Chapter 49

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*three days later*

Today, Marshall is being released from the hospital. He miraculously got well enough to go home only after a few days. It's like when he opened his eyes, everything started getting better.

Hailie, Alaina, and Whitney drove over here to visit their father the day before, and the happiness on their faces to see that their dad is alive was worth more than all the money in the world.

I was having Lelieda pick me and Marshall up. Since I didn't have my car, we needed a way to get home besides public transportation.

"Well Mr.Mathers, you're ready to go. Just try not to do too many activities for a few days, just to make sure the stitches have fully healed," informed the doctor.

Marshall nodded his head, listening to what the doctor said. I was lightly rubbing his back, placing my head on his shoulder. I'm so happy he's okay. I probably wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing he took that bullet for me. I just wanna forget these past few days, along side the day I shall not speak of.

The doctor moved to the side, giving me and Marshall a pathway to walk out of the room. We walked quickly to the reception area, avoiding everyone we could. We got to the desk, and I began signing Marshall out when some fan girls ran over to him with papers and their cellphones.

"Oh my god!! It's my idol!" "Are you okay?" "Can I have your autograph?" screamed the girls, causing others to look up from what they were doing.

I glared at the girls, who couldn't be older than 21. I know they're fans, but why did they have to make such a scene? Marshall looked at them with a small smirk, and gave them autographs while I finished signing him out. The girls rushed away with smiles on their faces, and I grabbed Marshall's hand. He tipped his hat down, and we began speed walking out of the hospital. I heard people whisper "Eminem" as we walked past, but I was used to hearing that.

Lelieda was waiting patiently for us outside. Marshall and I both climbed into the back of the car, and she began driving away from the nightmare we call a hospital.

"Hey, Marshall. How you feeling?" she asked.

"I'm a lot better, thanks for asking," he responded, staring out the window.

I leaned on him a little, resting my head on his shoulders and our hands still linked. I didn't want to hurt him, so I didn't put all my weight like I usually would.

"Marshall?" I whispered to him.

"Yea, babe?" he answered, looking back at me.

"You know Kim came by the first day you were in the hospital," I said. I never told him about her. She just slipped my mind. I just felt like he should know about this. It's just as much his buisness, after all.

He stared down at me, and swallowed hard. "Why?"

I shrugged. "Did you two argue?" he asked.

"Ya..she said this was all my fault. How it should've been me who got shot and not you," I spilled.

He shot a sharp breath from his mouth, shaking his head. "Don't listen to her," he let go of my hand and placed his arm around my shoulders,"I'd never let that happen to you,"

Lelieda pulled up infront of the gates of the house. She looked at us through the rear view mirror.

"Take care, you lovebirds" she giggled.

I rolled my eyes, but I had a smile on my face as Marshall and I got out of the car and walked through the gates and to the front door.

Have I mentioned how happy I was that Marshall was okay? Probably millions of time, but I'll say it again. No one as kind, caring, and lovable as Marshall deserved to have that happen to them.

I unlocked the door for Marshall, since he didn't have his keys. The door opened, and Marshall and I stepped into the house quietly. It was quiet, until I shut the door. Once the door slammed shut, I heard footsteps darting down the steps.

"Dad!!" I heard Hailie yell, as she hopped off the bottom step and ran to Marshall. She threw her arms around him tightly, and hugged him so hard I thought she was going to hurt him. He put his arms around her too.

"Hey baby, how are you?" he said to her.

"Daddy!" I heard Whitney rush from around the corner on hop on Marshall. His smile was all I needed to make my heart beat a mile per minute. Alaina ran in right behind her, and they all stood there in the tight embrace. I heard a few sniffles from the small group, and I could see Marshall tearing up as well. He wasn't crying, but his eyes were watery. That's what happens when you almost lose your daughters.

"Marshie!" Jane exclaimed from the top step as he ran down.

She ran right next to them, and Alaina kindly moved so there was a spot for Jane. This may be the sweetest thing I've ever seen

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