Chapter 27

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Marshall, Hailie, and I walked in silence to the car. Marshall had his arm around Hailie, but his fingers were still linked in mine, until we got to the car. We piled in, Hailie laying down in the backseat and resting her head on the bag she brought with her to practice. Marshall immediately switched the heat on high. Almost instantly, the car became warm and cozy. He pulled out of the parking lot, and we rode home.

Like usual, the car ride was silent. It's beginning to feel like every time we get into a car together, it's because something bad happened or is GOING to happen. The reunion, getting the kids from Kim's, and now Hailie gettin hurt? It doesn't seem right.

We pulled into the enormous driveway. It was midday, and the sun was high in the sky. Stepping out of the car, I completely forgot how cold it was outside. As Marshall helped Hailie out of the car, I took a look around. The outside seemed different from when we left. There were some plants knocked over and dirt kicked up from the ground.

"Marshall? Was the lawn like this when we left?" I asked. I suddenly remembered the figure I saw before I left. What if it WAS a person.

"Daya," he sighed,"For the second time, its probably an animal. Probably has rabies and had a rampage on my yard, which isn't my biggest concern right now,"

I nodded a bit. He was right, it was just a sick animal. There was such high security, no way someone could get in. I stepped over to the door and unlocked it for the two of them, but walked into an unpleasant surprise

Everything was out of place. Their were blankets and pillows scattered, broken glass, there were decorations all over the floor. Marshall's pictures of his daughters were scattered on the floor, the framed cracked in the middle.

"What the fuck?" Marshall exclaimed.

Who did this? Marshall and I exchanged looks.

"The kids!" I gasped in a rush.

Marshall instantly began sprinting upstairs, calling for Whitney and Alaina. I began searching around, looking for Jane.

"Jane!! Jane?" I was searching. I ran upstairs to her room. My heart was racing, and I was in full mother mode. Once I was upstairs, I stormed into Jane's room to find an eerie scene.

Her sheets were all tattered on the floor. Her lamp was shattered into pieces, and her toys were thrown in random places. While wondering why her room was like this, I neglected to notice Jane was gone.

"Daya!" screamed Marshall from across the hall.

"Ye....yea?" I hollered back.

He turned into the messed up bedroom, huffing,"The kids aren't in their rooms, and I have no idea where they are,"

I shook,"Jane's missing too,"

"Dad!" screamed Hailie.

Marshall scurried quickly downstairs. , me right on his trail.

"What happened, baby?" he replied.

"Look!" she pointed at a piece of paper, laying in the damages of the house.

Marshall stepped over and picked up the note.

"You'll Never See Her Again"

A wave a chills were sent down my spine. Someone broke into the house, and stole the kids. Leaving a note, saying that. I shuttered in place, Marshal just staring intently at the note, with fear and guilt in his eyes. We suddenly hear a creek from around the corner of the room. Our guards were up, and we stared at the doorway, expecting something to pop out.

"Daya, Hailie? Stay right here," he whispered.

Hailie and I quietly backed up a little, as Marshall tip-toed slowly to the doorway, where the noise emerged from. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I knew my hands were shaking, and Hailie took the one closest to her and squeezed it, fear filling her eyes. Marshall turned the corner and looked. To my surprise, he let out a long breath. I thought that he would turned around and tell us that we needed to go. But instead, his eyes widened, arms opened, and a small person ran straight into them. It was Whitney.

"Daddy," she sobbed in his arm.

He kneels down to her height and hugged her tightly. Around came Alaina, who looked shaken and her eyes were puffy. Hailie ran over to her to hug her sister, hearing the both of them cry in each other's arms. I was so relieved to know that Marshall's daughters were okay. But it lead me to wonder where my daughter was.

"Wh-wh-where's Jane?" I asked, eyes locked on the floor.

Alaina pulled away from Hailie hug. Marshall and Whitney looked up at me. She had a look of sorrow, almost sympathetic.

"Well!?" I bellowed louder. I knew my eyes were getting wetter, but I didn't care. I wanted a fucking answer.

"He took her," said Alaina, barely looking up at me.

Oh. My. God.

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