Chapter 3

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There was a knock at the door. I clicked my heels all the way to the mahogany door to let Diane in. I had asked her to come ten minutes before six, just to be sure that she would get here before I had to go.

"Hi Diane! Thank you so much for coming," I greeted as I invited her into the house.

"It's not a problem, Dayanara. I have fun hanging out with Jane," she said.

Jane then came running into the room.

"Hiii Diane! Are you here to play mermaids with me?" Jane questioned in a squeaky voice.

I laughed as a honk blared from outside. It was obviously Mary-Anne.

"Alright babe, well I got to go. I'll see you later okay?" I said to Jane very hushed and mellow.

"Okay," and she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and ran off to play.

I had decided on wearing a pair of skinny jeans that REALLY made my ass look great and a very loose and flowy tang-top with a small chain around my neck. I also went with leaving my hair loose and no make-up. I barely own any so I didn't see a point in trying. I grabbed my purse and headed outside for the impatient Mary-Anne.

"Come on! Hurry up! I want to make it there before the sluts take all the innocent guys!" pleaded Anne as i stepped into her car.

"Oh, please! No guy in Detroit is innocent!" I joked.

We laughed and drove off to this big party, that everybody who was somebody was going to.

After about twenty minutes of driving, we had made it to Kid Rock's lounge where the party was being held.

"You think this is it?" I questioned to Anne.

"Well there are a bunch of lights and people here. And the lawn literally says 'Kid Rock'. I think we're in the right place,"

She gave me a quick nudge and shut off her car. "Meet you in there," she said.

As she took off, I stayed in the car for a second, feeling like I had made a mistake. But I didn't want to be home. Being home is boring and I feel like i deserve a night out. I took out my phone and got out of the car.

As I walked to the party, a tall guy had caught my eye. He was standing with a group of people. I hadn't realized who he was until he looked up and locked eyes with me. It felt like we stared at each other for a lifetime and three days, but it was only a few seconds before he directed his attention towards his friend, who looked pretty drunk. His name was Marshall, but I know that everyone knows him as Eminem. I began walking a little faster towards the entrance to try and get a better look. Once i was almost directly next to him and his friends (who were right next to the entrance) he looked up at me one more time, but this time he had a little smile. I hadn't realized I was smiling too until I had ran into Anne at the mini bar.

"Why do you look so happy? Did you meet someone!?"

The smile quickly faded from my face and instead filled with embarrassment

"Oh my god, you did meet someone didn't you!?" shrieked Anne as she started dancing around. I attempted at trying to shut her up, but nothing I did worked. Suddenly I feel a someone slightly push up against my shoulders. It was him. The guy that I had just made eye contact with. He immediately turned right around, smirked and said in a very charmed and rich voice, "Oops, sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you,"he said

I couldn't help but smile back as he walked off into a direction I really didn't know.

"Was that...," began Anne, but she couldn't seem to get the words out of her mouth.

"Yep," I said as I walked towards the bar to order a drink. This was gonna be a long night.

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