Chapter 30

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I stayed upstairs for the rest of the day. I wasn't in much of a mood to talk to anyone, or do anything. My mind was just focused on Jane. I was so scared for her safety, why didn't I take action? I should've just stayed here, and maybe the chances of Jane being stolen would've lessened.

The door creaked open. Marshall quietly stepped in. He made his way next to me in bed. I was curled in the comforter, my attention shifting from the window he had in his room, to the t.v.

"Hey, babe, I just finished cooking dinner. Why don't you come down and eat?" he whispered to me. His hand was running up and around my back, comforting me.

"I'm not hungry," I muttered almost to myself.

"Come on, Daya. You haven't eaten anything since this morning," he sounded concerned.

"I don't want anything, babe. Maybe I'll eat later,"

He let out a sigh. I could see in his eyes he was worried. Maybe I was hungry, but I was in one of those moods where you don't feel much. Like, you may be dehydrated or really hungry but if you're in this mood, none of that really fazes you. You just lay there, almost numb. Just you and your thoughts. Marshall leaned in and pecked my cheek before shuffling out of the room and closing the door behind him.

I shifted my eyes back to the window. Marshall popped back into my mind. I should stop being such a bitch to him. All afternoon he's been doing all he can to get me to eat or drink something, but I kept pushing him away. I never realized until now how much he was trying to help me today, but instead of being thankful for it I just blew him off. I have to get my act together. My mind suddenly shifted to a completely unrelated topic; work. I haven't gone to work since Jane got hurt. I told them I was taking a small vacation because of her accident, but I don't think this was a small vacation. My life has been being thrown obstacles and I forgot all about that. Do they still send my paycheck? Other thoughts lingered into my mind, good and bad, before my eyes closed and I knocked out.

I don't know how long I was out, but I awoke to Marshall taking off his t-shirt, and switching into another one. I laughed to myself quietly. He pivoted around to my direction and locked eyes with me. He smirked a bit, and I smirked in return. Marshall walked over to his side of the bed, and laid down next to me. I curled up closer to him, still groggy from my sleep. His hand began rubbing my arm, and I could hear his steady breath above my head.

"I'm sorry," I said to him.

"For what?"

"For being so bitchy to you all day. I just want you to know that I'm thankful for what you've been doing ," I poured to him.

He shook his head slowly,"Don't be sorry. I just want to be sure you're okay," he replied.

He moved away some lose strands of hair from my face, that must have fell out of the hair tie. I felt my lips curl up a bit before he planted a kiss on them. His soft lips on mine, my body seemed to regain strength. Like I could stand up without my knees buckling under the imaginary boulder on my shoulder. I placed my hand on his cheek, lightly kissing him back.He pulled away from the kiss slowly, before laying back down. Still curled up close to him, I closed my eyes again. I just wanted this day end.

In what felt like five seconds later, my eyelids flipped open, to the sound of my cellphone going off. I rubbed my eyes and after about four rings, I finally mustered the strength to answer the phone.

"Hello?" I said quietly, hoping Marshall didn't wake up, although I'm sure he did.

"Hello, Dayanara?" answered the person on the other line

"Yes, that'd be me,"

I saw Marshall turn over towards me, eyes almost open. I couldn't tell if he was actually looking at me.

"Well, we have some amazing news. We've found your daughter with a man, who matches the description you gave us,"

My heart skipped a beat and I released a breath I didn't know I was even holding."Really? Oh she okay?" I was tripping over my own words. Marshall sort of sat up and watched me as my face lit up.

"She is perfectly fine, just hungry. We're all at the scene, so you should come get her,"

I made a tight fist, and put it to my heart. The relief that was building up inside was almost hurting, but it was a good pain.

"Thank you so much," I hung up and basically jumped out of bed. Marshall had a smile grow on his face too as he watched my take off my t shirt and throw on a black long sleeve shirt, probably his.

"They found Jane!" I said. My voice was suddenly so happy and alive.

Even in the early morning light, I could see his soft smile grow."That's amazing!" he enthused

I got on my sweatpants, him stepping out of bed and pulling me into a hug.

"I told you she'd be okay," he whispered in my ear.

I nodded, and pulled away from the hug. "I have to go get her now," I slipped on my flip flops again, being the closest shoes I could find, and ran downstairs. My purse sat exactly where I had left it last, on a counter right near the doorway. Marshall walked me downstairs and opened the door for me.

"Stay safe, alright?" we kissed quickly as cold air blew into the warm house.

"I promise," I said.

He had a grin on his face as he watched me walk over to my car, surprisingly still in the enormous driveway, and get in. It was freezing in the car. Guess that's what happens when you leave it out in the cold for too long. I put the heat on full blast, and the car slowly began to get warm. I pulled out of the driveway, and drove off to the scene.

You won't believe where Sean took Jane. He took her to my old house. When I called the officers, and asked for the locations and they told me the address, I instantly recognized it as my old address. I wonder why he brought her there. He's never lived there, and he never knew I lived there. So how'd he find his way to my old house?

I turned the corner of the dingy block, which I barely miss, and found several police cars lined up in front of the old house. I slowly parked my car near them, being sure I did my absolute best at parking, being there were cops about three yards away from me. I didn't shut off the car because I didn't want it to lose all the warm air. Pulling the sleeves of my jacket and of Marshall's shirt over my fists, I walked quickly to the scene, where I immediately recognized a litter girl's face. Her bright eyes, and her button nose. Her straight hair that's always in a ponytail (straight hair from her dad), and her glowing skin. My little girl.

"Mommy!!" she screamed to me.

I jogged closer until I was close enough for them to let her run loose. Just like the day I took her home from the hospital, she ran directly into my arms and I squeezed the living shit out of her. My eyes were watering up, and I'm glad they were of joy.

"I missed you baby," I whispered to her.

As I reluctantly released from the hug, I looked up to see Sean, as I never had before. He was flailing his arms in every direction, trying to break free from the polices' grasps. We locked eyes, and he immediately became angrier.


Jane buried her face in my side, and I felt her cry. He was shoved into the cop car forcefully. I clenched and unclenched my fist. At first, I thought that if I watch my back I'll be safe. Then I thought if I stayed near Marshall, he'll protect me. Now I'm petrified that there's nothing that can protect me anymore.

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