Chapter 6

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I opened my eyes. The room was dark with the blinds closed. It was about 8:30 in the morning, and only about four hours ago I made myself a memory I won't soon forget. Yes, that was the first thing that came to mind when I woke up. Jane was standing at the entrance of my bedroom.

"Mommy?" whispered Jane, holding her little teddy bear her asshole of a father had given her on her first birthday.

"Yes..ahem...yes sweetheart?" I responded very hazily. I had only gotten about three hours of sleep and I was very out of it. I'm pretty sure I was also a little hung over.

"I'm hungry," she began

I slowly started to sit up in bed, rubbing my eyes while letting out a really big yawn.

"I haven't eaten since lunch," Jane continued on.

I suddenly jerked my head in her direction. very concerned.

"Lunch? Didn't Diane make you dinner?!" I almost exclaimed.

Jane stood staring at the floor and without an answer, fled the room as fast as her six year old legs could take her. I hurriedly scrambled out of bed and ran to find her. I was able to hear her tiny footsteps creeping in the living room. In the blink of an eye, she appeared in plain sight. I fast walked over to where my starving daughter was standing, still holding that teddy bear.

"Why didn't you eat dinner?" I asked impatiently.

"Diane didn't make me anything," she began to cry. She rubbed her eyes on her pajama sleeve and her nose on her hand. Hey, like I said she's six.

"Why didn't Diane make you anything?" I was starting to raise my voice.

"She made me pinky promise not to tell anyone. I can't break a promise," she replied, with tears still filling in her eyes. I think I had a tear in my right eye, but I refused to let it fall.

"Jane, you can tell me anything. I'm your Mommy. You can trust me," I said, hearing a crack in my voice.

"But I promised!"she whimpered.

I suddenly heard sirens outside. They were blaring so loud, I couldn't hear the knock on the door. Once I did, my face flushed to a very pale color as I walked to open the door. My hands were trembling while I placed my hands on the doorknob, wondering what the police wanted. I opened the door, and peeked outside to see three police cars and an ambulance.

"Excuse me, Miss. Do you own this household?" spoke a structured, tall man, probably in his mid 30's.

"," I stuttered.

"I'm going to need to know where your bathroom is located,"

I quietly open the door very widely and lead the officer to the bathroom. Jane was hiding in the cushions of the couch, but I could see her peeking up here and there. As I reached the bathroom door knob, I realized something that caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand. The door was locked shut.

"It''s locked," I choked, still holding the door knob.

The officer let out a very worry-some sigh as he darted out the house. I was still shaking in place. At first, I was confused as to why they needed my bathroom, but did it because he was a cop. Now, I'm wondering why my bathroom door was locked in the first place. Jane walked over to where I was. She just stood there with a blank expression.

"Jane," I stuttered quietly to my daughter,"what happened last night,"

"It's a secret, Mommy," she replied, still looking teary eyed.

Suddenly, the officer from before rushed back in, followed by four others.

"Step aside, Miss. We're gonna need to break down your bathroom door. There is a serious issue that must be addressed, but we first must enter your bathroom," demanded one of the officers.

I tried to protest, but the words wouldn't come out, so I stood there for a few seconds with my mouth wide open before the officer pushed me aside. A masculine officer and the one from before took three steps back, and flung themselves at the door, causing it to become loose enough that they could get the door open. Great, now I need a new door. Three of the five officers stepped into my bathroom while the other two stood in front of the doorway, blocking my view.

The feeling of sickness overruled my body as one of the officers stepped aside to show me what was lying in my bathroom. There, in front of my toilet were bags of pills. The stench of throw-up filled the air as I noticed a dead body lying next to the bathtub, surrounded by beer cans, and a used knife.

"Do you know this woman?" questioned one of the officers sternly

"Yep," I whispered, with tears filling in my eyes,"That's my child's babysitter,"

I heard Jane's tears coming from behind the officers. I quietly stepped over to her.

"Jane, what did Diane tell you?" I asked sternly.

She wiped her eyes and said,"Diane t-t-told me t-t-that she was sad, and one day someone or something is g-gonna make you w-wish you were n-n-n-never born like they did to h-her," she paused for a second, sobbing into her sleeve,"The l-last thing she s-s-said was s-she's gonna be in the bathroom. I didn't know what it meant until I looked into t-the bathroom last night. But s-she made m-me promise to n-not tell anyone she was in there, and locked the door"

I back away slowly. My daughter has witnessed death of a loved one, and now knows some day she'll have to go through her own death. Thanks Diane, wherever you are.

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