Chapter 5

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With an attitude in my walk and a step in his, we quietly walked out of the party and outside to his car. There were a few wasted girls standing outside smoking a cigarette. The moment they saw the both of us walk out, they gasped with displeasure. One of the girls, who had the blondest hair, gave me that sort of look you would give your worst enemy who just stole your best friend and your candy bar. Then, her ginger haired friend rolled her eyes very dramatically while scoffing very loud, almost as if she wanted me to hear her. And the last one, a brunette, got all sassy and talked bad about me like I wasn't in front of them.

"Hey, just ignore them. They always do this. Everywhere i go to hang out they're right there," whispered Marshall

I nodded with agreement as I walked over to his car. It was a black Chrysler 200, which in my opinion was pretty modest for a celebrity. I took one last glance at the drunk bitches, still smoking the same cigarette, and still doing the same things they were doing a minute ago.

Instead of just leaving it alone, I turned my whole body to face them, gave out a sympathetic sigh, and said,"I'm sorry that you guys aren't as lucky as I am. Maybe you'll get a chance, which will be the week after the day I die," and got into the car with complete pleasure on my face. I looked to my left to see Marshall cracking up. I had to join in, because I never knew I had it in me to say something like that to people I didn't know. It wasn't the most impressive comeback, but I'm new at it.

"Shall we go?" I finally managed to spit out, still quietly laughing.

He glanced at me for a second, with that smile I've seen him make thousands of times tonight, and started his car.

As we drove we didn't say much. I just sat and watched the world pass by outside the passenger side window. One day, I want to be able to look out the car window and see nice lawns instead of dead ones, big and scattered street lights not small almost ones that always flicker, and kind people not crackheads. I knew Marshall was thinking the same thing, because he had the same look I did and slightly shook his head as he looked out the window during red lights.

Before I knew it, Marshall pulled up to my house. "Is this is?"he asked in his very mellow voice.

You could see it in his eyes he was exhausted, and it felt nice to know he took more time out of his night to bring me home. He stepped out of the car and started coming around to open the door for me. Before he made it to my side, I quickly made sure I was presentable. You know, quick hair and make-up check,even though I don't have any make-up on. I looked as decent as I'll ever be, besides my little baby hairs but hey, no one's perfect. I quickly closed the little mirror I carry around in my purse as he opened the door for me, being such a gentleman.

"Why thank you," I said very mockingly elegant. He chuckled again and to this I again smiled. This whole night mainly consisted of him making me smile. He slowly walked me to my front door step. The porch light was off, so Diane has to still be there.

"Again, I can't thank you enough for the ride home," I thanked as we again stared into each other's eyes. The only light was the moon, and the porch lights of my neighbors. Although, it kind of made everything very romantic. I had mixed feelings, but something told me this wasn't the last time I would hear from him.

"Uh, don't mention it. Anything for you," he replied without ever taking his eyes off mine.

Confusion may have been the word I'm looking for, but before I knew it I knew my feelings. Marshall suddenly took two steps closer to me, lightly placed his hand on my arm, and kissed me. I was taken back at first, but I quickly got use to it and put my arms around his neck. The kiss was almost endless. Slowly, he backed away and a very gentle smile grew upon his face. I smiled as well, but this time it was softer then the ones I've been making all day. I suddenly felt overfilled with love for a reason I feel is obvious.

"So...I guess I'll call you sometime," he said, without breaking eye contact.

"I guess you will. Here," I grabbed a piece of paper and pen from my purse,(I carry almost everything in that purse), and wrote down my cellphone number. The entire time, Marshall stood looking at me with that same gentle smile that I'll fall asleep dreaming about. I then handed him the paper with my number on it.

"Thanks," he said with a playfulness in his voice,"Well I'll call you tomorrow or something if you're not busy,"

"Oh, I'm probably gonna be home all day. Call me anytime," I replied.

We again made some eye contact, but it didn't feel as awkward as it had before. It felt...peaceful. It gave me a sense of protection and I didn't know why. How do I know he'll protect me?

"Well, goodbye," he hesitantly spit out, as if he didn't want to say goodbye.

I gave a reluctant wave, cause nor I wanted him to go, but I couldn't go as far as asking him to spend the night. I would sound desperate. He walked off to his car, got in it and drove off. For a second, I could've sworn I saw him look back at me through his rear view mirror.

I turned around and unlocked my door. Slowly, I walked in and shut the door. As I did, I fell back against it and let out a long, satisfying breath. I felt like Cupid just shot me with 1,000 arrows right in my heart. Marshall technically wasn't my boyfriend, but somehow I was hoping that it would've gone further. Even though we just met today, it's like we've known each other forever. He spilled his story to me, and I spilled mine. For some reason I felt more comfortable talking to him than almost half of my family. We just, clicked. Now I had feelings I didn't know existed until I had met Sean, but they seemed stronger.

I seriously needed to sleep on this. As I went to bed, the most in love thought came to my head, 'What if Marshall were to sleep next to me tonight?' For some reason, to this I snickered and continued off to my maybe-soon-to-be-shared bed with someone who I just shared a kiss with.

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