Chapter 31

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Jane was sitting silently in the car. Even with the heat on full blast, and my thoughts that are so loud I feel Jane herself could hear them, the sound of her stomach growling couldn't be tuned out. My poor little girl is starving back there. I looked in the mirror to see her face, which was filled with discomfort. I wanted to past the speed limit so bad and get home quickly, but I couldn't. Not because it was illegal, but because the chances of me getting caught are increased since police were all out searching for my daughter and a black Mercedes Benz all night.

We finally pulled up to his house. Security automatically opens the gates for me, and I slowly pull in. I look back to find Jane's little smile grow as she laid her tiny eyes upon her home. I parked the car, and I noticed one of the curtains move on the window from the living room. Jane hopped out of the car frantically, but I pulled her closer to me. What Sean said has me paranoid that he's going to turn the next corner and hurt me. He wants Jane to himself, and now he's doing whatever he can to get his hands on her. Jane and I stepped to the front porch, and I pulled out my keys from my purse pocket. I unlocked the door slowly, not expecting anyone to be up. It was about 8 o'clock in the morning. When I walked in, Marshall was just stepping off the last step of the stair case. He planted his eyes on Jane, and then me. A smile growing.

"Marshie!!" she greeted, jumping in front of him.

He knelt down to her level and pulled her into a hug. I stared down at the two of them, with the biggest smile on my face while I placed my purse back where it belonged. He hugged her for a few more seconds before pulling away.

"Hi, Jane. You okay?" he whispered to her.

She nodded her head with a brave smile. That's my girl. Marshall stood up and then gave me my hug. He planted a teasing kiss on my neck, but hugged me insanely tight.

"Oh my gosh," I heard someone whisper behind me.

We both turned to find Alaina mid-way down the stairwell, look directly at Jane. Her face seemed so surprised, but relieved.

"Jane?" she rushed as she ran down the remaining stairs over to her.

"Hi, Laney" she waved.

She knelt down like Marshall did, smiled, and gave her the same hug. It seemed a little more playful than his, but it was cute. I smiled to myself as I laid my head on Marshall's shoulder, and he kissed my head.

The same thing happened throughout the morning. When one of the other girls woke up from their slumber, and stumbled upon Jane, their face went from shocked, to relieved, to happy. Each of them tightly hugged her as well. I'm glad they cared about her. They were super sweet, just like their dad, and maybe like their mom. Can't be too certain about her.

I was in the kitchen, fixing Jane some lunch. The words that Sean last said to me echoed in my mind. The thought of what he might do haunts me. He's currently in holding, awaiting his sentence. But who's to say he can't escape. He has a way with things, and if he wants something he'll do everything to get it. I felt my hands tremble a bit with these thoughts in mind. I wanted to talk to Marshall about this. At least I know he'll listen.

Speak of the devil, Marshal stepped into the kitchen. He strutted over to the fridge, and went to grab a water.

"Hey, Marshall? Can I talk to you about something?" I asked.

He stepped next to me and replied,"Of course. What's on your mind?"

I put down what I was doing and turned towards him. His full attention on me, just as I expected.

"Well, earlier today, when I went to get Jane, I saw Sean there getting arrested and stuff..." I began

He nodded his head, taking in every word I say.

"..and when he noticed me there he said something that is really affecting me," I continued. I had some distress on my face, just to further show how much it affected me.

"What did he say," he pried.

I took a long breath,"I don't remember word for word, but it was along the lines of 'She will be mine bitch', 'You and your rapper boyfriend will regret this', and 'Watch your back'"

He stared at me for a second before looking away, still comprehending what I said. Fuck I shouldn't of said anything. I'm sure now he's becoming scared for his own safety. Plus, why would someone want to date a person with someone seeking their revenge hot on their trail? Why do I even open my mouth. I looked down a bit, my breathing shuttering. I wasn't going to cry, but my were nerves shaking.

"Damn I shouldn't have said anything, I'm sorry," I went to walk out of the room, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. His grasp wasn't tight, and his pull wasn't forceful.

"No, I'm glad you told me," he said.

I looked at him, before he continued,"If something bothers you I want to know about it,"

My eyebrows raised, and I slightly tilted my head,"Your not mad?"

He shook his head. "Why would I be mad?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I thought you might get scared that something will happen, and you wouldn't want to take the risk," I admitted.

He shot out a quick and sharp breath from his nose. His hands planted themselves on my waist. "Baby, trust me. Nothing is going to happen to you, or the kids"

"What about you?" I laid my head on his chest, my hands on his arms.

"Nothing will happen to me either. We're all going to be fine. I'll do everything I can to keep everyone safe," he started.

He lifted my face and kissed my lips, before continuing,"I promise."

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