had a sad and sympathetic look on her face, but I decided I was going to ignore it. I instead curled up closer to Marshall, who was staring out the window. He jumped for a minute, but relaxed and placed his arm around my shoulders. Alaina started the car, and we drove through the busy streets in silence.

It took us about twenty minutes to get home from the hospital. Alaina pulled into the driveway slowly, and shut off the car. I took a deep breath, and sat up. Marshall looked away from the window and opened the car door. Before any one else could follow, he got out of the car and walked quickly into the mansion.

"Is my dad alright?" asked Hailie, watching her father storm into the house.

"No, Hailie. He isn't," I replied, slipping out of the car myself.

I walked slowly to the front door, feeling bad for Marshall. He was hurting. I walked into the house. The girls took their times to get out of the car. As I was about to walk upstairs to make sure Marshall was okay, I heard my ringtone sounding from the living room where I left it earlier today. Quickly, I went over to it, and read the called ID. Richard.

Rolling my eyes, I answered his call.

"I'm kind of in the middle of something, could you call at a better time?" I said kind of sassy. Especially now, I was in no mood to talk to him.

"Calm down, I just wanted to be sure you're alright. I saw it on the news that you and Marshall were rushing into the hospital," he said, sounding some what worried.

I bit the inside of my cheek. I knew this was going to be somewhere on the news, but already? But then again, now is a better time than any to let Richard know the news.

"Look, Richard, I'm just gonna be honest. The baby is....," I tried to say, but I couldn't get the word's out of my mouth. It's like there was a hand holding onto that last word, and it wouldn't let it go.

"is what?"

I took a deep breath, and said,"It's dead,"

The line went silent. Not as silent as when we first heard the news, but silent.

"Did you ever find out who the father was?" he questioned, his voice now sounding serious.

"No, I wouldn't be able to find out until it was born anyway," I responded, looking at the floor.

"Daya," Richard started, but I wasn't gonna let him finish. I had no idea what he was going to say, and I don't really care.

"Richard, I need to go calm Marshall down. I'll talk to you later,"

I didn't even let him a chance to say goodbye before I hung the phone up and threw it to the side. I ran my fingers through my hair quickly, and then began rushing upstairs to make sure Marshall was alright. He might just be taking this the hardest.

Faster than light, I was infront of our bedroom door. I didn't know if he was in there or not. It was silent in there, but I might as well give it a shot.

I turned the doorknob slowly, and pushed the door open. Marshall was in there, just laying down on the bed. One leg was hanging off, and he was just staring up at the ceiling. His eyes shifted towards me for a second, but stared back up at the ceiling as soon as he did.

I plopped down on the bed next to him. Instead of saying something that is suppose to make him feel better, or saying something period, I just wrapped my arms around him, and tucked my head in the crook of his neck. He didn't move his head, but he did wrap his arm around me. It was light, but I could feel his arm. And then, we just laid there like that in silence.

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