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Eri and Kota were getting ready for their sleepover like they usually do on the weekends. "Oh! Oh! Maybe we could make pillow forts and play truth or dare!!!" Eri says, so full of energy and happiness. "Heh sure" Kota chuckled, he was so used to eri's high energy levels and he thought it was adorable. "Oh! Maybe we can-" eri starts before Kota got a text. He was originally gonna ignore it so he could actually spend time with eri when he saw it was from Lauren. He felt his heart flutter, "hold that thought" Kota smiles as he happily texts Lauren back. For the first time ever since they met Kota was putting someone else above eri.

Eri nods and waits patiently for him to be finished. She sat there kicking her feet as she hums a little song to herself. "Alright, what were you saying?" Kota asks, "Oh! I was just wondering if we could even add some-" "stuffed animals? Eri you already know we add them to every pillow fort" Kota chuckled. He knew just how childish eri was, while it annoyed most people he actively did his best to make sure she never did lose that innocence. "Oh heya Kota! Lauren wanted me to give ya this" one of Lauren's friends hands Kota an invitation to a party she was throwing. "Oh sorry, the party is for us older kids not little baby's like you" the friend says looking at eri. Kota was in the middle of reading the invitation when she said that, "shut the fuck up. She's way more mature than you if you think insults aren't childish." Kota hisses, as he continues to read.

"Kota-" eri starts, "no. Eri you can't keep defending people who are mean to you, someday you need to stand up for yourself okay?" Kota says looking at eri. "Especially when I'm not right next to you when it let them get away with it....I know you're kind and all but please eri don't let them keep walking on you like they are...." Kota pleads looking at eri. "But, deep down they're probably just dealing with a lot of things at home and take it out on me.... besides, everyone's a good person in their own way and it's not nice to be rude to nice people" eri says smiling as the two continued to walk to Kota's house. Kota sighs, he knew eri wouldn't listen to him she was much too innocent and kind. Yet, it's not like anyone was complaining... she's been through a lot in her past and she deserves to keep the innocence she was left with.

"Okay dork" Kota says ruffling eri's hair as they walked. That night Kota was mostly texting Lauren instead of hanging out with eri. "Kota look I-" eri starts proud of herself because she made a whole pillow fort without him since he was talking to Lauren the whole time. "Yea yea that's great" he says brushing off eri. Eri looks down a little hurt but instantly hides her emotions in fear she might accidentally hurt Kota. Eri grabs one of her favorite stuffed animals that Kota had and walks to the kitchen to grab a drink. When she came back she saw Kota went to his room to talk to Lauren on call. Eri was confused and goes to try and hang out with him. "Get out" Kota whisper yells at eri, "but-" "I said get out of my room! God you're so clingy" Kota says slamming his bedroom door in eri's face.

Eri bites her lip, fighting back tears. She then goes back to the pillow fort. She waits hours for Kota to come out and hang out with her like they originally planned. "Eri? Kota said you went home..." Mandalay says confused, "he did?" "Yea he's asleep in his room....I'm sorry if I knew you were still here I would've made him-" Mandalay starts, "no no it's okay can you drive me home?" Eri asks. She got the hint from Kota and didn't wanna overstay her welcome, "of course....I'm so sorry about this next time I promise he'll spend time with you..." Mandalay sighs and helps eri clean up before taking her home.

That Monday at school, Kota was spending more time with Lauren and her friends. Eri did try and hang out with all of them too, Kota didn't seemed to really mind until he saw how upset Lauren was getting. "Eri can you just leave us alone?" Kota asks eri was shocked but nods. She then leaves, originally Lauren didn't like eri because of how energetic and childish she was. Then one day she saw the hero commission talking to eri, "why the hero commission talking to her?" Lauren asks Kota. "Hm? Oh I don't know, I can ask her later if ya want" Kota offers and Lauren nods, "yes please" she smiles. She knew Kota would do anything for her and she loved using that fact and using him.

Later, eri was getting ready to go home. "Yo dork" Kota calls out and eri looks up at Kota. "Hello Kota-kun" eri smiles, Kota kneels and helps eri tie her shoes before helping her up. "Ready to go home?" He asks and eri nods, the two then started to walk home. At first Kota listened as eri told him all about her day and then Kota spoke up. "Oh yea, speaking of the commission what did they want?" "Oh that? They were talking to me about UA! They said that I was accepted and they wanted to start training me early because they think I have a bunch of potential!" Eri exclaimed happily. "I agreed so now I can protect people from the bad guys!" Eri says proudly, Kota seemed a little nervous and worried. "eri listen...I'm glad you're excited about all this but we're still so young....I think you should wait to we officially start UA before doing anything...." Kota says completely worried about eri's well being.

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