Chapter 8

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I told Marshall everything. Told him every last detail, and unlike many others, he listened. He never laughed, never interrupted, and not once did he direct his attention to something other than me. I cracked a lot during the story, and I had to stop a few times to wipe away my tears or blow my nose. But all Marshall did was rub my shoulder and patiently wait until I was ready to continue.

"Wow, and this all happened this morning?" he questioned, not letting his voice raise to a very high decibel.

I nodded and made eye contact with him. For some reason, it made my eyes fill up with tears even more. I was tired of crying, but I must have been overwhelmed with the attention and sympathy Marshall was giving me. He was so sweet and I felt lucky enough to get to know the real him. I was surprisingly falling in love with a guy I met not even 24 hours ago. But something told me I would get hurt, either cause we just met yesterday or cause of his fame. But it's not like I'm slowly beginning to fall for Eminem. I was beginning to fall for Marshall Mathers, which is someone who has shown me more affection in a day and a half than anyone in my family has my whole life. I'm not complaining I do love my family, they just don't show affection as much as most families do.

As my eyes began to fill with tears again, Marshall scooted over closer to me. As soon as one tear began to fall, he immediately wiped it away.

"It's just she was family, you know? I loved her like a sister," I began

He nodded with an understanding look on his face.

"I just can't understand why she did this,"

"Well, Daya, sometimes the easiest things are the hardest to understand," he commented.

I stared at him, "So, is this my fault?" I quietly sobbed

"No! No, of course not. Look, I was just saying that sometimes something as simple as saying she might have been sad can have much more meaning to it. That's all I was trying to say," he said in a soothing voice.

I laid my head back and took a long breath. I let Marshall's words sink in and made sure they stuck to my brain. I wanted to remember this phrase for next time. Hopefully there won't be a next time.

I raised my head and quickly rubbed my eyes.

"I think I'm finally done crying," I joked

He gave a small smile and said, "That's good. I hate watching beautiful people crying,"

"Are you calling me beautiful?" I giggled

He looked me in the eyes, giving me the infamous smirk and replied "Yea, as a matter of fact I am,"

We stared at each other for a few seconds before he leaned in and began to kiss me. He was being very gentle as he placed his left hand on leg. I wrapped my arms around his neck like I had last night and continued to kiss him. I felt comforted and loved and didn't wanna end the kiss. I didn't want sex from him, and at first I thought this was where it was headed. But it wasn't. We just made out on my couch. Although there was some feeling up on my hip here and there, we enjoyed each other's company, just having our lips touching. Love overtook my body and like every other thing we've done, I didn't want it t end.

We made-out for almost ten or so minutes, which is a pretty long time in my opinion. There was some eye contact and giggles here and there. It was just relaxing. That's a weird thing to feel while making out, but oh well. Marshall stopped kissing me, but he stayed in the position he was in, which was me sitting long ways and lying my legs on his lap and him sitting slanted towards me so that it was easier and more comfortable to make out I'm guessing.

Marshall and I just sat there looking at each other. It was a quarter to six. He had hung out here for about three hours. It didn't seem like it but he had.

I was falling for him, and I think he was falling for me too. We know everything about each other. Everything from what hospital we were born at to our favorite foods to the origin of our children's names. That night we first met we spilled absolutely everything to each other. I know it sounds completely ridiculous to spill your life story to someone you just met, but we didn't talk about our personal lives until we were talking for like an hour. It still sounds crazy. It could've simply been the drinks making our mind state change. But the thing is, it's different with him. He listens to me and doesn't fight my opinions. Almost no guy that I've ever met has treated me like he has. Not even Sean. It's hard not to fall for someone who treats you the way you dreamed of being treated.

"Well, I think I need to start heading back home," he said.

I gave a small disappointed look, but then smiled and said,"Okay. Thank you so much for coming to see me,"

I walked him to the front door. As I opened the door to let him out, he turned to me and replied,"Anytime. Just call me if you need anything,"

I smirked. "But, I don't want to annoy you with all my bullshit,"

"You don't annoy me. I promise you," he gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "Talk to you later,"

I gave a slight wave as he stepped into his car. I walked back inside and as I closed the door, I let his offer of calling him when I needed something sink in as well. Felt nice to know someone like him.

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