Chapter 36

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Like usual, I waited until last minute to get ready, so I barely had time to do anything. I took a fast shower, but didn't have time to wash my hair. I just tied it back in a semi-nice looking bun. I did a simple make up look, not packing to much on. I rarely use it, mostly because I don't have the time to do my make up the right way, so I just forget it all together. But tonight, I wanted to change it up a little. It was a special occasion, anyway.

I narrowed my options down to this simple short, black holter dress as one outfit and the other being my ripped blue jeans and a V-Neck, flowy tang top. Over looking my options, I got a text from Mary-Anne, telling me she's almost there. From there, I knew I had to hurry up. I decided on the dress, because it was simple and easier to slip on. I unwrapped the robe I had temporarily thrown on and quickly hopped into my dress. My heels were by the door, waiting for me to slip in them and run out the door.

Mentally, I had a checklist that I go over before I leave. Phone, purse, money, wallet, keys, my fucking head. I swear, if our heads were detachable, I would forget it easily. Once I had everything set, I had to run around the house making sure everything was off. It may seem awesome to live in a house this huge, and it is until you have to do things like clean it or make sure all the lights are off. It especially sucks when you've missplaced something.

Shoes on, I open and shut the door. The air has only gotten colder. The Detroit weather is something that I've never gotten use to. It was bitter, teeth chattering winds that take you by surprise. I locked the door, and rushed down the trail to the driveway, where my car stood. As always, it was cold when I stepped in, so I blast the heat. I sat there with my head back, legs rubbing together, taking in the warm air filling the car. It was about 5, and it already looked like 11. I pulled out of the driveway, and drove off the the nice club that everyone around here goes to.

Traffic, as usual, was light getting over there. It only took about ten-to-fifteen minutes to get to the big club. You could see it from a mile away, and could hear it from half a mile. It has ginormous lights being sent to the night sky, and music blazing through the Detroit air. I parked my car close to the entrance. I sighed, and turned the car off. I should tell Marshall I'm here, just so he knows. I pulled out my cellphone, and texted him.
"Hey baby! Sorry about this morning, but I went out with the girls. Be home in a few hours. Love you!" I pressed send, and shut my phone off while grabbing my purse.

I stepped out of the car, and the moment I did, I heard a voice scream my name.

"Daya!" screamed another close friend of mine, Claire.

I waved, a smile creeping up on my face. I rushed over to them, pulling my purse closer to me. I surely didn't want to get mugged tonight. We all hugged eachother and quickly caught up. Mary-Anne got the tightest hug. I missed her more than I thought I did. We did the usual "You've lost weight!" "How's the baby!" "No way!" conversations that most people have after they reunite with friends.

"Let's go in!" suggested another friend, Alice.

With sass in our walk, we walked inside the club. We knew people were watching us walk in, but it's just one of those things where you don't give a fuck.

The five of us gathered by the bar. Recieving drinks from thirsty guys and ordering our own. We all caught up with each other about our lives, and I had managed to dodge to conversation on Marshall.

"So, Daya. Anne says you're getting laid by a rapper?" said Ella, another friend. Of course Anne opened her mouth.

Their attentions were suddenly drawn to me. I blushed up, taking another sip of my drink.

"Come on, Daya! Tell us, what's it like having sex with Eminem?" Claire almost yelled.

I put my finger to my lips, signaling for her to shut up before people notice. She shut her mouth, but kept her attention to me.

"It's not all about the sex," I said, half to them and half to myself.

They all stared me down, waiting for my next phrase.

"I mean, he's really sweet and loving. He's different from other guys," I continued.

From confusion to awe, their faces got all soft.

"That's beautiful," said Anne, pretending to wipe away a tear from her eyes.

I signaled for her to cut it out, and we laughed for a minutes before a bar tender handed me another drink

"What's this?" I asked.

"A Shirley Temple. The guy over there requested me to give this to you," he said. He pointed over to a guy sitting on the opposite side of the bar. He had a smile on his face, and a stud on his left ear.

I raised an eyebrow and turned back to my friends.

"You aren't going to drink that, right?" said Alice.

I pushed the drink towards her. She gave a happy clap before taking a long sip of the drink. She's such an alcoholic sometimes.

We spent another hour bullshiting to each other about random topics. Marshall still hadn't responded to my texts. He usually always responds. Maybe he read it, but knocked out before being able to respond to me. I went to check my phone one last time for a response, but it died the moment I turned i went to check it. I decided that I was going to put it back in my purse, which was in some really big closet space. That's where everyone put their jackets and belongings.

"Be right back, guys. Going to my purse," I said, stepping off the barstool.

The others didn't really notice what I said. They were too busy obsessing over some guy that bought us drinks.

I walked slowly over to the room. I felt the guy with the stud's eyes following me. He's been looking at me all night. I didn't look back often because I didn't find him attractive, but mostly because of the obvious reason that I have a boyfriend who I'm loyal to. But I guess he isn't.

I finally reached the room, and when I opened the door I heard a female's voice. I didn't think much of it, until I noticed the guy. A tall guy, brown hair. Lean posture. Oh no. A chain around his wrist. A girl with blond hair was hanging onto him, kissing him. Kissing that guy. My boyfriend. Marshall.

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