Chapter 4

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I told Anne all about what had just happened, and she was astounded.

"Holy shit! Do you know what this means!?" she almost screamed

"That I just either annoyed or scared a famous rapper," I suggested taking another sip of beer.

"No, silly! It means you're probably gonna end up sleeping with Eminem tonight!"

I took the beer bottle out of my mouth quickly as I almost choked on the beer i had just taken a sip of. "You're crazy! First off, I'm not into the whole "one night stand" shit and second, he doesn't like me anyway,"

"Oh yea, well you better look behind you," Anne said while smirking and gesturing for me to turn around.

I turned my head around the see him looking at me. The moment we met eyes, he smirked and nodded. Like our last encounter I smiled, and nodded back. His smirk turned into a full smile as he once again turned his attention back to whoever he was hanging out with.

"Yea he's totally not into you," Anne claimed sarcastically as she took another sip of her drink.

The first half of the night mainly consisted of me making friends, drinking, and dancing. A few toasts for Isaiah's buddy were made, wishing him the best of luck. Also throughout the endless night, me and Marshall were constantly making eye contact. It was the same thing every ten minutes. Stare at each other, smile, and look away, but the more it happened the bigger my smile seemed to grow.

We were having another toast for Isaiah's buddy, who I have yet to meet. As I went to go get another beer for the toast, I noticed that Marshall was also standing at the bar, waiting for a drink. As I walked up next to him, he once again did that charming smirk and looked at me. I did the same smile I've been doing all night back to him. This time, instead of just walking away and smiling, he chuckled and said, "All night and you still didn't bother to come talk to me?"

To this, my cheeks fired up, but I responded, "Sorry, guess I didn't think you wanted to talk,"

He suddenly looked confused to my statement and said,"I've been staring at you all night. I thought you would get the hint by now,"

"Oh uh....I'm sorry I...," I couldn't finish my sentence. I felt like a complete idiot. I was making a fool of myself in front of a guy who maybe-might find me attractive.

Marshall gave a small laugh and replied, "I'm guessing you're nervous?"

"Yea sort of. I guess I haven't really had much people check me out," I stammered.

"That's surprising," he replied, with a small wink. Or maybe it was an eye twitch.

I looked around me and found a few people looking at us. I felt pretty awkward, but I didn't want to stop talking to him.

"Hey, wanna talk in the other room? It's pretty loud in here and I would like to talk to you in private," He then gestured towards a room that looked vacant. It took me by surprise, but I gladly accepted the offer.

"Oh sure, I'll just grab my purse and meet you there," I said.

He smiled and walked over to the room. The butterflies that were building up in my stomach were finally set free and I felt relived I could talk to him in private. As I walked back to where I had left my purse, I still felt tons of eyes staring at me. I also heard a few scoff at me when I walked past. Once I had grabbed my purse, I turned to find Anne staring right at me, smiling and giving me a wink, almost as if to say 'Go get 'em tiger'. I rolled my eyes and continued towards the room Marshall had gestured for me to go. I walked quick and tried to ignore the few catcalls and names being done in the background.

I slowly walked in to the room, which was bigger than my bedroom, to find Marshall sitting on a white, leather couch, texting someone. When I closed the door, he quickly looked up and put his phone away. He had motioned for me to sit down with his eyes in a seat across from him. I quietly went to sit down. The room was pretty and very serene. The walls were red and had a few paintings on them. The couches seemed very expensive and were very comfortable. I got myself situated on this couch, and as I did, I looked up at Marshall and said,"I'm Dayanara, by the way. But you could call me Daya,"

"Wow, not a name you here every day. Where you from?"

"I'm from Costa Rica, and also Dominican decent," I replied, placing my purse down next to me.

He suddenly looked very interested. He then began to ask me more questions, to which I truthfully answered. I then began to ask him question and he started answering, to my hopes just as truthful. Marshall and I talked about our lives for a couple hours. We just entertained each other by talking and talking, no intimacy. No booty-calls, no oral, no strip tease, no nothing. Not even making out. We just got to know each other and before i knew it, it seemed like we had known each other for years.

I began to get tired, and you could see that he was too. It was almost 4:30 in the morning. The party was still going on, although I'm sure plenty of people have gone home.

"So, you have a ride home?" Marshall said as he began to stand up and stretch.

"Well, I did but I doubt she's still here. It was that girl I came in here with,"

"Oh, you mean the one who pointed out that I was staring at you the first couple times,"

I laughed and replied,"Why yes that would be her,"

"Well i owe her one cause if it wasn't for her I don't think you could've ever noticed I was checking you out," he commented with a wink

I laughed and covered up my face, kind of embarrassed, as silence fell upon the room. There was so much talking I feel like we should've enjoyed the silence. I was suddenly getting this feeling of giddiness in me for some reason. Maybe I was becoming attracted to Marshall. It sounds ridiculous being we just met today, but I knew so much about him in such little time. I found his real side and it was a nice side to know, instead of the violent persona he portrayed in his music. I could hear a cricket outside and it was the only sound being made for almost a minute. We again locked eyes and it somehow killed the silence. Then, the feeling that time was slowing down drastically returned, and I think I enjoyed it this time. Marshall suddenly took a step closer, but then hesitated and looked away.

"Well I could drive you home if you want," he offered, still grinning.

I, for the millionth time since i first saw him, smiled and said very upbeat and happy "I would like that a lot

He nodded as he grabbed his sweatshirt and keys. "Right this way," he said as he motioned towards the door

I walked with all my stuff in my hands with a sudden flare and attitude. And I think he liked it.

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